Sunday 15 May 2022

Wrapping parcels

Trying to wrap a parcel when one has BET is almost impossible.   I get everything ready on a flat surface, I spread out everything I am likely to need.  I begin and everything goes wrong.   I cannot get the brown paper to lie flat, the sellotape sticks to itself. -   I go through the drawer in which I put everything which may come useful for wrapping parcels - tissue paper, brown paper, large envelopes - but nothing is just right.   Eventually I find a brown card envelope which looks just about the right size  - I put the item into it, seal it down with sellotape and address it.  This morning when I get  up, the sellotape has pulled loose.   I give up and when my friends call for the parcel after lunch they take it off my hands and tell me they will do it.   What would I do without them - each time they save my life.

It has not been a lovely day like yesterday - it was raining when I got up - not  much, just big blobs.   Soon stopped but the sun has never appeared and that cool breeze has begun again.  It is almost five o'clock   My friends have just gone along with my parcel and soon I shall have to think about what to have for tea.   I never feel like much at teatime but it is a long time to breakfast.

I have not walked round the block today.   I wasn't sure whether my friends were coming morning or afternoon so I stayed in - not really a very nice day so didn 't mind anyway.  There were plenty of mind games in the Sunday papers so that kept me occupied most of the morning.   I shall now send my Grand daughter an e mail to say the ballet tutu is being despatched in the morning.   What lovely things there are for children these days (thanks largely I have to say to Amazon)!

Take care.   See you all tomorrow 


  1. Sorry about the bother with wrapping the gifts and thank goodness for helpful friends! My sweet AMIL (angel MIL) solved the problem with buying colorful gift bags in various sizes along with tissue paper.
    You were wise to stay in on such a wet and gray day so you could remain cozy and dry.


  2. I have problems with neatly wrapping parcels too and I don't suffer from tremors. I am just very clumsy. I have just wrapped a birthday present for my niece's 4 year old and managed to find a large enough jiffy bag to reuse. It will go off to the Post Iffice tomorrow., weather permitting.

  3. Ikeep intending to buy a supply of post office plaatic package bags for parcels but
    I keep forgetting.

  4. I don't have shaky hands and still can't wrap a tidy parcel. So glad friends came to your rescue.
    Not too bad here this morning. I had the windows open and listened to the birds, but it soon clouded over and we have had light rain on and off the rest of the day. April showers in May!
    The gardens and farms still need it so quite a few of us will be happy.

  5. You need a Japanese carer Weave. They are ace at wrapping parcels.

  6. I'm glad you got the parcel off as you wished. That said, it does seem a bit much to ask you to mail the tutu when handing it to the little girl in person during the visit would give you lots of pleasure seeing her eyes light up with joy. Oh well...the mother can explain how excited she was. A bit showery here too. At least I got the mowing done before it poured.

  7. I can wrap the parcel, but not well. I use big envelopes.

  8. I remember the time when every piece of string and ribbon was kept, the ribbons ironed of course, and parcels packed without any kind of sellotape. Instead, the cartons were carefully tied up with string and secured with a lot of knots. I doubt that nowadays, with all the automatic sorting, a parcel like that would be delivered.
    Hilde in Germany

  9. That rain was surely welcome; didn't you tell us in one of your recent posts that your plants were in need of watering?
    I like wrapping parcels but I need time for it, can't do it well when I am in a rush because I need to get it to the post office before it closes.

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