Tuesday 6 September 2022

Our new member.

We have always been worried about getting any new members in case they didn't fit in but we have a new member L and she fits in perfectly.   And what better time could she join us than when we discussed The Canterbury Tales because she is a Medievalist.   Her contribution this morning was invaluable.

It was a lively meeting and I think we all enjoyed it.   I was very tired when it was over so I had my lunch and then followed Rachel's suggestion and had a sleep.   When I awoke it was absolutely teeming with rain and from the state of the road outside I would guess it been raining at least an hour.   I just hope the rain had passed directly overhead at Derek's and thus alleviated some of his worry about the state of the land.

I think I rather fancy some tea now maybe a toasted tea cake with cheese and a nice cup of tea.   I don't think i shall watch TV tonight - it seems to have been taken over by politics today.   See you tomorrow.


  1. Finally, we've had 10 mins light rain.

  2. Oh my goodness i love to sleep with the rain coming down. Not the massive monsoons downpour but the nice gentle rain that makes you feel so lovely.

  3. Light rain is beautiful, and must be one of the most soothing sounds there is when tucked up in bed. Reminds me of Portia's speech from the Merchant of Venice...'The quality of mercy is not strained; it droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven, upon the place beneath.'
    Glad you enjoyed your book club Pat. - from Pam, S. Aust.

  4. After a long stretch of high heat and no rain, it has rained all day today and everything is nice and moist. Your new book club member sounds like a real gem.

  5. Glad your new member was a success! Sleep well tonight!

  6. A delightful if tiring day. Sleep well tonight!

  7. Your new member sounds like a great addition to your group.

  8. It's lovely that your new member provides a positive contribution to the group, and I'm glad you benefitted from your siesta. X

  9. It rained a tiny bit here at supper time. By the time for Billy's final walk of the day it had stopped and the roads etc were dry again.

  10. I see I a not the only one who loves listening to gentle rain while in bed. It does help sleep along very well, doesn't it!
    Derek, 10 minutes is all we got a few times during this long, hot, dry summer as well. I hope you get more soon, like we did over the last two days - still not enough, but better than nothing.

    Pat, it sounds like it was perfect timing for your new book club member to appear!

  11. West Wales has been having long bouts of really heavy rain for days! The water butts off the greenhouse roof are full, and the level of water in a wide trough that we use as a bird-bath has gone up by about two inches, purely from direct rain. All back to normal for this part of the country!

  12. I completely agree with you Pat - TV was all politics last night and I am exhausted by it, and worried about how we all will cope this winter
    I went to a pub quiz instead and came second with my team .
    I often read your blog but have not commented before

  13. It rained heavily again during the evening. I always look out of the front door as I go to bed. The rain had stopped but the road was very wet. It was raining again when I got out this morning although it has now stopped it looks very much like rain and it is chilly.

    Thanks for popping in.
