Thursday 14 July 2022


This morning it is difficult to type on my computer and easier to look at my garden out of the window - a garden that has been transformed by an afternoon's gardening by my gardeners yesterday.   The mare's tail has been cut back to ground level again,  the poppies have been pulled up before they go to seed (the gardener has been asking to be allowed to do this for years but I love them and have resisted until this year when this hot spell has meant that each bloom has lasted a day at the longest and their remains are a nuisance). Everywhere is tidy and all the plants growing at a low level - two new white osteospermum, several new herbaceous geraniums ,are in full bloom and now easy to see.  He really should not have watered the lawn because unless there is rain we shall soon be short of water, so I must tell him next time he comes not to get his hose pipe out.

There has been a pause because my Lifeline Carer called to see how I was doing.   The service, which is excellent, means that if I am suddenly ill or have a fall I can press the button and I am immediately in touch with help.   She stays about a quarter of an hour, tests that my button is working and then goes.  We always have a lovely chat.

There is now going to be another pause  it is time to put my salmon in parsley sauce with  new potatoes and green beans into the microwave for my lunch.   I have a schedule to stick to today because my order from Tesco is being delivered at two o.clock and there is still the fridge to wipe out.  Back soon.

Lunch was delicious, fridge wiped out, nice chat with the Tesco delivery man about the old days when we had Heinz sandwich Spread sandwiches for tea or else "Mock Crab" sandwich  filling made with the tomatoes left, a chopped up onion, all the old bits of cheese grated and the ingredients cooked in a pan on the top of the stove and then, at the last minute a beaten egg beatcn in the mixture off the heat until the egg cooked and bound the ingredients together. (No fridges in those days and nothing wasted).

Here, dare I say, there is a cool breeze blowing this evening and I have just put on a cardigan!!  Until tomorrow.



  1. It sounds like you have had a lovely day, Pat! I wish I could grow poppies. Sigh!
    Will you be looking forward to watching The Great Yorkshire Farm Show tonight? We found highlights of the first day's events on You Tube, but without anyone narrating, it was difficult to know exactly what we were seeing.


  2. Salmon and parsley sauce sounds delicious.

  3. I feel the same way about poppies. Mine are at their best early in a morning. X

  4. Salmon and parsley sauce the only thing my other could cook …but always with new potatoes

  5. I've never heard of a Mock Crab sandwich. Were they commonly known of, or a family thing?

  6. Your garden views sound beautiful. It is always great when the garden is meticulous. Your salmon meal sounds delicious. You must have had a temperature drop to require a cardigan. We are still baking hot and dry.

  7. Mock crab sandwiches are new to me as well. Is this a ration era recipe?

  8. I still have the occasional craving for Sandwich Spread. Amazingly my supermarket sells it, but I can't imagine any French person buying it.

  9. I'd have a mock crab sandwich anytime over a real crab one! Your lunch sounds delicious, apart from the salmon, which is not something I am keen on.
    Cardigan? I better pack a few jumpers and cardies, too, before heading over tomorrow!

  10. The mention of sandwich spread reminds me of birthday parties when I was a child. It was usually a choice between sandwich spread or meat paste. I really didn't like sandwich spread at was the texture and the look of it - yuck!

  11. Beautiful weather. Sandwich Spread still sells well in the shops here. It is the closest I can get to Heinz Vegetable Salad (Russian Salad) in taste which they gave up making many years ago.

  12. Your mock crab sounds to me like a different word for an omelette before omelettes were thought of.

  13. I have always enjoyed the bright yellow of welsh poppies, though wild they were so delicate. The poppy I always wanted to grow, but it needed an acid soil, was the blue Himalayan poppy, a true blue! As for sandwich spread my tongue tingles at the memory, and it wasn't a good memory.

  14. Your mention of mock crab spread and Heinz Sandwich spread reminded me of those awful small jars of various Shipams pastes that we used to get given in sandwiches as kids. Our Sunday tea always consisted of sandwiches made with that awful stuff.
    Real crab sandwiches cannot be bettered.

  15. I wasn't keen on the Shippams meat pastes but loved the sardine and tomato spread; now I'm fancying that sandwich right now! Heresy when I live in Cornwall and crab sandwiches are readily available (at a price!) on the coast. I might go and treat myself one day.

  16. I do love salmon, in any shape or form, and being a non-meat eater for over 40 years I do eat plenty of fish for protein. I recall sandwich spread - always liked it as a child in the UK.
    As for fresh crab, so expensive to buy here but, as always when home in Torquay, we bussed over to Brixham (my dad was born there) for the day a few weeks back during the visit home, mainly to enjoy a fresh crab sandwich while sitting outside on the harbor wall. Delicious food as always, and the memories even more so of all the times we've done that. . . . . and it was a perfect day weatherwise, lucky us!

    Stay well dear Pat - and keep that cardi handy!

  17. So many lovely people in your life. Many of them sound easy to have a chat with and enrich the day.

  18. Cooler here too but no need for a cardigan yet. I am well stocked with milk, fruit and salad ingredients in case the dreaded extra heatwave arrives at the weekend. If it does I shall not go out and if it doesn't I shall say 'thank heaven'.
    Lawns and grass verges are suffering here and roadside verges have a decidedly late summer look about them.
    I had scampi and chips for lunch today. So naughty but so delicious.

  19. Mock crab was really just a way of using up all the bits left in the fridge - nothing was wasted in those days.
    To those of you who have said how they disliked paste in those little jars - couldn't agree more.
    Thanks to all of you who have responded - see you tomorrow.
