Wednesday 14 September 2022


I have been making lists and trying to complete at least two tasks each day because lately quite a few 'problems' have cropped up which needed sorting out.   Yesterday I managed to complete three out of four problems - the only one I ignored was ringing the Gas Board when they told me the approximate waiting time.  I didn't want to speak to them that badly!

Today I had two problems = the first was a problem with an insurance renewal - and they told me it was their mistake - the second one  about a service for my hearing aid - e mail  of f, awaiting a reply.  But when one lives alone there is no-one to do these jobs for you.   The answer I think is to do jobs like this early in the morning when my brain is fully in gear.

I watched H M's coffin carried on the gun carriage go up The Mall this afternoon and round to Westminster Hall for the Lying in State.   The thousands of people queuing to pay their respects as they file past the coffin is very impresive particularly when you can see so much more by watching it on television.  I must say I have been so much more moved by it all than I expected to be.

Suddenly today the weather has turned much cooler here  and a lot of the warmth seem to have gone out of the sun today.  I need my gardener to come now and cut my hedge for winter.  Then - with the exception of a few more lawn mowings the garden is put to bed.

See you tomorrow.


  1. When you spoke about your book club choice of the modern Canterbury tales I was intrigued, I ordered it and my copy came today looking forward to reading it .

  2. Quite moving a grand lady

  3. Thousands lined up
    Reminds me of President Kennedy on a larger scale of course

  4. The queue is 2.5 miles long, I hear. No more private audiences.

  5. Imagine over 2 miles. I remember when she came to the U S

  6. I also watched the long journey taken by the gun carriage carrying the Queen's coffin and can only marvel at the composure and fortitude of all the members of the Royal family as they take part in the various ceremonies. I hope they will be able to rest for the next few days before Monday's funeral. I was also impressed by the silence and stillness of the enormous number of bystanders.
    It has been a perfect day for me today. Cool but comfortable without a jacket with a pleasant breeze and sunshine.

  7. The Royal coverage makes pretty compelling viewing. We've sat and watched far too much of it. For the first time, we have found ITV more interesting than the BBC which has been at times rather turgid.

  8. I can't understand people clapping as the cortege goes by. Isn't it supposed to be a solemn moment?

  9. I certainly find my brain works better in the morning!

  10. Yes Chris, I'm with you. I even find the constant use of cameras disrespectful at this momentous and solemn ceremony. I know its history happening, but manners please. The old days of curtsey or head bow are long gone. I am so grateful to those who restrained themselves, while surrounded by historical pageantry, respecting a grieving Royal family, and the actual purpose of the day.-Pam.

  11. In the US, the coverage on the Royal family and Queen's passing is solemn as it should be. The cortege and the pageantry is lovely and dignified. I'm watching with great interest. Our weather is starting to cool. Early mornings are now 40 degrees and the day warms from noon on.
    It cools again as nightfall approaches. Fall is in the air.

  12. Were I in England, and fit to do so, I would que to pass the Queen's bier.

  13. It was a bit drizzly here yesterday afternoon, so we too watched the procession. Very moving.

  14. We all have our individual rhythm, don‘t we. My mind works best mid-morning, and when I have been thinking about a specific task at work, the solution (or at least a good idea about how to approach it) comes to me mid afternoon.

  15. As far as the people queing up to see the Queen.... Some things you just have to do in person.. Perhaps its more to show respect than it is just to see everything ... It was important to be there in person.. to show up.. Mornings for me are slow .. i'm probably at my best mid morning to mid afternoon.. I think we all have our own clocks.. Hugs! debs

  16. Heather - I read that the King has returned to Highgrove for a couple of days - I was pleased he was able to retreat and have some time to himself.
    Diary of a Nobody - I read The Prologue and The Knight's Tale - thoroghly enjoyed them.

    Thanks everyone.

  17. I read that there is a ten-day protocol for the mourning period so the family knows what to expect.
    It is warming up a bit here but the Fall weather will be back soon, I am sure...

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