Monday 7 November 2022

Getting there.

 Well I understand from various sources that my  messages have not been getting through - I have been pressing the wrong buttons, so here I am trying again.

Here is the 'low down' on the state of play.   I seem to have developed Grand Mal Epilepsy and have just been in hospital for a fortnight after a very bad fit  not nice  for any of us.  I was in Darlington M|emorial  Hospital -delightful staff from all over the world - lovely doctors- lovely food and nothing at all to complain about.   Now bit by bit my drugs are being changed.   I am feeling strange and not thinking straight.

Thank you all for your concern and good wishes.   I will be back when I feel well enough. In the meantime much love dear bloggy pals - missing you.


  1. So happy you're back. Hope you get well soon. Thinking of you !

  2. Missed you so! Red headed friend in Austin, Texas

  3. Welcome back! Belated birthdays wishes too. You were very much missed.
    Rest well and keep getting better.
    Love from a long time reader.

  4. Much love to you Pat from a wet, windy Isle of Man.
    Hope that you have some light reading to keep you occupied during your enforced rest.


  5. So good to have you back, you were certainly missed! Take good care of yourself, and don’t do too much too soon. A long time reader. Sally in Devon

  6. Prayers for a complete recovery! I so enjoy your writing and observations. Nance from Iowa USA

  7. Espero que mejores pronto. Un beso muy fuerte.

  8. So glad to hear that you've been taken good care of. I hope they figure out the correct meds and dosage for you so that you can feel more like your old self. Take care! -Jenn

  9. The sun is shining here in Ontario and now that I know you're safe and sound, the skies seem even brighter. Take your time reentering Blogger Land, Pat. I'm so happy all is well.

  10. SO glad you are being looked after and sending hopes for everything to work out well. xx

  11. Wonderful that you are home.

  12. Continued healing wishes sent your way dear Pat.

  13. Have so missed you, happy to hear that you are on your way to a rapid recovery!

  14. Quite understandable they you aren’t up to full Weave yet. It takes time to recover from what happened and get used to med changes. Get well soon.

  15. So pleased to read your message. Take care. Jean/Winnipeg

  16. Congratulations on your 90th birthday. We are all so pleased you made it. Looking forward to many for posts yet to come.

  17. So good to hear from you.Onwards and upwards.Barbarax

  18. So pleased you are getting along have missed you

  19. So happy to hear from you. My heart actually leaped in my chest. May the correct combination of medication control the problem and have you feeling much better soon.

  20. So good to read your post. Hopefully your meds will be sorted soon. Take care and rest! Look forward to reading your posts when you feel up to blogging.

  21. Sending love and healing energy .....

  22. Good to hear from you, everyone was so worried.

    Just take care.
    Much love from Suffolk

  23. Good to hear from you. Today in Delaware it is unseasonably warm and sunny. Just beautiful.

  24. So relieved and happy that you are home.

    And being well taken care of.

    In hopes the meds are all sorted soon. And life will smooth out.

    Many gentle hugs,
    From the upper North East of the US

  25. Marie, British Columbia, It's so nice to see you home again and getting better, we'd be lost without you after many many years of reading your blog. Marie, British Columbia

  26. We are so happy to hear from you - hope you soon feel much better xx
    Wendy (Wales)

  27. The drugs for epilepsy can make you feel you can't think normally. I had to take the epilepsy drug carbamazepine for years (for trigeminal neuralgia) and hated the way it made me feel. I hope the feeling settles down soon as you get used to them. Take care.

  28. Oh ! So sorry to hear all this. They'll soon have you sorted ! Hugs Debbie 💐 x

  29. So sorry to hear about this Pat. Get better soon, I have been missing you. Hugs from Dixie in West Virginia USA.

  30. They can't keep a good farmers wife down! Take care and time to recover well Su ( another farmers wife) in Cheshire

  31. So lovely to know you are safe. Take care. Have like everyone else been worried.

  32. So happy to see a post from you! Now focus on your recovery! All the best!!

  33. I am so pleased to read this. I have your instructions for scones printed and in my kitchen to attempt them soon. Take good care dear Weaver. Blog land was a lonely place without you. Jackie in Georgia USA

  34. So happy your back. You have been missed , hope the new meds help x

  35. Cheering for you, Pat!
    Bonnie in Minneapolis

  36. So glad to hear your ‘voice’ you were so much missed Jane x

  37. I'm very glad that you're back and have received good care. Take it easy. xx

  38. So pleased to know you are back home from your stay in hospital, Please look after yourself, take as much time as you need to feel up to blogging again, have missed your postings each day, won't be long before you are feeling more up to getting back to messaging again. Healing hugs to you.

  39. Goodness, but you had a lot of people worried, including me. I can't tell you how glad I am that you are once again, safe and sound. I am sorry to hear of your health issues and I hope they settle on the necessary medicine combination for you. We all just want you to get the rest that you need but are grateful that you were able to let us know how you are doing. Take care. Ranee (MN) USA

  40. I am so sorry that you are going through this, but relieved to know that you are home and managing. Please take care there, and thank you for keeping us updated.

  41. Well pat
    You’re readership and comment section has grown considerably
    What fun..
    Lovely to have you back deArheart x

  42. Lovely to hear from you. Love Jan Bxx

  43. Oh Pat. How wonderful to see this post. It has positively made my day. Rest up and know that you are much loved.

  44. So very reassuring to learn directly from you what caused you to be away from your blog for such a long period of time. Thank you for putting my mind, and those of so many others, at ease. I am sure it was not an easy task for you blog that this time. I have learned that following the doctor's orders and informing the doctor of any changes in my physical and mental condition that I would notice helped me on my road to recovery. I hope you are resting easy knowing that you are greatly loved by so many bloggers and folowers of your blog. Stay positive and try to return to your normal daily routine when you are able. Think of the comments left here for you as Get Well cards expressing love to you from both near and far. Be safe. Be well. Be Happy. Hugs!

  45. Just a quickie to say how wonderful it is to have you back. Prayers and love continue for a good recovery. Take good care and all the time you want. Knowing you are there is joy enough❣️

  46. Big wishes for your well being and recovery, with different meds to see what works best for you. Thank you so much for letting us know how you are now. We'll wait patiently till you're better.

  47. It's so good to see that you are back home, safe and sound. I can imagine how changing meds and being out of your normal routine could be trying for you but time should put that right. Take it easy and be patient with yourself (that's as hard, if not harder, than being patient with someone else). We will all be patient while waiting for your return to blogland.

  48. Sending you lots of love and best wishes, Pat.
    Your positive nature shines through in your latest post, as always.
    Julie B

  49. So good to "hear" your voice, Weaver! Grand mal seizures are awful. My husband had a few when his diabetes meds were messed up and it was terrifying. Be well, and we will look forward to hearing from you when you are able.

  50. So great to have you back. Take care and best wishes for a speedy recovery.

  51. Not a nice way to spend your 90th birthday! Sorry to hear about your seizure and hope they can get your meds sorted so you feel better soon. Wishing you the best, Pat!

  52. So glad you're back and on the mend. Onwards and upwards. Cheers Cathy x

  53. Delighted to see a post from you. Happy belated birthday wishes, take it easy and enjoy the good food and attention from the hospital staff. Wishing you a speedy recovery and look forward to more posts from you when you are feeling well enough. Sending you love and light. Fiona.

  54. Lovely to hear from you Pat. So sorry you've had such an unpleasant time but good to know you were well looked after. Hope the new treatment will soon start helping you to feel like yourself once more. Love and best wishes.

  55. So lovely to see you back where you belong. Take it slowly. We can wait.

  56. Very good to see you back again and I wish you all the best in getting things regulated. Trust me. It will happen. I know. I'm on lamotrogine and it works well. I do not have the grand mals but go through a stage of not making new memories.

  57. You are much loved Pat and I think we are all so glad you are recovering.

  58. Oh, Pat, I'm so glad you're back. Wishing you well, and belated happy birthday.

  59. Welcome back, dear Pat. Take good care of yourself. You are so loved and admired!w

  60. So wonderful to hear from you, Pat. Encouraging to know that you are improving. And, how uplifting it is to find SO MANY people in agreement on any subject nowadays! People scattered across the globe are all sending you their love and appreciation. I join them, one of several from Texas. Hopefully your meds will get sorted and you will feel better.

  61. Extra delighted to see a post from you today and to "hear" your voice!!!
    Please know we're all cheering you onward and you're held dear/loved by so many (many who rarely comment, like myself).
    Be patient with yourself, grant yourself grace, and take whatever time is necessary to heal and become whole again.

  62. Hugs and love. I hope they get you sorted soon. How frustrating for you. More hugs.

  63. Lovely to hear that you are home. You have had a really rough time. God Bless and get well soon. Take care xx

  64. Sending love and warmest wishes for a recover in the not to distant future. I am glad to hear you were well cared for in the hospital and can make a full come-back at home. Write when you can and you can be assured of lots of commentary from your blog friends. Susan in Massachusetts

  65. Much love to you. Holding you in my heart.

  66. Take it easy, dear Weave. Rest and come back to us.

  67. Southern Flinders Jo7 November 2022 at 17:27

    Really wonderful to hear from you Pat.
    You are so very loved by so many blogger friends all over the world.
    Sending you a big Australian hug. Love Jo - Southern Flinders South Australia

  68. Sso good to read a post from you Pat. Take care and don't rush things.

  69. Lovely to have you back. I was so worried. Hope they can get the medication sorted out quickly for you.
    Lots of love from far off New Zealand

  70. I am so happy to hear from you again. Take your time to get well again, your blogger friends will all wait patiently now we know that you are at home and very well cared for.
    Lots of love from Germany

  71. Good, good, good. You had us all worried for a while. Welcome back to your rightful place. Cro xx

  72. Splendid news, so happy to see you back. Rest and take it easy. Thelma love xxx

  73. Or love Thelma, you can see it is first thing in the morning!

  74. It's lovely to hear from you. Xx

  75. I was very worried. So glad you are back. Hope the new meds kick in.

  76. Hello Weave, welcome back. Missing you. Rachel xx

  77. Good to see you back again Weave.
    Not the best way to celebrate your birthday!! Steady as she goes and hope they manage to tweak your meds successfully xx

  78. How scary for you and family...welcome back x

  79. Glad you're back! Get well soon - you've been missed. xx

  80. How nice to hear you’re home again. You’ve been missed in blog land. Take care and feel better soon.

  81. Great to see your blog message today. Take your time to come back to blogging again. Your health is the priority. Thank you for all of the great conversations and interesting stories you post. I love reading how things are going in your world.
    Caring thoughts and good wishes for your steady recovery. Betty in Victoria, Aus.

  82. On the road to recovery, such a good thing, hooray.

  83. So glad to not see that Thursday Post, have checked first thing every day. I am so glad that you are home again and on the mend. Missed you, get well. Terry,

  84. I have been checking your blog for a post most every day. Glad to hear you are on the mend!



  85. Lovely to see you back, but take it easy xx

  86. Take the time you need to get back to your normal interesting, wonderful self. We'll be waiting as we value your blog post subjects and musings.

    Stay cozy!


  87. Welcome back. You have been missed.

  88. Good to know you are recovering
    Take care
    Alison in Wales x

  89. So glad you are back home and on the mend. Sending many prayers your way.

  90. It is just so good to see your recent posts. Best wishes on your recovery!

  91. I have been reading your blog for a long time but never commented. I missed your words and thoughts. I am glad you are on the mend. I hope all goes well.
    Take Care,
    Park City, Utah

  92. Much love from Pam in South Australia.x

  93. Missing you too! But focus on getting better. We can patiently wait.

  94. Missing your little chats.....We await patiently...Get well soon...Take care, Rall

  95. God speed you to good health! You have been missed.

  96. Wonderful to hear from you, big sigh!

  97. I don't think I've ever left you a message but I am glad to hear you're doing better.

  98. Oh my goodness, welcome back Pat. We were all so worried about you. My gut feeling did say hospital and even epilepsy. What a nasty thing to develop so late in life. Hospital not the best place to spend your big birthday either. ((HUGS)). Take it easy. Jennie in Wales xxx

  99. You will never know how much your thoughts and messages have meant to me - At least for the time being the combination of all your messages, plus a plethora of very handsome young doctors!! lovely helpful young nurses - many of them from places like Latvia - all with good English. The food was good- no complaints at all. I went back yesterday for yet another scan and my druges are being gradually changed. Now I take things easy and hope things improve - time will tell but ninety good years means I have had a good shot at life so what will be will bexx

  100. Thanks for the update Pat. As usual excellent words of wisdom from you, along with a smile-inducing comment (very handsome young doctors!). Jackie in Georgia USA

  101. So very sorry to hear that you have been in hospital. Glad you're home now and hope you're soon feeling much better.

  102. It is a good way to look at things....and doctors! You are a funny old dear.
