Wednesday 22 June 2022

Lovely Day

 But very tired now.   My dear friends came over from The Lakes this morning; we had a lovely chat,packed away  all my Tesco order, met friend W and all four  of us tootled down toTennants in Leyburn for a super lunch in their Bistro.   (Prawn and crispykale linguine followed by Lemon Possett with  shortbread for  me).   A nice leisurely meal and then a stroll round the shop fo r me to buy wrapping paper and a card then along to the Garden Centre for rose food for me and a couple of plants for P and D.   Then it was home for half an hour's snooze before a salad tea and they have just set off back to Grange over Sands.It has been a super day out for me but very very tiring as I am just notused to it.   I will be back tomorrow once I have had  a good sleep.  Night night.


  1. Wishing you sweet dreams and a restorative sleep after your lovely day and outing with friends!


  2. You sound very happy today. The trip out seems to have done you good.

  3. That sounds like a lovely day. Very warm down here at present and too warm for me. I couldn't cope with a day out and after a short walk early(ish) each day I come home, open all the windows and stay put. I envy those who can sit out in sunshine.

  4. Two outings in one week. You are doing well!

  5. That's a full day ! No doubt you will sleep very soundly. - Pam.

  6. Sounds like the perfect day and I am sure you are having a good night's sleep!

  7. It all sounds very enjoyable being with friends and sharing a nice meal then visiting a garden center. No doubt, everyone had a full day and will sleep soundly tonight.

  8. A good day. It would have tired me out, too.

  9. A very lazy day for me yesterday. I mowed a few hundred metres of public footpath, and that was about it; apart from a very pleasant swim afterwards.

  10. Your meal sounds delicious. The hot weather combined with a busy day is bound to take it out of you. X

  11. The garden centre visit would have been too much for me after the lunch. Rest today.

  12. Great times for you, two outings with friends in one week, plus all the visits!
    I remember how you regularly went to Tennants for meals with friends, and I am glad you had the chance to do that again.

  13. You are indeed blessed with good friends.

  14. What a good trip out you had.
    Hope you have woken this morning with all energy restored

  15. Actually Rachel I stayed in the car at the Garden Centre - friend P got my rose food for me.
    Thank you everyone for your comments. My friends (of many years standing) arrived with a large bunch of tulips inthe most beautiful colours and they are still upright this morning.

    Thanks everyone - friends all!

  16. Wishing you all the very best for your next beautiful day. Good night. 😴😴😴

  17. What a great day. Exhausting to be sure, but what lovely friends!
