Monday 30 May 2022

The inevitable has happened.

 Yes, my carer has gone down with Covid   This morning she has a very sore throat and a bad head.  I am so far managing on my own with a promise of a replacement if I need it.  I don't feel ill but am very tired.   I slept well, as I always do and I managed the usual chores - after all I always do them on Tuesdays  when I don't have a carer  anyway.  But when I sat down at the computer I fell asleep.  I switched off, sat in my chair and slept for an hour, waking to get myself some lunch (jacket potatoes - 1 filled one with cheese and onion and one filled with Heinz five beans in tomato sauce - both were delicious: peach yoghourt for afters.   I shall finish off the beans in tomato sauce with pasta for my tea.)

My carer has just texted to see how I am. All I can say is I am very, very tired but feel alright.   See what I am like in the morning.   I will have another go at putting on a post:-

It doesn't just apply to Chelsea last week (not the Football Rachel) but it was a good example.   This applies to men and women but it was the men I noticed particularly and I have noticed it on Breakfast television too and it pops up everywhere. You never see a Newsreader without a tie do you?  We used to joke that they could be sitting there in their underpants but they always had a jacket and a tie.   Now at Chelsea they have come out from behind the desk so to speak and they are still in their suits - smart jacket and trousers, suitable tie  (after all Her Majesty the Queen might come and speak to them if they were near enough to the Golf Buggy) but what about footwear?   And not just the men - many of the women too.  It was trainers all round - the men wore navy trainers with a white band of sole coming up the side, the women on the whole wore white.   And the prices of this footwear?   The ones quoted in the Times ranged from £50, through £120, £395, £530,  £700 to £870 (the latter crystal-embellished).  But they all have one thing in common - they hate MUD and never recover from an encounter.

My goodness me they have come a long way since the days when you got a detention if you turned up on a Thursday afternoon and had forgotten your netball pumps and nobody would have been allowed in with those crystal embellished ones either).



  1. I'd wear trainers if I went to Chelsea too. Thankfully the days of punishing shoes are over.

  2. Sensible shoes for a day on your feet were always okay for my nursing jobs, whether in the Emergency Department or Operating Room. It's good to see "form follows function" applying to footwear!
    Hope you remain covid free, Pat, and even get over the fatigue. Rest well in the meantime as symptoms appear or don't.


  3. Thinking of you . Hoping you will not come down with it . Take care of yourself as best you can . 💐 Debbie x

  4. I have always found it a dilemma finding comfortable shoes to wear with a summer frock that are also smart and rain/mud resistant.

  5. I wear tennis shoes almost year-round unless I have a dress-up occasion. They are appropriate for most places I go and they are comfortable. I do have boots for winter snow and sandals for the summer but my tennis shoes are the most comfortable of all!

  6. What with me walking almost everywhere, every day, my footwear has to be sensible - and it nearly always is. Having said that, I do own several pairs of high heels (one of them in pink satin) but the few parties I have worn them to were of course all pre-pandemic.
    Hopefully, tiredness is all you‘ll get, and no full-blown covid!

  7. Sending best wishes for your health and well-being Pat. It is wonderful how you soldier on but take care. Your carer, while ill herself, is obviously still concerned for your welfare, and good that she rings to check on you. I'm sure your friends and son are hovering also. Rest when you need to. No-one would want you to do too much. - Pam.

  8. I hope you continue negative. Take good care of yourself.

  9. Bad luck Weave. Keep on keeping on.

  10. Sorry to hear your carer got sick...and I hope you don't! It's always a tricky thing to have been around someone who gets the bug these days. If you have even the smallest of symptoms, get to testing yourself at least twice. I mean the first day may often show as negative, and the second day might depending on how you feel, get another test. But if you feel fine, just be your usual self. Glad you rest whenever you need to!

  11. I hope you continue to feel okay. Did you talk to your PCP about being exposed to Covid? He/she might make some recommendations for you. As for shoes, comfortable is key. Hiking boots for the woodland trails. Cork bottom sandals for the Summer. I had no idea sneakers could be so expensive.

  12. It sounds as though you are managing. Take your time about doing things and keep on eating well. Sleep when you need to (no one is counting naps!) and try not to worry. It seems that you have quite a few people to call on if you need them and that is a great failsafe. Keep on keeping' on-----that's the ticket!

  13. I hope you keep your health and avoid covid. At this age we get tired very quickly so we have a few naps in the day.

  14. Hope you are feeling OK this morning. It must be nice for some of those gardeners to get out of their wellies for the day.

  15. Fingers crossed this morning you are feeling alright. Shoes should be comfortable, especially if you are on your feet all day. My granddaughter is wearing Doc Martens with the thinnest of slip dresses for her prom this summer, the young will not be seen tottering around in heels.

  16. Your chosen heading is very dramatic. We already knew your carer had Covid and many of us had advised on keeping life simple. As for what BBC people wear, they have plenty of money and I have nothing further to say on them or their trainers. Sleep and enjoy getting up late.

  17. I thought that the Gardeners World presenters at Chelsea didn't look right wearing ties, we're used to seeing them dressed casually. I've always thought that ties are a pointless item of clothing anyway, especially on a hot day. In my management career I often got chastised for not wearing one, a suit was bad enough but a tie was too much.
    I agree with Rachel about your header, reading it I immediately thought, oh no, Pat's caught Covid.

  18. Hope you stay well Pat, take it easy whilst you're caring for yourself.
    Here, sneakers - what you call trainers - are always popular and some are ridiculously high priced. I do find some most uncomfortable, especially the unlined knitted mesh type that have little support, love the leather ones but they are hot and heavy in our torrid summers. Sandals for summer are the best bet here--------we are hitting 100F on Thurs. as this week heats up!
    Hugs - Mary

  19. Hope you stay healthy and your carer gets well soon!

  20. So faTr, so good, I tested myself this morning and the test showed negative. Thanks everyone for your concern.
