Friday 19 August 2022

Home again!

 Well I am home again after a spell in hospital again.   I seem to have developed Epilepsy.   I had a spell about eighteen years ago when when I had quite a severe fit and was in hospital for a few days.  Since then nothing until about six weeks ago when I had a fit which put me in hospital for two days  and now another one on Monday morning.   I came home from hospital at tea time yesterday.    I am very stiff from the inactivity but gradually slackening off as the day progresses today and I am moving about a bit more.

In Institutions one tends to quickly become institutionalised and I feel a bit like that today   But  as I stagger about with one or other of my trollerys normality is gradually returning - I hope.During the four days I have been away there doesn't seem to have been a lot  of rain and we look to be in real need of a heavy downpour.

I will try and do a proper informative post tomorrow.   Until then take care,   I have missed you all.


  1. I am very relieved to hear from you. My sister and I have been back and forth on the phone worrying about you and waiting for your post. Welcome home! My day just improved 100%.

  2. So sorry your routine has been interrupted by the hospital visit. As you say, a couple of days back at home should see you more mobile.
    Best wishes Josie.

  3. i was so relieved to see this post! I am sorry you were under the weather and hope you are feeling much better.

    Renee in Oklahoma

  4. I am so sorry you had such an experience again after all these years. I hope all goes well for you. Please take care there.

  5. I’m so pleased to hear you’re home and ok. Take care and have a nice rest xx
    Debbie in London

  6. So pleased you are safely back home. I have missed you. Jan Bx

  7. And we have missed you terribly, so glad you are back safe at home. Take care of yourself!

  8. Wonderful knowing you are home in familiar, comfy surroundings .... please take good care.

  9. I was beginning to wonder where you were, and worrying about you.
    So glad to hear that you are back home and feeling perkier.

  10. Best wishes for your recovery ! We always miss you when your blog goes silent .

  11. So pleased that you are back again - best wishes for a speedy recovery. x

  12. Thank goodness you are home and feeling better. I hope they can give you some anti-seizure medicine so you won't have these seizures again. Ironic that your last post was titled "Ominous" and then we felt ominous waiting to hear from you again. Welcome home and stay safe, Pat!

  13. You have been missed. Keep well.

  14. So relieved hat you are home again.What a terrible experience but you are amazing. You always bounce back.

  15. Too much excitement trying out the 'invalid carriage'! You are missed, you know.

  16. Glad you are back. Take care xx

  17. I am glad you're back, as well! My goodness ... I am surprised at seeing "epilepsy" in your report back to us! I had no idea scary for your!
    Rest up!

  18. Really happy to know you are home and feeling better, Pat. I wonder if it was the excitement about the new-to-you scooter? The next few days should find you feeling much more settled in your home.
    -Rosemary x

  19. I missed your posts and am so glad you are back home. Hope your health remains good. You are a trooper! Hugs to you.

  20. Good to see you blogging again. I assume that the hospital stay is precautionary rather than anything else?

  21. Good to see you back again Pat but it does beg the question - should you be on your own if subject to these seizures at any time.

  22. I was pleased to read your post today, I knew something must have happened. I’m glad you are back although I’m sure it has been a worrying experience.

    There’s nothing like being home. I hope your friends and carer will rally round and you will get back to where you were before.
    I know know nothing about epilepsy. I just wanted to say good wishes. Jean/Winnipeg

  23. Hope you can keep positive. It's so boring in hospital.

  24. Recover in your own time, at least we know you are home which must feel wonderful so we can wait for the full story. Sending good wishes.

  25. Good to know you are home again, Weaver. Home is the best place to be!

  26. So glad you are back. I hope you feel better each day.
    Linda from Alabama

  27. How alarming this must have been for you. We have missed you too and are so glad to know you are back at home again. Take things easy for a day or two before racing off in your new conveyance!

  28. We are cheering you along, Weave. Take good care!
    Bonnie in Minneapolis

  29. Goodness this must have been frightening! And I know exactly what you mean by becoming institutionalized - it even happens to visitors - when my dad was hospitalized I took my mom over everyday to sit with him as he was very confused and frightened on his own. We got so acclimated to the hospital, the schedule, etc etc that we felt like patients. Glad you are home - hope you have a nice quiet time, and that it rains gently for the next day or so.


  30. So glad you are home!

  31. Welcome home, my friend! Hospitals are good when you need them but better when you get to come back home. May this malady leave you alone for the coming years and years.

    Big, but gentle, hugs!

  32. Thank you eeryonr for your good wishes. I hope to stay here with my morningcarer - time will tell how works. Your concern is much appreciated.

  33. So happy you are home! You are loved around the world and worried about. Hope they can get you on medicine to help with the epilepsy! Bet your bed will feel good tonite! Take care!

  34. So sorry you had to experience this again; but terribly happy to hear you are home, as feisty as ever w/ your usual courage and attitude. Many hugs.....truly good to know you're okay. From the base of the beautiful mini-mountain in Maine. Stay chipper & full of piss and vinegar!

  35. Oh dear Pat! This is quite a game changer. I am glad you are home.

  36. I am so out of touch I had no idea anything had happened to you, Weave. I'm so glad you are back home.

  37. I'm glad to hear you've home. There is nothing like your own home. Institutions are fine for a few days to address a problem but after that home is the best place. In a few days at home, you'll be back to your routines, friends, neighbors and programs.

  38. So sorry to hear you are not well.Glad you are home and cosy. Let's hope there is no recurrence of your illness. Your daily blog has become part of our lives. Thank you for sharing it with us

  39. Glad you are home and waiting for the rest of the story.

  40. Thankful you are home

  41. Oh happy day! Absolutely the best news of the day to find you home once again. Take good care and be kind to yourself!

  42. I have senior epilepsy. Look it up . It's real. It's when we do not make new memories. My seizures are completely controlled. I had juvenile epilepsy when I was a kid.

  43. Sorry to hear this news dear Pat but glad to know you have returned home where hopefully you can stay.
    Sending hugs from across the pond.
    Mary X

  44. Oh dear! That's not the news I was hoping to read! I'd been imagining you off enjoying your new wheels and narrowly avoiding being pulled over for speeding!

    I hope a night in your own bed, and gentle movement tomorrow will have you feeling back to normal. Hugs.. Virginia

  45. Oh my, your time in hospital must have been distressing for you. It is hard being out of pocket and out of sync with your usual routines. I am glad to hear that you are home once again and all in one piece. Take care. You are important to a lot of people all over and like everyone else I'm hoping you get back to square one soon.

  46. Welcome home! I'm glad to hear you're rallying.
    Warm Regards, A.K.

  47. My word; I had no idea you'd been hospitalised. I'd always thought that epilepsy was a congenital illness; not something that simply cropped-up from time to time. Will they give you something for it? I send my very best wishes for your return to recovery. xx

  48. So glad you are home ! xx - Pam, Aust.

  49. I wondered where you were but never thought about Epilepsy - how very frughtening. Hope you have medication to help.
    Sending love and hugs from Suffolk

  50. My worries were not unfounded then. Only yesterday (or was it Thursday?) did I leave my enquiring comment at your previous post.
    Epilepsy is scary, and I hope it will be years again (if at all) until your next fit.

  51. I was worried about you. So happy to hear you are home again. It's a good sign that they sent you home to your normal routine. Hugs, Pat in the US

  52. Such a relief to see that you are back x.
    Wendy (Wales)

  53. So good to read you are home!

  54. What a scare. I do hope they gave you some anti-seizure meds. Take care and I'm sure you are glad to be home.

  55. I am so happy that you are home. The sense of normalcy will return as you do the things that are familiar to you. Stay well!

  56. It’s lovely to hear you are home again. I hope you can happily adapt to life outside an institution once again. And that you get good weather for enjoying your garden and starting to walk (or ride?) again

  57. Oh Goodness, what a time you've had! feel better and stay well.

  58. You have been missed greatly. Thought there must be a health problem as no blog. Please take care, take your time to recover, and stay safe.

  59. I was so worried when you didn't post as usual. I hope they have medications that will help you? I look forward to your posts very much.
