Friday 13 May 2022

A Lonely Friday

It as as though everyone has 'gone to earth' today.   It is cloudy, windy, not cold but just not a pleasant day somehow.   Apart from my carer this morning and then the girl from down the road who always brings me fruit at the week end to top up on the fruit bowls I have seen no-one and I have spoken to no one.   I have bought a rainbow ballet tutu party dressing up skirt for my Great grand daughter - I was going to hide it - along with a few other things - for her to search for while I look at and admire her little brother (I have not seen him yet because of covid) but now that it has come (made in China - bought from Amazon - what isn't these days?) but now that it has come her mother (my grand daughter) and I have had a discussion on fit and have decided it needs to be tried on.

Sadly I can no longer get out so jobs like this - getting to town to go into the Post Office and post off the tutu to Glasgow, where she lives - involve a major operation, not helped by the fact that some days (and today is one of them) when my hands shake so much I can't begin to pack a parcel. Thank goodness for friends like S and T who always step into the breach.

It is my favourite gardening programme tonight Gardeners' World and I always learn something new every week.   If you want to see some magnificent Aquelegia then go over to John (Going Gently)'s site - his photograph shows a beauty.   My garden is full of them but they are mostly the ones which are almost the wild blue ones  - lovely but not compared with the ones in John's garden - pop over and have a look.

Till tomorrow dear friends. 


  1. Your GGD will be over the moon delighted with the rainbow tutu you chose for her!!!! Well done! Good, too, that you have help when you need it because your hands sometimes shake. We do that for a friend, too, but his hands shake almost all of the time.
    After a little lunch, I plan to put borders on a wee quilt I've made from 2.5" floral squares.
    We had mizzle earlier but the sun is shining now.


  2. Every little girl loves a tutu. I'm sure she will be delighted with your lovely gift Pat.

  3. I often see little girls wearing tutu's or fairy costumes when out shopping with their mothers, usually finished off with bright coloured wellies and a cosy jacket! I'm sure your little relative will enjoy hers, possibly with similarly odd accessories.

  4. A shame the secret hiding place and fun is being taken away with the seriousness of size. Surely it is elasticated and will fit any little waist. Hide it and have the fun you planned.

  5. Rachel - I have already got a few other things to hide -- can you think of anythiing? She is really into art - I have got some 'proper'crayons and a pencil sharpener in a tube, I have sent for a proper sketch book and am going to look for a sketch book with tracting paper. I did think of a set of pencils in a pencil case but wonder if she is a bit young? what do you think (she is 6 in December_)

  6. Well my suggestion was the tutu so I just about start and finish there, however I always liked my paintbox and paper as a child and colouring books, nothing too sophisticated needed.

  7. We have a family with 2 little girls across the street (maybe 4 and 6? One goes to the bus stop for smallest children?) and tutus are in heavy rotation along with tights and various jackets. The kindergarten classroom must look like the chorus at the ballet! I have purchased a couple tutus for young relatives and most of them seem to have an elastic waist? Haven't seen a rainbow one, that is really special. We frequently also get a sketchbook and markers or color pencils for gifts for children we don't know well - that backfired rather badly with one child who was unsupervised with a new box of markers and heavily decorated the wall in her mother's bathroom. I thought there was a lot of adult error in the mix, myself; clearly she needed some company while enjoying her new treasure!


  8. I don't like to think of you lonely, Weave.

  9. The rainbow colored tutu sounds wonderful and I'm sure your GGD will be delighted. I suspect the fit will be perfect or she will grow in to it. Amazon is great and if you need an extra tutu, no problem. At 85 degrees today, Summer has arrived in Massachusetts. We seemed to have skipped Spring.

  10. We were gardening yesterday. A few bedding plants, some lavender, and a bag of stones to hide the gaps; it doesn't look a lot better, but we'll have flowers through Summer.

  11. The tutu sounds absolutely perfect! It will be fun to hide the other little things for her to find. Children love a game of searching for surprises. I agree with you that John's garden is beautiful with a lovely variety of flowers.

  12. Your great granddaughter will love the rainbow tutu. I wonder if it would be easier to send the waist and length measurements along with a picture (via email or text) rather than sending the entire tutu through the mail for a fitting.

  13. Thank you everyone for your suggestions. I am buying some other bits and pieces Any ideas welcome) and just sending the tutu as a gift)

  14. Give her some paints. Let her find a stone to paint. She can make a beautiful stone as a surprise for her great grandmother!

  15. A flower wreath with long ribbons hanging down and some fairy wings. My first graders ( 6 year olds) loved Playdough but that does require supervision. lol
    Rose in Delaware
