Monday 23 May 2022

A wet Monday evening.

 Half past seven - half an hour before tonight;s Chelsea- and so far it is a wet evening.    These last few weeks there have been plenty of wet evenings - trouble is that it is only light rain and it doesn't rain for long.   It is better than nothing but couldn't we do with a real good downpour.   My whole garden looks as though it is waiting.

When you get to my age sometimes you seem tired for no reason and today is one of those days.   I slept perfectly well washed and dressed (helped by my carer) and then using my indoor trolley as soon as I had had my breakfast and she had gone I watered and fed my five tubs by the front door.   They are looking good.   I am pleased I followed the advice of Joe Swift and planted them up in a more haphazard way.   So far so good.

After my lunch I fell asleep again and awoke to the sound of friend W tapping on the window with some magazines for me.   We sat and chatted for an hour.   I have just had a cup of tea and am now hoping I can stay awake through Chelsea.

So really there is nothing of any any import to report today, so I will sign off and see you all tomorrow.   Take care.


  1. I have days when I am tired for no real reason too, and I am only 71. This weekend at our family reunion my aunt told us she will be 88 on her birthday. I was so surprised, because she walks pretty well without any aid, although she does have a walker if she needs it. But I was even more surprised that she was only 17 years older than me. I always thought of her as much more my senior, but now realize how close in age we actually are. I'm still processing that.

  2. It's been threatening wet all day here, but it's been sliding by about thirty miles to the east. I've just watered my pots so it should rain tonight(!) Enjoy the Chelsea Show.

  3. One of my friends commented that she’s realized she can only do one major errand or big household chore a day. Otherwise she feels completely wiped out . Made me feel better as I have noticed the same with myself. Gone are the days of trying to do six errands, garden etc in one day.

  4. Always comforting to read that everyone else has tired days!

  5. It's a wet evening here, too, and the rain is likely to continue in varying amounts all night and well into tomorrow.
    With lupus, I'm always tired and even 8 hours of sleep isn't restful. How annoying. Hope you're sound asleep and will have sweet dreams!


  6. After a very hot weekend, today was 62 degrees and sunny with a light breeze. Everything dries out very quickly. I am glad to hear your container plantings are looking good. It's always nice to try a new approach and especially nice when the result is lovely. No rain in sight for the next two days so I'll be watering too.

  7. Tired days are good for the soul. They help you slow down and recharge. Unless you push through and then you're asking for trouble regardless of your age.

  8. I think we all have those days where we just want to give our mind and body a rest. It's good to give in to it once in a while. We have had quite a lot of rain here this spring, so much that it can be difficult to get the grass cut. But I know the ran is good for the gardens this time of the year. I hope you get a good night's rest tonight.

  9. Watering one's plants is like looking after children. Slugs are my preoccupation at the moment, they devoured the sunflower seedlings but I doubt they will start on the herbs.

  10. I'm with Bonnie there; we probably all have such days, and if we can, we should give in to them every now and then - our bodies are sometimes wiser than our minds, telling us to get some rest before we pick up our activities again.
    I am 54 and get those "tired for no reason" days!

    Good to know you are getting some rain in your area. We are having a week of unsettled weather and much cooler temperatures than our recent mini heatwave, when we passed the 30-Celsius-mark for the first time this year.

  11. Our very dry spell here on Sheppey seems to be well and truly over now, for the moment. After some rain last week, yesterday (Mon), saw us receive 12 hours of steady rain which has given us a thorough soaking. Watching the rainfall radar showing the rain progressing both North and East of us and seeming to cover London, I was surprised last night to see the Chelsea Flower Show both dry and sunny. I see that Ainsley Harriott's sister managed to fall in a pond on one of the exhibits.

  12. If you told your sister about the nude modelling, it becomes clear why my dad wouldn't let me go to art school...

  13. Derek I didn't know about the pond episode. Regarding rain - we keep having episodes of rain but never a good long spell - we could do with that. I put an Osteospermum either side of my front door in a tub and I water them once a week - they have already filled th pot. The others, which I put in the garden are alive but no bigger than when they were put in.
    Barbara Anne - sorry about the lupus - very debilitating.

    Thanks everyone.

  14. Down here we had a massive downpour.
