Saturday 3 September 2022

Autumn draws on!!

 Half past five on a Saturday evening and I have to say it is like dusk already.   H from next door came round with a dish of grapes and a yoghourt  and we had a cup of tea and a chat - made the afternoon pass quickly.   I was hoping my son was going to call on his way to the tip with his lawn mowings and relieve me of some of my garden rubbish but presumably he hasn't been yet because the extra bags still sit by my bin.   In the meantime my garden looks so much tidier I have to keep going and having a look at it.

Herbacous geraniums are such good value for money in a mixed herbaceous border.   The several new ones I bought earlier this year have done me proud, especially the Blue Johnson one which hopefully will seed to places it chooses where I would never have chosen to put it but which are just right.

It is time I started thinking about what to have for my tea as it is a quarter to six.   Super salad from my carer at lunchtime strips of beef on a bed including crunchy lettuce, grapes, cocktail tomatoes, cucumber, baby beets, potato salad and cole slaw and then scattered with cubed blue stilton cheese.

See you all tomorrow.


  1. Still Summer here. 25C today, beautiful day. Enjoy your tea, a snack will do after that lot for lunch. Good to see you eating beef. Keep you strong and healthy.

  2. I like the sound of your salad. Tasty and healthy.
    When I saw your blogpost title I thought you would be talking about (miss-spelt) underwear.

  3. Do you have an autumn drawers drawer?

  4. Johnson's Blue is a good bedding/ground cover geranium.
    I used to collect different ones!It helped that the head gardener where I worked in the bookshop at Portmeirion village, was a geranium specialist!
    The one I really loved but unfortunately lost in a hard winter years ago was the New Zealand Black...small dark leaves and small delicate white flowers.very dainty(unlike the All Blacks!!)

  5. Each year, the South Australian Geranium and Pelargonium Society hold their show, with plant sales, raffle and Devonshire tea. Always an enjoyable day.
    I never cease to be amazed at the selection and quality of the plants in each category-zonal, regal, ivy-leaved and scented, and many varieties within those sections - and yet these humble plants survive in the most harsh conditions here, usually red geraniums somewhere in a neglected garden or outside an outback roadhouse. -Pam.

  6. Your salad sounds delicious. I love herbaceous geraniums too and found that they still thrived in poor soil and were perfect for difficult areas. We are still waiting for a good rainy day down here. The odd bit of drizzle just doesn't do the job, though I believe that places only a few miles from here have had lovely downpours.

  7. The days are closing in and Autumn is here. It is in the 40's in the morning and warms up to 70. Lovely weather. I like geraniums too. They are very reliable and flower readily as long as we keep up with the deadheading.

  8. Hello. It sounds as if you had a nice afternoon chatting over tea. Your salad sounds delicious for dinner. Hope you have a lovely evening.

  9. I need to look up your herbaceous geraniums, We are still in our very hot summer.
    The Gud Dugs send woofs !

  10. The mornings are becoming darker now, although it still feels quite mild for the time of year. X

  11. Here, sunset is now shortly after eight, which cuts short my long after work walks but is still good - not like mid-winter, when it‘s pitch black at half four.
    It is still warm here during the day and is supposed to get back up to around 30C next week, but nights are cool so that we can get decent sleep and keep the flat well aired.

  12. We were off for a trip today, Yorkshire Sculpture Park has been taken off the list, though I see Weiwei has something there but the weather is dull and threatening rain later on. I got cross at Weiwei when he smashed old antique pots for an exhibition ;) And creating millions of ceramic sunflower seeds is not exactly artistic...
    So an indoor museum beckons, and all picnic food to be eaten over the next week.

  13. I intend to look into new varieties of perennial geraniums for next year's planting. I have a small patch of Cranesbill geranium but I didn't realize, until you brought it up, that there are multiple varieties and colours to choose from.

  14. Autumn is on its way here. I will pick more tomatoes and take them home to process. I ate my tomato sandwich this morning, sadly aware that tomato sandwich breakfasts are nearly done for the year.

  15. I see several of you got my winter drawers joke - feeble I know but my father always made it every year - September is here - winter drawers on.

    Thanks everyone. And anyone looking for herbacious geraniums note they are not the same as pelargoniums There is a huge selection to choose from and mainly they are frost-hardy. Look on Claire Austin's site - she always has a few.

    See you tomorrow.
