Thursday 21 April 2022

The Roar of the Greasepaint

and the smell of the crowd - and above them both the s mell of newly mown grass in the early spring.   Is there anything in this world more guaranteed to raise the spirits?   I doubt it.   It is everywhere this morning because there are several patches of grass around here which belong to the council and yesterday they were mown.   And the dandelions disappeared with the mowing but already today they are making a comeback - you can't keep a good dandelion down.   Oddly enough I specifically looked for bees - both bumble and honey on my walk round and I didn't see one.   I am not sure what that means.   I do have friends who keep bees and they say that there are hardly any hives around here which might account for a lack of honey bees but not sure how that works out for bumble bees.

There is a very chilly breeze today but a cloudless sky and a pure bright sun.   So sheltered from that wind it is lovely.   This morning I visited the hairdresser - and if any man amongst  you  is reading this I hope how you all realise how good this makes a woman feel. 

I still have my five laps of the patio to do but my walk round the estate was done immediately after my son brought me home from the hair appointment (my usual taxi driver was having a day out at the races).   As I got on the home straight of my walk I saw a friend and neighbour J chatting to another friend and neighbour M.   I stopped to chat with them and because I can't stand for long I sat down on Priscilla's seat.   All was well until I came to stand up and walk the last few yards home.   My confidence failed and I dare not stand up although Priscilla's brakes were on.   J is also more or less wheelchair bound we were in a bit of a pickle.   I hoped a Tesco van might come along as most of the drivers know me.   But no such luck.Eventually I managed it and arrived home safely.   I shall remember in future not to sit down to chat.

Well, I think I can chance going round the back of the bungalow and doing my five laps now.   Might add to this later if anything momentous turns up - otherwise see you all tomorrow, 


Rachel Phillips said...

I just left this comment on your previous post. It now seems appropriate for this post so here it is again. At the moment there are plenty of other sources of pollen for the bees, notably in the blossom on the trees. The blossom trees in my garden are covered in bees today. The dandelions will be attractive one day when there is not so much other food around. My dandelions get cut, or they duck, when my grass is cut but they always have their heads up again next day.

The Feminine Energy said...

You entries are a joy to read, Weaver! I always look forward to reading your blog over my morning coffee. Take good care~ Andrea xoxo

Beside a babbling brook... said...

You have said that no one in your estate, lets dandelions grow for long.

So, maybe the bees have noticed this...? And don't bother coming around...?

Gentle hugs,

Sue in Suffolk said...

A post about forgotten bees coming from me tomorrow !

Barbara Anne said...

Your blog post title has me chuckling at your sharp wit, Pat!! :)

We've also noted the lack of honey bees here and it's a worry. The bumble bees are here but not in their usual numbers. Lord help the planet if we're careless enough to lose the bees.

Don't you wish we could swallow food that's a bit greasy and that would lubricate our joints?!


JayCee said...

We have quite a few bumble bees here at the moment but haven't yet seen many honey bees. We used to get lots at our old house, from the hives in the surrounding area. The bees used to leave orange blobs all over my washing out on the line.

Heather said...

It has been a lovely day here also - glorious sunshine and a fresh breeze. I have seen several bumble bees but no honey bees yet.
So glad you managed to get home safely after your sit-down chat. I wonder if I shall be able to move tomorrow morning as I have been out all day today with my daughter and son-in-law. We did quite a bit of walking, in between two hour-long drives.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Too right Rachel - they bounce back immediately.

Ellen D. said...

Glad you got out and about! I am relieved that you took your time and managed to get up and going again. We have a beautiful day here and I just came in from a long walk and then a bit of weeding. Rain tomorrow so I can rest then!
Sweet dreams tonight!

Barbara Rogers said...

What a delightful sounding day, and your curly locks are now beautiful! I seldom go to my hairdresser, but do enjoy it when I do.

Sheila said...

I used to use a Priscilla and was instructed by my physical therapist never to sit down on it unless it was backed against a wall or perhaps a solid heavy bit of furniture. That way you have solid backing when you arise from it.

Tom Stephenson said...

Every year a farmer comes round and crops my English mint to the ground, but every year it springs back up again. Mint must be a weed, but what a useful one - for me and the bees. Once it flowers I leave it alone - mostly.

Debby said...

I am glad to come back here and once again see you bright and shiny as a new penny. The spring weather has done wonders for you.

Susan said...

Freshly cut grass is always aromatic and lovely. Walking and enjoying the sights, sounds and smells of spring as well as chatting with your friends and neighbors sounds wonderful. It has been unusually cool in Massachusetts. The grass is greening up but not tall enough to mow. As for bees, I found a hornet in the rafters of my garden shed and opened the double doors to swish it outside. This is the only bee I've seen so far.

Joanne Noragon said...

Stability is what we want! I remember struggling to rise from a chair on wheels.

Cro Magnon said...

And the wonderful birdsong completes the picture.

Librarian said...

The smell of cut grass is for me one of THE smells of summer. It instantly transports me back to the days when I went to the public swimming pool with my friends after school, aged about 12, and spent the entire afternoon there on the grass surrounding the three pools (a "deep" one with diving boards for those who wanted serious swimming, jumping and diving; a middle one for those who like us wanted to splash and play more than anything, and a kiddie pool where we would not go near).

Good to know you managed to get up from your seat on Priscilla again! I guess after the falls you've had, you are extra cautious now, which is good, but makes things difficult of course if there is nobody around who can help.

Yarrow said...

I do love reading your posts and your daily events. I was telling my mum about you, she's 84 and said she couldn't possibly manage to use the internet, so she was mightily impressed. She gets frustrated at the jobs she can no longer do around the house and I told her not to stress, dust comes back every day anyway! I don't call it housework anymore, I call it house blessing and so just do enough to make me happy and my house doesn't seem to mind. I do have very clean paddocks though, haha!
I hope you have a lovely day and I appreciate the hug, sending one back to you.xx

Anonymous said...

The smell of cut grass always reminds me of the carefree days of childhood with no responsibilities.Also being a lazy teenager, drying my long shiny hair out in the sunshine sitting on the back lawn. All that freedom finished on leaving home.No more lazing around when or since that happened, and its a long way from sitting on the ground these days for a lot of us now! Well done on your efforts Pat.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Very good advice Sheila.

Thank you one and all.

Brenda said...

You are an Amazing woman