Saturday 24 September 2022

Almost back to normal.

But not quite.   Do be warned if you have not yet had your Covid jab.   In a lot of cases it is not nice.   I had mine on Wednesday afternoon at theChemists in Hawes.    And I was warned.     As he gave me the jab (totally painless) the chemist warned me that the after effects might be unpleasant and he was right.  For the next two days I have slept heavily  for most of the   day waking up now and again.   Bed has been early and I have slept like a log   all night too.. 

Many of the folk I blog with had the same side effects too,   But life has gone on just the same.   I more or less slept through the Equinox and now we are truly into Autumn.

Are you a 'Strictly Come Dancing' fan?   Each year I say I won't watch it again because I don't know any of the 'so called' celebrities.   It started again last evening - put off a week beca use  of the death  of H M the Queen and again - apart from the girl with Olympic medals for swimming I knew no-one.  So I shall give it a go this evening - what's the betting I get hooked. I find it odd who is a 'celebrity' these days - I never seem to know any of them.

So I really will make an effort tomorrow - that's a solemn promise.   Have a good evening.


  1. I have had four Covid jabs so far and suffered nil effects from all of them.
    As someone who sleeps really badly I would welcome the opportunity to sleep soundly all night long but unfortunately I haven't had any such effects.
    I hate the opening programme of Strictly where everybody gets over-excited when they clap eyes on each new partner. It's gradually getting more bizarre as well, we've had same sex women, same sex men, a deaf girl, and now a women suffering from dwarfism, there's only people in wheelchairs left. For me the most enjoyable part is watching how some people progress to such a high dance standard.

  2. Sleep doesn't sound "unpleasant" to me. I thought you were going to say you felt dreadfully ill.

  3. Somehow I get sucked in to Strictly.

  4. Do I remember that was your 5th jab? I've had only 4 with no ill effects. Sleeping sounds lovely and am glad you weren't actually sick.

    I don't even know if Strictly is shown on Acorn but that's not the kind of show we enjoy. We like science and nature programs, detective shows, movies, and no Steven King! We don't know the current movie stars either.

    Autumn has arrived here in Virginia, too, so my autumn wall quilts are hanging and the tablecloths have been changed. It's been delightfully cool for the last 2 days, too.


  5. Glad you have more or less recovered from the after effects of your Covid jab. I've just had a letter to advise me to book mine.
    Like you I didn't know any of the so-called celebrities taking part in Strictly this year, apart from the swimmer. I was not impressed with the line-up, but I daresay after watching this evening I shall look forward to next weeks programme.

  6. We've had two Covid shots and two boosters. Now we're wondering if we should get the latest booster for the newest variant. All of the shots have made me very sleepy and spend a day or two in bed. I will be so happy when this pandemic is truly over, if it ever is. Take care there.

  7. Well I have had a moan about how it was run in our town today. But I think I have had 4 shots now, plus flu. Had to keep encouraging the lady in front to have her fourth injection. I think it is a good safety measure. But when her husband started telling me about his pacemaker and the problems with it, almost left.

  8. I am the same - never have any idea who the celebs are, except (ironically) for the dancers and judges who are now stars in their own right.

  9. You surely know of Helen Skelton from Countryfile, Weave, or perhaps not without her wellies on! Like Derek, for me it's about watching them improve week by week, the sheer graft, especially considering some of them still carry on with their early morning broadcasting jobs. Hope you are feeling a bit more lively today!

  10. My five weeks was miserable but worth it

  11. 4 shots in 11 months too much for me…will wait a year between boosters next time…

  12. Glad you are feeling a bit more yourself - having had a "mild" case of covid in June that was really miserable, I'm not regretting boosters, even with side effects.


  13. From what I hear, just as you state, people are taking some time to recover from the latest booster. I'm glad you are feeling better now.

  14. I didn't do well with the first three shots; nevertheless, I'll get this one.

  15. As long as it is just tiredness and no headache etc., that sounds alright to me - just stay in bed until you have slept off the feffects. It‘s like you HAVE to be up to go to work, or look after children or a pet :-)

  16. If you have to have a side effect, sleeping seems to be the best option.

  17. Veg artist - yes I agree with what you say but I really don't think they need to be called celebs. And agree exactly with what you say.Derek

    Thanks to everyone - those of you who have not suffered with latest jabs - lucky you.

  18. I'm glad you're feeling better after the jab. So far, I haven't been drawn to dance competition shows but very recently I've become captivated with a couple of game shows. One of them is called, "Don't forget the Lyrics". Since I'm the world's worst at remembering lyrics, the talent of the contestants amaze me. I won't admit to the other game show I've started to watch...very embarrassing.
