Wednesday 4 January 2023

The Big Day

 The big day has arrived - tomorrow is the day when I have my sitting room and hall carpets cleaned.   I have not been looking forward to it because of the 'getting ready' process now that I live alone and am so handicappd.  But today has gone surprisingly well in that I have got all surfaces like shelving cleared and the 'stuff' put out of the way so that the cleaners have a straight run through.   Of course I could not have done it without my trolley with brakes but I am now all ready for their arrival at 11.30 tomorrow morning.   I know it is a daft time of year to have it done but anyone who knows anything about 'Grand Mal' epilepsy  will understand why I consider it to be necessary now

How bare and impersonal it all looks without my bits and bobs around the place - all the little reminders of places we have been and pleasures we have enjoyed.   But hopefully by tomorrow evening or Friday evening at the latest all will be well.

Miserable weather here - not cold but wet and windy and I understand the river is over and that is a nuisance.  See you tomorrow.


  1. That sounds like a tiring process. Will you have someone to help you put it all back again afterwards?

  2. My brother is grand mal epileptic, has been for 50 years. He has never had a carpet cleaned but then perhaps his wife did it without telling anyone. He has been on phenabarbitones for 50 years. Nobody ever talked about it in those daya.

  3. Good luck with the carpet cleaning. That is something I shall have to think about before long. I don't know where everything will go as my flat is small, but no doubt it will get done somehow.
    Very windy at times down here but milder and not quite so wet. I hope all the rain further north will not cause too much disruption for everyone.

  4. Bits and bobs reminds me of mum. Hope everything goes well tomorrow.

  5. A thorough carpet cleaning makes everything sparkle. We all vacuum but getting carpets professionally deep cleaned makes a big difference. I have my carpets done once a year. No sunshine today and intermittent drizzle with temperatures in the 40's. We've been warned of potential ice glaze on the roads for the morning commute.

  6. Good to have a clean start to the new year!
    Well done on tidying things away for them..and enjoy rearranging them afterwards.

  7. I always think my house looks bigger after I have the carpets cleaned, silly I know. I hope it all goes well and you are happy with the results.

    Take Care and Stay Safe,
    Park City, UT

  8. Cleaned carpets makes such a difference in just the same way having all the windows washed inside and out does. It's not that they were so, so dirty; it's just than once they're done, it opens up the whole house and makes everything feel lighter.

  9. We haven't got wall to wall carpets. We have to roll them up and take them out to be cleaned. They are generally returned within the week. Once the rugs are gone, the house echoes and it seems so cold. I'm always happy when they come back!

  10. I always think that it must be awful to have an obsession with cleanliness around the house, it must be so stressful all the time. When my carpets get old and probably over dirty, I just buy new ones.

  11. I applaud your cleanliness Pat, but fitted carpets will probably give way to wooden floors and rugs slowly, though of course those of us who are unsteady on our feet need carpets.

  12. You love everything clean and tidy around you, and you'll enjoy everything back in place and the carpets cleaned. (Not that I expect they were really dirty - you don't strike me as a person who will drag muddy shoes across the carpet, and you don't have a dog anymore.)
    No carpets in my flat; only a few months ago my Mum gave me a rug that suits the colour scheme in my living room so perfectly I simply could not refuse it. It is small and light enough for me to shake any crumbs on it out of the window, and I usually do not walk across it with shoes worn outdoors.

  13. Thank you all for your comments. I am sitting here waiting for the carpet cleaner - only another half hour to go.

  14. We're Spring cleaning here too 🧹🪣🪜
