Monday 10 October 2022

Too many things happening to write a post

 Sorry but another hiccup - tired and callers adds up to no time to blog for two days.   Hopefully back to normal whatever that is today and a lovely sunny day it is too.   Still plenty out in the garden, especially Michaelmas Daisies and what a glorious purple they are too, especially with the sun full on them.

As so often friends S and T called yesterday with two splendid little LED torches - one for the side of my bed and one for the side table in the sitting room.   As Cro quite rightly says, we should be ready for all eventualities over the winter = and if my two Tesco lanterns arrive with my order on Thursday that's another tick.

Friends have persuaded me that I should hold a get-toge.ther for my ninetieth.   After feeling very tired the other day after my jaunt to the newspaper shop I had more or less decided not to hold an  y festivity at all.    But J my carer and Smy friend have volunteered/been roped in to give me assistance and I have decided to just invite friends for sherry, wine or coffee and a piece of the cake S and T have kindly provided.  So it is 10 to 12 and 2 to 4 on my birthday.   I just hope now that some folk can get otherwise that's a lot food and sherry!   Wish you lot could get here - that would just be an extra layer of icing on the cake!

Now before I finish the second reading of my book for Book Group in the morning just to say to Heather if you are reading this - as usual I have your lovely little Autumn Sketchbook you sent me several years ago out on my dresser and it looks just as lovely and gives me just as much pleasuree as it did the first year you sent it.  See you tomorrow,


  1. A very nice gesture by friends. I hope all may enjoy it.

  2. Yes you must celebrate your birthday and we shall be there in spirit to partake of tea and cake.

  3. Great to leave everything to others, and you can just sit back and enjoy the day! I had to do that recently for my you surely can for your 90th!

  4. I shall join in over here with a glass of Croft Particular.

  5. I am very relieved to learn you have simply been too busy to post, and have not had another fall or something.
    A good idea for the gathering for your 90th birthday is to have people bring stuff and help themselves. Everybody understands your situation - these are folks who know and love you, so lean back and enjoy your day!

  6. Wishing you a Happy B-day. Your Sherry and cake gathering with lovely friends sounds excellent. I'll be thinking of you. All the very best on your special day!

  7. I went to a 90th birthday yesterday. It was fabulous - and the Birthday Girl wisely allowed friends and family to organise everything. She was definitely 'Queen for the Day' - I hope your celebration is just as wonderful

  8. Of course, you must celebrate your 90th with family and friends! Let them treat you and enjoy your day! :)

  9. Lovely 90...what is the date?
    Happy EARLY...
    So thrilled your friends and family will be with you. I am not sure I know how many children and grands you have. I am still trying to determine where all of my U K friends on blogs live.

  10. I adore sherry but never seem to purchase it for myself. I will definitely purchase a bottle just for your birthday and I will raise a glass to you on your special day. You share a birthday with my son so I'll actually be raising "at least" two glasses.

  11. I don't want to limit your enjoyment on your very special day but 10-12 AND 2-4 sounds like a long day to be on your "best behaviour"
    I doubt you'll relax fully during the 12 - 2 downtime which means an 6 hour shift.
    Of course I might be wrong and sheer adrenalin and joy may well carry you through what promises to be a very important day. x

  12. Sounds like a perfect celebration, I do hope you tell us about it afterwards, especially the cake, which can be enjoyed vicariously.


  13. Thank you so much Pat, for that kind remark. It is so nice to know that my little book gives you as much pleasure as I had making it.
    It has been a glorious day here too and as I drew my bedroom curtains just now I could see the full moon and a lovely star. Quite a treat as there are so many street lights here that the stars are all but invisible and the number of buildings close by obscure the moon rising, so I have to be patient to catch a glimpse of it.
    Your birthday celebrations sound perfect. To make you feel young, one of my neighbours has just celebrated her 101st birthday!

  14. Make sure the two days before your birthday are quiet ones without visitors so that on your birthday you aren't on a recovery day of sleep. I think it will be nice to see friends and mark the day but two sessions would be far too much for me.

  15. Well, you got some good birthday presents...the two torches (flashlights). I use a flashlight several times a day to find things.

  16. Yes, you should have a party for your 90th. My friends daughters organised hers. It was a drop in open house day, everyone was invited. Joyce didn't have to lift a finger. Her role was to sit in her favourite armchair and smile while she accepted all the gifts bestowed on her. It was wonderful to see.

  17. take it nice and easy now ..glad you are o.k. 💐

  18. Thank you veryone. I apprciate your comments
