Monday 26 September 2022

Not chilly - let's be honest - cold!

 Very sharp wind blowing down from the Arctic and really no other way to describe the day than a cold one. H, my friend and neighbour, is ninety  today - this is where she has six weeks or so on me -I am ninety on Hallowe'en.   Priscilla and I went round early with a pretty card and a small present.   The small present I have ordered has not come - just a letter to say it is out of stock and they will send it as soon as new stock arrives in.

Friend W called in this morning and we had a pleasant morning chatting about this and that.   Our friend D, who is gay, has got the star letter in Saga magazine this month and we speculated what he might do with the £100 star letter prize!

Friend H has just arrived.   We said we would have a tea cake toasted this afternoon so I shall close down and come back when she has gone.   It is now six o'clock and she has returned home so here I am again but with nothing much to add.    We have chatted all afternoon so her birthday has passed pleasantly enough.   Now that the sun has gone down it really is chilly.   I have a feeling that British summertime ends anytime soon.   I can't be bothered to go and look at the calendar but once 'proper' time kicks in and it gets dark early then it really is Autumn.

See you on the morrow.


  1. Hello Weaver! It is cold here in northern Indiana USA too. The leaves are turning colors (& falling!) & despite the sun it's going to be hard pressed to get above 14*C today. I put on my heavy tops before standing up out of bed! My furnace has been on for a week or two. I turn on my furnace not according to the calendar but according to how cold it is inside the house. This body is too old now, with too many aches & pains, to be chilly inside my own home. *haha* Have a beautiful autumn day & happy birthday to your friend. ~Andrea xoxo

  2. Very chilly down here too today. So glad I was wearing a cosy woolen sweater and rain jacket to keep the wind out. The past two weeks or so have been so lovely, we can't expect it to last longer.
    Your chatty day sounds very pleasant, and I was lucky enough to have surprise visitors this afternoon.

  3. It certainly felt cold here today. Our thermostat is set to switch on the central heating at 15C but it is just 16C at the moment. I did put on a thick chunky cardigan over my jumper but switched on the electric convector heater for half an hour at 5 p.m.
    As a child we had no heating in the house other than an open grate in the living room and I remember being bitterly cold most winters.
    I am now warm and cosy snuggled up with a hot water bottle.

  4. We change the clocks on the Saturday night before your birthday.

  5. In Massachusetts, it is sunny and warm in the sunshine. A beautiful Fall day. The sun heats my house very nicely and I close the windows at dusk to hold the warmth inside. Being in touch with many friends and neighbors keeps you very busy. Happy B-day to your friend. I hope she enjoys her day.

  6. Evacuating mandatory…I planned to leave anyway…son about a mile but in a huge house..hurricane Ian..

  7. The mornings are nippy here too. I think you're right; Summer is over!

  8. Oh dear, poor Brenda, I hope you'll soon be able to get back to an undamaged home!

    Pat, you meet more friends in one day than I do in a week. But I am meeting a friend tonight after my daily hospital visit - it is the end of the season for our "main" icecream parlour, and she's inviting me for one last big glorious icecream, even though it is actually too cold for my liking to want icecream :-D

    Your mentioning of your friend D being gay puzzles me a little. Did he get the star letter because he wrote about a gay-related topic?

  9. Thank you librarian…I have lived through hurricanes and blizzards and tornadoes…but this seems to be her largest in this area since 1921…
    I enjoy your blog also…

  10. You are such an inspiration and you have so many friends all over the world.We follow you from Bristol Virginia and enjoy sharing your life. Stay warm and have a good day.

  11. First of all thank you Rachel for telling me when we change the clocks. If - as promised - it does get a bit warmer next week - we could have a bit of warm weather still.

    Wewill all keep hoping that hurricane is not as bad as promised and that you survive unscathed Thinking of you.Brenda
