Thursday 6 October 2022


 Well dear fellow bloggers, I exhausted myself in the first two hours or so this morning and as a result I have slept most of the afternoon.   I suspect if I did the same thing every day it would soon get easier.

My fortnightly hair appointment , as usual, was for half past nine.  My taxi could only take me at nine (and the journey into town takes no more than five minutes.  I did a quick think while on the phone to  J my taxi driver and then said yes to nine because   the next slot was half past nine and I didn't want the hairdresser to start late right at the beginning of the day. And I had several jobs I could do (I hoped).

M dropped me at the newsagents and I did everything I needed to - buy a book each of first and second class stamps,  choose and buy at least a dozen cards suitable for birthdays, blank for other occasions.   Then pay last month's bill and go back across the Zebra and along the footpath to the hairdresser.   I arrived just five minutes late with all my jobs done.

I arrived home about half an hour before the lady from the Fire Service came to check all  the electrics in the place (I had invited her).  I passed with flying colours apart from my smoke alarm which for some reason had stopped working.   She fitted me a new one (no charge) which means I have two side by side on the hall ceiling (the alternative was bare wires until the electrician came to remove the old  one).   She was a very pleasant lady and we had a lovely chat.

By then it was lunch time.   I put the bed clothes out of the washing machine into the tumble drier, ate my salad lunch with a jacket potato, sat down to watch the news and woke up two hours later,   Just read your comments on yesterday's blog and am now off to make my tea.   See you tomorrow.



  1. A well-deserved rest I would say, although it can disorienting to drip off to sleep and find it was been for longer than.

  2. I'm not surprised that you exhausted yourself. What a lot you achieved in one morning. Give yourself a day off tomorrow. Perhaps a stroll along the patio if the weather permits.

  3. You accomplished many tasks. My favorite uncle used to say: "One task a day is plenty enough."

  4. Nap or no, that is an impressive and exhausting list of tasks; aka "work".

  5. I have two weekly hair appointments too, with my hair clippers. I'm still very bad at it

  6. Errands are exhausting, all that remembering what to get and where to go.


  7. You surely had a very busy day. But at the end of the day it is nice to see all the accomplishments.
    Hilde in Germany

  8. Like the others here have said, you got a lot done in one day, and that was even before lunch!

  9. All I can see when I read this is danger, danger, danger.

  10. Good to recharge your personal batteries after being out busy.
    Better do one trip instead of two as well! Especially this weather.
    Glad to hear that your fire alarms are now good to go.
    We are waiting for our landlord to make this place legal.....

  11. Wow. You can slip into bed feeling very accomplished after such a day. I'm glad to hear your fire alarms are in good order. It's reminded me it's time to do a battery check on mine.

  12. Hope you are re-energized today!
