Friday 22 April 2022


 Today is a pleasant sunny day but there is a stronger, cooler wind blowing.   As with most Aprils here in the UK, we could do with some rain now.   Everywhere is looking very dry and the plants my gardener put in for me are really looking for a drink.

I have kept up my fitness regime today and am finding everything that little bit easier on the old muscles.

Friend M, who lives within walking distance, rang and said should she come round for a chat this afternoon.   Of course I said yes - all visitors are always welcome and we had a lovely afternoon chatting about when we were children and how things have changed - particularly in what we eat and how much cooking our mothers did compared with now.

When she had gone I had a quick tea and then did my five laps of the patio before coming in, locking up everywhere and now I shall settle down to watch Master Chef and then Gardener's World and Have I got News for you.   What did we do before we had television?   See you tomorrow.


  1. I'm so glad you had a cooler day and a visit from a friend for an enjoyable chat! That and good exercise to keep those joints loose.

    Your wondering about what we did before TV is a good question. When I was 8 years old (1959) our old TV went on the blink and my parents had to wait for a repair man, then wait for a needed part to arrive so we were forever without a TV - actually just 2 weeks but it seemed like forever. I read our Compton's Picture Encyclopedia set in the evenings for something to do and my parents read with the radio on.


  2. Your fitness regime is paying off if things are feeling easier! Congratulations for cautiously keeping up with it! It's so nice you have a friend nearby that you can visit with in the afternoons. Enjoy your TV programs tonight!

  3. Well done you for doing your walking exercise . We also make sure to have a walk every day . It is sunny and blinking cold here too in Cornwall ...brrrr ! 💐x

  4. Almost felt like a winter's day here today, heavy grey skies and a strong and cold NE wind and
    also, my garden soil is now cracking up in the dryness, which is not helping my newly planted perennials.

  5. It's amazing how much difference even a little regular exercise can do. Well done for keeping it going. I must follow your example and have been slacking off a little, though I did get some extra yesterday when I went out for the day. The weather was glorious though the breeze a bit chilly. Today has been cloudy and decidedly colder. I hope you get some rain for your flower beds.

  6. I think that should read 'exercise can make' not 'do'!

  7. From the 50's I think it was mainly jigsaws, drawing and the good old wireless with Round the Horne etc and playing out - till it was time for bed in summer time and we did talk a lot! We expect so much more now. Glad you're still feeling limber!

  8. Derek - never quite sure whether to water newly planted perennials in this weather. They had a good water in when they were planted.

  9. I find there is very little I want to watch on TV here so have resorted to borrowing videos from the library or online. Plus I can't stand all the repetitive commercials!

  10. Your daily walking routine is building strength and working well. You must be very happy.

  11. I am so pleased your fitness regime is paying off.

  12. Funny that your Aprils are dry. Ours are noted for the showers.

  13. Okay, I look forward to tomorrow's post on what we did before TV!!!

  14. The radio!! I still enjoy listening to the radio although I have several streaming service as well as free to air tv. The choice of programmers is sometimes overwhelming and it all seems like rubbish anyway. Well done with the walking!

  15. We got our first TV in 1964. Before, it was radio, board games and reading. And I think we went to bed earlier, too.
    Hilde in Germany

  16. Well when I was a child the programmes were somewhat limited ;) Hiding behind the sofa when Quatermass came on,(we weren't supposed to be up at that late hour) and singing Davy, Davy Crockett and who can forget Bill and Ben?

  17. In the U.S. Back in the 60's we only had three or four channels. At midnight they would play the National Anthem and then all the channels would simply go off the air and left with a snowy picture until the next morning. I remember my parents doing a lot of reading in bed. Shelves and shelves of books..
    Wonderful you're keeping up with your walks. Makes me happy.
    Wishing you a good day tomorrow!

  18. We listened to Radio Luxembourg, talked, made music and went to bed early. The coming of TV ruined family life. And April is a very changeable month in Britain, sometimes wet and sometimes dry. This year it has been dry. Our weather is very unpredictable. Sometimes it rains all through Easter, has been known to snow, and is often very cold but on the other hand there could also be a heatwave.

  19. April in Germany is not all that different from what Rachel has described - different from year to year, different even within the hour! It was sunny here yesterday, but the wind was nippy and we still get early mornings close to freezing. All in all, March and April have been mostly dry.
    We did not watch all that much TV when I was young; I was born in 1968 and during my childhood, there were only three channels, and Children's Hour was really just that - one hour a day. More often than not, we would be playing outside and didn't bother to go in for TV. In my family, there was always a lot of reading, and we had board games we played as a family, such as Monopoly (we still have the old set from my great uncle, with the little houses made of wood).

  20. Television had always been a very big disappointment to me in the early days. My young brother and his mates were glued to watching the Three Stooges, Hopalong Cassidy and Roy Rogers. I found it a relief to continue to read instead as I did pre t .V. . I could see no real role models for young girls, unless you consider Dale Rogers, but horses and neckerchiefs were never my thing and I knew I'd never carry off a swimsuit like Annette Funicello after she ditched her mouskateer ears, so t.v. offerings were slim pickings as far as I was concerned.- Pam, Aust.

  21. Thelma - don't forget Little Weed!
    There was no TV when I was a child - we bought our first set for the Queen's Coronation I think. I rarely watched TV until becoming a widow five years ago. Before that in the summer I would have been out in the garden or walking round the fields with the farmer. Now by the time I have washed up after my tea I enjoy a few programmes - I am really too tired to do much else - I tend to fall asleep with my book by then... But I am selective - Nature programmes, Master Chef, Travel programmes now that I can no longer travel

    Thank you for some interesting replies.

  22. A cold East wind here today. I watch very little TV. I spent years watching none at all at a time when friends did not turn it off for visitors. These days everyone is on their phones when in company. No manners.

  23. Yes, what did folks do before cable television AND computers! They sat on front porches & watched the traffic go by... they went visiting in the evenings... they did hobbies & crafts... the adult men played baseball in the empty lot down the street... they visited the cemetery to tidy-up graves... they went fishing... they went window shopping uptown... they visited with the local butcher... they had regular coffee klatch dates with friends... they sewed new curtains or aprons... they read library books... they tried new recipes... they visited people in the old folks home... and on and on. Many of those things you still do, Weaver, but the vast majority of people do not. That's what is wrong with our world today. ~Andrea xoxo

  24. Warmer, sunny day today out of the nagging NE wind.
    Been out to Sissinghurst Castle, previous home of Vita Sackville-West, today and seen one of the best displays of Spring flowers and bulbs I've ever seen - a wonderful place that I've been to numerous times.
