Monday 11 April 2022

No shortage of visitors torday.

Well certainly no shortage of visitors today.   Friend  W r ang to say she would call for a couple of hours this morning.   No sooner had she rung off than D and J called to get my garden sorted.   So I had a really pleasant morning.   All five osteospermum are planted - two in blue pots by the front door and the other three in the beds round the back.    A plant which was  in one of  the pots by the door and loves full sun has now been transplanted to a sunny spot round the back and then the whole garden has been top dressed with a layer of compost.   All I need now is a good morning of rain - the plants were all watered in well but it is not the same as a good shower of rain.

After lunch I managed to empty and polish the welsh dresser.   My cleaner comes in the morning and I like to do that job myself.   I had just sat down for a rest when friend H from next door came round for an hour.  So this is the first time (5.04pm) I have managed to sit down at my computer.  Friend P also rang from The Lakes.   H and a neighbour were preparing to saw down a dead tree which has been strangled by ivy so they will have had an adventurous afternoon.

No sign of the pair of partridges today.   They really are the most beautiful birds - not  particularly highly coloured but with the most precise and beautiful markings.   It would by lovely to welcome their nest to my garden but really no chance of that.   There is nowhere concealed enough and there is a field of grass just over the wall - although early silage always makes that a danger.   One year we had a pheasants' nest in the middle of a field destined to be made into silage and the farmer put bamboo canes and green string round the nest to remind him it was there.  He has also done the same thing several times with curlews' nests.

Well friends - a much more 'with it' day today I am glad to say - my cleaning lady tomorrow so plenty of chat in the morning.   See you tomorrow.


  1. You have left me standing today. I haven't spoken to anybody.

  2. Feast or famine, as it is said.
    It is good to "hear" you so chirpy today.

  3. So good to hear what a lovely day you've had and the garden is looking better so that's an added bonus! Hope you've had a nice dinner and are settling down to watch your evening shows. We enjoy watching old episodes of Time Team where there is nothing more interesting on TV.


  4. I can't remember the last time I cleaned the dresser. I am amazed at the jobs you do manage to tackle. Don't overdo it!

  5. I am so glad your farmer looked after the curlews. They are on the Red list now and need all the protection they can get. See your day has perked up and I think there is rain coming tomorrow for your plants.

  6. Glad to hear you sounding so happy today! Everything going well and plenty of visitors. I just got back from lunch with 2 high school friends so lots of laughs and happy memories from our days at school (class of 1968!). A good day for both of us, Pat!

  7. So happy to know you got your garden “caught up”. I’m really lagging behind with mine this year.

  8. What a marvelous full day! Your garden will be very happy to have compost throughout. Plus the plants will be robust providing you with great views of beauty in the garden.

  9. What a wonderful post. You seem renewed and cheered today.

  10. What a good day. Here's to many more of the same!

  11. It's so good to such a cheerful post from you!

  12. What a lovely busy day you have had. No wonder it has cheered you up. More chats tomorrow and your gardener has planted those plants. Such pleasures to look forward to as the weather warms up and more things come into flower.

  13. You surely had a fine day, and much was done!

  14. A typical day in the life of the Weaver! Chats with friends, jobs around the house and garden done, plus a blog post - it's all in a day's work for you :-)

  15. It made me so happy to read of the Farmer's protection of the pheasant and curlew nests.Apart from some things, I wish things were better in this country for animals and it wouldn't cheer you to know why or how, so I'll leave it at that.We need more wildlife corridors, and anyone who takes the time and trouble to consider creatures and their habitat and show that extra bit of kindness, is a winner in my books. - Pam, Aust.

  16. Sounds like yesterday was a really good day and cheered you up. You certainly spoke to more people than me!
    Hope today is equally good.

  17. The osteospermum I planted from seeds are coming along. I'll have to wait another month before I can safely plant them outside. I'm looking forward to seeing how they turn out. They're a first for me. Your farmer seemed like such a lovely man. I love how he protected the pheasant nest with bamboo stalks and green ribbon so he wouldn't accidently disturb it.

  18. Thanks folks for your goodwill messages. As you say - a good day indeed.
