Tuesday 14 June 2022

Good Afternoon

 Good afternoon friends. Blue sky has taken over and for the first time this year I was able to walk to the top of the road and back and in just a cardigan too.   Then to add to the feeling that it was Summer, the gardeners came to cut the various pieces of council owned grass - so now - not only a newly painted post box but freshly cut sweet-smelling grass everywhere.   All the front gardens look lovely - everyone cares for their gardens around here - one front lawn is a bit shaggy and full of birds -foot trefoil, white clover, and buttercups -and as I stopped to look I saw it was also covered with pollinators.   There is a lesson to be learned there somewhere.

Today has been such a busy day - busy with visitors - just the sort of day I like.  It is the day in the week when J, my carer doesn't come so it can be a lonely day - but not today.   First of all came G a member of our Book Group and also a great walker,  who called with the next month's book - Chaucer's Canterbury Tales.  (in modern English I hasten to add);  hardly had she gone when the District Nurse called to look at my heel (on and off I have skin problems with my left heel);  then I decided to walk up the road with Priscilla - I managed to get to the top and back.   On my return M next door was weeding her front garden so we had a chat and by this time it was lunch time.

I have resolved to up date all my business affairs and am trying (not very successfully as I have to be in the mood) to take one topic a day.  Today's topic is to finish sorting out insurances and relabel a file.  I started doing this but the  door bell rang and it was H my other said neighbour with last week's local paper.   She came in and we sat and chatted and she has just gone.   Tea time calls.   See you tomorrow.


  1. A very good day. Warm sunshine, a walk and lots of chats.

  2. This is going to sound very nerdy but I love sorting out files, insurances, finances etc!

  3. What a FULL day you have had Ms. Pat.. .We have too much sunshine here at the moment .. for the last several weeks... HOT up over 100 degrees F... every day!!! uuugh... No rain.. so so dry.. cracked earth everywhere.. People keep watering there lawns... green green lawns everywhere.. We are putting in a rock yard ... sad.. but when you live in an arid area you shouldn't try to grow a jungle.. Take care Ms. Pat .. Glad to hear you are doing well and getting out for your walk.. Hugs! debs

  4. Good afternoon to you too, Weave. Lovely weather for it, no matter what you are up to. If I had a hat on, I would doff it to you.

  5. Lovely sunny weather here too in Wales I ventured out to the promenade yesterday with my trusty Rhett and it was lovely.

  6. I had to take my walk inside the fitness center today as it was too hot to be hiking outside. Glad you got out for your walk and visits! Sounds like the perfect day for you. Stay well!

  7. Very early on a dark morning here Pat, and we have been experiencing so much rain! The cat, Bob, came in drenched. Would love to know where he has been ...evidently tracking devices show cats cover a surprising area when they roam, reinforcing the necessity of de-sexing. 'Miserable Les' harumphed and grumbled when he found out we were keeping Bob. In comparison your neighbours sound like good company! - Pam.

  8. You've had a wonderful full day. Everybody loves a good day and with excellent weather, this makes for perfection.

  9. What a lovely day you had, sunshine, a walk, nice chats and the smell of freshly cut grass. We are expecting the first heat wave of the year, up to 35°C, so I will stay mostly indoors for the next days. We just finished our taxes, so maybe we will do a revision of our insurances, subscriptions, contracts etc. Last time we did this we found user manuals for things we did not even own any more.
    Hilde in Germany

  10. You've had a busy and enjoyable day. I'm happy for you that you were able to get a walk with Priscilla. Your garden sounds just lovely!

  11. You had a busy day! I was in Hunstanton yesterday and saw that large parts of the clifftop lawns have been left unmown this year to encourage pollinators and other wildlife. I've had to turn on "comment moderation" on my blog recently after a series of inappropriate comments which might offend some readers. This means I have to OK each comment before it's published. Sorry if it baffled you recently.

  12. Anne - I love doing it when I am in the mood and I too have such a satisfying feeling when it is all done.
    My father doffed his hat to every lady (he always wore a trilby) - haven't seen anyone do it for years. Tom

    Hilde - this happens to me - I already know that there are guarantees for kettle and toaster - both long expired - and i have replaced them both this week
    It looks warm and sunny outside. I have just ordered drugs to replenish my suppies - next on my list is a walk.
    Thanks for dropping by.

  13. My oldest brother still raises his hat to his lady friends, I don't think to every lady unless he stops to speak of course.

  14. I still step aside for females to pass, normal behavior I would of thought.

  15. Hilde already said it and I can confirm that we're in for scorcher of a weekend. So far, we've been having the most beautiful summer weather this week, with the nights cooling down enough for fresh air in the mornings. It is when the heat lasts for days or even weeks on end with hardly any cooler temperatures at night that I find things become hard.

    So nice to read you've been out walking again, and were rewarded with chats!

  16. Here, it was the first day of the year when it actually felt like summer. X

  17. That sounds like a lovely day with plenty going on, I’m glad to hear you managed the end of the road with Priscilla too. A bit of fine weather is such a boost isn’t it? Julie
