Wednesday 20 April 2022


 Not sure how or why but after a day of feeling tired yesterday, today I have felt completely invigorated.   It has been without doubt the warmest day of the year so far and wall to wall sunshine.   After doing the Mind Games in The Times I went round the block with Priscilla - the easiest I have done it since falling.   On coming back home I was able to get the washing into the tumble drier and set if off before making my morning coffee, drinking my coffee and also reading a bit more of my Times.

After lunch friend D rang to see if she could visit and duly arrived half an hour later.   We had a super chatty afternoon - they had recently been to Turkey on holiday and enjoyed it greatly.   It is many    years since my first husband and I had three weeks there - Istanbul, then across the top of the Sea of Marmara,  to Gallipoli, across the Dardanelles and then down the coastal area to all the ancient sites - Troy, Ephesus, Didyma and the like.   We finally had a few days to recuperate in Alanya before flying home as it had been such a hectic holiday.   The farmer and I also had a brief trip to Ephesus from the Greek Islands.

My friend and her husband had a week in Antalya with lovely weather.   She always suffers in Winter without the sun so it really did her good.

After D had gone I managed my five 'laps' of the patio before I had my tea.    It took very little effort today - I could hardly manage it yesterday but found it pleasant today.   The after watching Michael Portillo's rail journey from Berlin through Germany I have come into the bedroom to 'pen' this.   Hope it finds you all well and happy.   See you tomorrow.


  1. It looks like a good night's sleep, some bright sunshine and a visit with a friend has done you a world of good! I'm happy you've had a good day! I bet you will sleep well tonight too.

  2. Pat my husband is 64 yrs old.. he had had quadruple by pass surgeries and like you he has good days and bad days.. Days when he is full of pep and raring go and days when all he wants to do is sit.. We just take them as they come.. So glad you had a good day!! Hugs! debs

  3. Good news that your energy has returned - hope it continues in this vein. Turkey is one (of many) place I have never visited but I would be reluctant at this time with all the upheavals in central Europe with war and refugees.

  4. What a wonderful day! It certainly made a wonderful post.

  5. The weather certainly makes a difference - especially that bright sun! Glad you had such a great day!

  6. Sunshine and warmth would certainly invigorate you in April!

  7. A great day in the sunshine and warmth made all the difference. Good weather is definitely energizing. I suspect every good sunny day you will be walking as much as you like. It is still quite cool here and the wind makes it feel even cooler. At least we had the good sun and blue sky.

  8. Soon you will be your old self, and then more!

  9. Good that you feel energized today. I hope it continues for you.

  10. A spring day with warmth and sunshine and a good night´s sleep can make such a difference!
    Hilde in Germany

  11. I am happy for you, and well done on not only walking around the block but also doing your patio laps!
    A "super chatty afternoon" sounds great, too; I know how much you value your six a day.

  12. Sunshine and warmth - the best things for feeling better.
    Don't go crazy today!

  13. Lovely to hear that you are doing well.- Pam.

  14. Good to hear. Warmth and sunshine can make such a difference.

  15. You need a lot of energy to walk around Ephesus!

  16. Reminiscing is a fine thing especially when it brings back memories of happy times past.

  17. Way to go dear Pat!
    Perhaps we crossed paths in Ephesus - who knows. I loved visiting there.

  18. I was happy to hear you had a day with plenty of exercise. I wonder if the warm temperatures are helping. My mother always noticed the weather had an impact on how stiff she would feel on any particular day. Your trip to turkey sounded fabulous. How amazing to see some of the places from Greek mythology.

  19. Hi Pat,
    Well it's Thursday now and we have yet another cloudless and sunny day here and the sun is very warm out of a nagging and chilly easterly wind, I love this weather, but....
    As seems an annual event now and thanks to the combination of the warming sun and drying easterly winds, we need some rain. The ground is concrete hard and cracking up and on the reserve the water levels have dropped almost a foot over the last week or so.

  20. Yes indeed I did sleep well. All my dandelions have been mowed off but there are thousands here on the verges - but strangely I didn't see a single bumble bee on them on my wslk this morning (or honey bee).
    Thanks for your visits everyone - I do appreciate them.

  21. At the moment there are plenty of other sources of pollen for the bees, notably in the blossom on the trees. The blossom trees in my garden are covered in bees today. The dandelions will be attractive one day when there is not so much other food around. My dandelions get cut, or they duck, when my grass is cut but they always seem to have their heads up again next day.

  22. Dandelions are indestructable of course, they have solved the problem of survival! Keep on walking Pat, your five rotations of the patio will help as well.
