Wednesday 14 December 2022

Please come a bit warmer.

 It has been so cold over the last ten days - not at all the kind of pre Christmas we are used to is it?  But if you can ignore the cold then today has been a lovely day.  I drew back the blind this morning to a pure apricot/turning to blue sky and it has been like that all day and this evening graced with thousands of rooks.   Set to turn warmer over the weekend and then back to colder again.   This is when I miss the log burner (but not chopping the sticks and cleaning it out.)

My lunch consists of a fresh salmon steak and a salad (plus a jacket potato).   I always add baby beetroot in sweet vinegar and then dress it with a yogourt and mint dresssing.   Delicious.

On dayslike today often the rooks 'drop off' on their way home and spend half an hour or so in the field behind my bungalow - I used to climb up to the top of my garden to watch them chatting away (wish I could speak 'rook')  but I can no longer get up there - but I can still hear them. 

Keep snug and warm all of you in the UK - I feel lucky here in the Dales - heavy frosts and a lot of fog around but so far no snow.  Hopefully I will find something to write about tomorrow,


  1. Next week it will be milder and more back to normal for the UK in winter. As you are in a constant temperature indoors I cannot see why the weather bothers you so much.

  2. Yes it's really cold down here in the South. I'm trying hard not to turn the heating on too much but Tom can't afford to get cold so we use it and worry about the bill later.
    I have been putting food out for the birds poor things, the ground is so hard they are having a hard time.
    Let's hope it warms up soon.

  3. Bright, sunny and cold here, but foggy just a few miles to the north. I don't know if you've ever come across a book called "Crow Country" by Mark Cocker, in which he becomes fascinated by the rooks that fly over his Norfolk home on their way to roost - one of my favourite nature books.

  4. It does not matter what you write about, I enjoy your blog. ESPECIALLY your past stories as I am somewhat new to reading blogs. Your weather is cold cold cold...I am used to that, but since I now live in Florida, not so much. Keep writing your blog as long as you want...we enjoy it. Merry Christmas

  5. Glad you are warm and cozy inside your home!
    I was watching "All Creatures Great and Small" on TV the other night and it always makes me think of you in the Yorkshire Dales! What beautiful country you live in!

  6. Lovely image of rooks chatting away in the field

  7. Yorkshire has featured on television programs in one way and another here, and I too, think of you. One of the Escape to the Country episodes recently featured a visit to the Wensleydale Cheese establishment. I like when the program explores the local crafts and industries.- Pam, Aust.

  8. I'm glad you had such a pretty day even though it was too cold to go outside. Being warm inside and listening to the rooks sounds nice to me!


  9. A crisp, cold day over here with a brisk wind making it feel much colder. My heating is now on all day.

  10. I enjoy your lunch reports and especially the mention of your birds since I love watching mine and reporting them on ebird.
    Our long stretch of unseasonably warm weather broke today with numerous warnings of tornadoes in the area and heavy downpours of rain.
    Weather reports now predict very cold weather for Christmas .

    I will miss my flowers which managed to make to almost to Christmas.

  11. No snow for you! I am surprised as we had it down here, albeit only about a centimetre. It has been a very cold day today for us also but I find that easier to cope with than extreme heat. I wonder if we will have a white Christmas. They have been few and far between in recent years.

  12. The cold has settled in rather strongly and the heat is on around the clock. The sunshine today was brilliant. Many of our birds have gone south for the winter. Today, I saw only one red tail hawk circling. Your salmon meal sounds tremendous.

  13. It's cold enough over here. I hope it warms up for you.

  14. Yesterday morning I hung a couple of 'fat and seed balls' in the apple tree in front of our house, but so far no small birds. Maybe they simply haven't seen them yet.

  15. Still cold, and more snow since yesterday. The roads I can see from my windows are completely closed over in snow, although a few cars must have gone through in our residential area here. I am off to my client's today so I am hoping my train trip there won't be too chaotic with the snow.
    Lovely image of the winter morning sky! It's just grey here with heavy clouds carrying more snow.

  16. Your writing about the weather, sky and Rooks talking was just lovely today.

  17. Cro I am sure they have seen them - they wait a while to make sure it is safe.

    Heather - if we do the old Bing Crosby record will be out!
    Pam - I live about ten miles from the Cheese factory - they have a lovely restaurant too'

    John thanks for the recommendation - am off to Amazon now.

  18. I think it may be a good thing that you don't speak rook, Weave. Their language is atrocious.
