Saturday 3 December 2022


 Lists - a word which tends to be uppermost in everybody's mind around Christmas - I have actually got round to beginning to make one today and I have got out a box of cards to begin writing them.   Oh dear - my hands are very shaky all the time and it is no easy task.   Still, it;s a start.


  1. Happy Christmas Pat. Sending love and cheer to you as you prepare for Christmas day.

  2. You are way ahead of me!I must start soon.Barbarax

  3. So lovely to see you back to your regular daily blog. As for Christmas cards, I think this will be my last Hoorah regarding posting them to all on my list; I had a shock when I saw that a first class stamp now costs 95 pence!!!! Almost a pound to post a card!
    Luckily I still have a book of 1st class stamps (old ones) so once they are used, I will buy no more. It's cheaper and nicer to telephone people.
    Stay warm and cosy, dear Pat as you prepare for Christmas.
    - Rosemary xx

  4. Good for you.
    I’m not sending any this year pat but I will send you an email one x

  5. I enjoy writing Christmas cards as it's lovely to think about friends near and far but the price of stamps is daunting. Wishing you lovely memories as you write your Christmas cards!


  6. It is such a cheery sight to see a colourful display of Christmas cards on the shelf. I shall continue to send cards to just my nearest and dearest and hope to receive some back!

  7. I have to start my cards too! I enjoy getting them so I better get busy sending them! Glad you are keeping yourself busy!

  8. I don't make lists but I do send cards to my beloved friends.

  9. As we are away this year we have said no cards..just two charity donations...but we enjoy sending and receiving cards, and letters through the year as well.
    Well done for starting your card list! Better started early and no rush xx

  10. I've just posted my cards today but have cut down massively on who I send too. Well done you on making a start, maybe sign with just xx and your name to make it easier for you. Gill xxx

  11. Well done making a start on your Christmas cards . I am still waiting for three packets of cards that I ordered on line .If they don't hurry up , it will be too late for Christmas . I will still send them though . They are lovely little cards with an Angel on..I'm sending everyone a little Angel that I hope they can keep on their kitchen windowsill throughout the year to send them lots of little blessings . x

  12. I wrote mine early in case of too many postal strikes and will post them tomorrow. I bought 5 special cards - one for each of my children - then found I had written the non-special ones to them along with all the others. We can but try!

  13. Posted all mine today, I wrote them all over two days and enclosed my festive message which was mostly ranting. Not a task I enjoy but I do like receiving cards and hearing from those we don’t see so often, because I do the sending I am the one to open the incoming cards.

  14. I don't think we are sending many this year.

  15. My aunt's writing has deteriorated so much it is almost illegible but I know that what she writes is written with love and that makes it all the more special.

  16. The postage here is 0,85 € or 75 pence. We don´t have first or second class mail. When the postage goes up, you can use old stamps only together with an extra 5 or 10 eurocent stamp so you get to the new postage. What has got really expensive are the cards. There are no nice cards under 3 Euro and you can easily pay 5 Euro. And I think card-making really isn´t a thing here.
    I love receiving cards, so I am writing them, too. But the list gets shorter every year, as a lot of people don´t bother any more. All the aunties and uncles are long gone, and some of the cousins, too. And when I don´t get a card fot two years, I stop writing one, too.
    Hilde in Germany

  17. I have the Turkey, the pudding, the crackers, and those bacon wrapped sausage things; all I now need on Christmas Eve are the SPROUTS. The shortest list ever.

  18. I would be lost without my lists. Perhaps try keeping your cards to hand and just write a few at a time. Xx

  19. Your friends and family all know about your health and the shaky hands, they won‘t mind if you use cards with a printed message and only add your name in your own handwriting.
    I will write and send mine out stacked according to distance, beginning tomorrow with the faraway ones (US mostly), then UK and Europe, and last but not least the few I send within Germany.

  20. Hilde - I feel as you do. But I have travelled around the country quite a lot and have friends all over -- plus blog friends and really cards mean more than presents to me,

    Thanks for your uplifting comments - shall make a start after my post today.

  21. My comments appear to be missing on many blogs, but what I came here to say was that perhaps your son could make up some labels for you to use on the envelopes. Then all you would have to do is sign the card. I also wanted to say that I personally think when a task begins to become burdensome, it is time to set it aside. I think everyone would understand, truly. Be a peace, good lady. Really.

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