Sunday 31 July 2022


 After a pouring wet start it is now a warm and pleasant start to the day.  Friends P and D have rung to say their new car has requested a jolly run out and they are coming over to lunch on Thursday,   We are still juggling various lunch places and menus but the very idea - whatever the form it takes of an outing in a car, a new venue, a nice menu and jolly company is attractive.  When one is more or less housebound and reliant on others for seeing the outside world, any trip out is welcome and is much appreciated.

Well England won the Ladies. Football Championship this evening - I am so pleased for them, they have worked so hard for it.   I have also watched the Commonwealth Games - especially swimming and gymnastics - both have been spectacular and have shown just how much dedication the sportsmen and women have to put into it.

Off to bed now.   See you tomorrow.


  1. Enjoy your outing Pat. My dear mother-in-law has come to the conclusion she needs a wheelchair on outings.A walking stick or walking frame leave her puffing now. In comparison her sister's grandchild just won the gold medal in the running marathon in Birmingham!!
    We South Australians are so proud of her, as her grandmother would be if she were alive. Mother-in-law's sister would be in her 90's now if she lived, but died in her late 30's. No doubt she was there in spirit. - Pam, Aust.

  2. A nice restaurant meal with good friends sounds terrific. Isn't it always great to choose something that you normally do not prepare at home. Enjoy your lovely day tomorrow.

  3. I agree; well done those Lionesses. I didn't watch all the game (I was cooking) but the result was perfect.

  4. After most of my time in Yorkshire was rather cool with bits of rain, returning to what has developed into a very warm part of the world over the past 20 years or so was a bit of a challenge - especially now that I am back to work.
    This region of Germany really could do with some rain; walking on the fields is walking through a largely yellow and brown world.
    Wishing you a nice trip out and delicious lunch with your friends!

  5. It’s Yorkshire Day today so I have just made a healthy lunch for the Yorkshireman’s son and myself. I was delighted to see the England Women’s Team winning yesterday in such a good game. Catriona

  6. I watched the highlights of the Women's game on YouTube and it was such a happy event to see! Congrats to them!
    It is nice you have the trip out to look forward to! How fun it will be!

  7. Hope you had a good night's sleep, Pat, with happy dreams of the winning team's joy and good food with friends!
    I've created a huge mess in my wee sewing room by cutting fabric strips for 3 different projects. Mercy!!

    Happy August 1st to you and hugs. :)

  8. What dear friends you have! I am glad that you have them. Loneliness takes a big toll on one's spirit.

  9. I'm looking forward to hearing about your lunch out with friends. A country drive followed by lunch in a new venue is one of my favourite things to do.

  10. Your outing sounds very enjoyable. I am envious of the rain you've had. I suppose someone in the south has had a few showers, but after days of heavy cloud my little corner of the UK is still bone dry.

  11. Pam - congratulations to the marathon young lady.

    Thank you to everyone for your replies,

  12. Didn't know it was Yorkshire Day i am ashamed to say.

    I didn't know it was Yorkshire Day I ashamed to say Catriona. I tried going to your site to see if you were a Yorkshire lass - but alas you are a mystery lady.

    Thanks everyone for calling

  13. An outing! That will be fun. We have been housebound with Covid for almost 2 weeks. I've been fine with it but hubby is a little stirr-crazy.

  14. Hope you enjoyed today's outing and will soon post as you're missed!

