Sunday 3 July 2022

Just a shortie

 I have been incredibly tired today - but I would not have missed a second of yesterday = perfect in every way.  My grand-daughter and her family set off home early this  morning but I have been more or less good for nothing all day.   Luckily my carer brought quiche and salad for my lunch and I fried up the new potatoes which were left and had a lovely lunch.   I needed to dead-head the annuals in my tubs and they also needed a feed and water.   That took me about an hour and as I finished H from next door came round so we sat down and had a cup of tea.

Tomorrow morning is Book Group so I tidied round this evening and all I have to do for their arrival at 10.30 is to lay the cups and saucers and the plate of biscuits out on the trolley.   So tomorrow should be a nice, relaxing day.   See you then.


  1. It must have been lovely to see your family after so long. I will be interested to hear about your book discussion tomorrow and whether you recommend the book or not.

  2. Hopefully your gifts were well received and the little girl had a jolly time just locating the gifts!!!
    Hope you got in a good night's sleep!!

  3. It sounds like a perfectly balanced weekend. A busy day followed by a relaxing day.

  4. That sounds like you had a great visit with family and the little girl, and then book group tomorrow. There are always tasks in the garden and they can tire me out too.

  5. We did very little yesterday, then suddenly we were invited out for early evening drinks. A really lovely day.

  6. No wonder you were very tired afterthe visit; I tend to be after such occasions, and I am over three decades younger than you.
    Quiche, salad and fried new spuds - sounds like my kind of meal.
    Sunday was very hot here, and after we had worked at the village fête until after 2:00 am starting at 9:00 pm Saturday, we needed to rest. Most of the day was spent under the big umbrella on the balcony, with a brief visit to the fête in the afternoon.

  7. That does sound like a delightful day. I too am interested in hearing how the gift hunt went off. I would love to have been a fly on the wall for that event. Quiche, salad and fried potatoes sound like a scrumptious lunch. I'm now thinking that might make a great dinner for my household.

  8. Worth having a day off after a family day
