Wednesday 2 March 2022


 I didn't realise until it was too late that yesterday was Pancake Day so there were no pancakes for me.   And yes, I did miss them.   I love them with lemon juice and sugar.

Never mind, it's over for another year so I shall look forward to my friends W, P and D to lunch tomorrow.   My carer is making me a Shepherd's Pie and W is preparing and cooking the veg.    I am providing the puds - fruit cake and cheese. yoghourt and a selection of fruit.   Yesterday the weather was delightful - sun and a light breeze - perfect weather for driving over from Grange over Sands through Wensleydale.   Today is murky and damp - neither wet nor fine - somewhere in between.  And it is set to be similar tomorrow.

So tomorrow I shall have something to write about after several uneventful days really.   Everywhere looks smart as my new cleaner came yesterday (she was astonished at how clean and tidy it was when she arrived).   Her name is Abigail.   When I was a small child an old lady called Abigail lived next door and was bedfast.   She had a stick on a rope to the ceiling with which to pull herself up into a sitting position.   Gosh that is going a long way back.   Memories indeed.


  1. You can have pancakes any day of the year; at least according to my Granny who always made them for my brother and I when we were little boys and she had the job of looking after us for the day. I think it was because we usually used to fall asleep after eating them - she wasn't silly, my Grandmother!

  2. Your cleaner must of arrived and thought - this is going to be a doddle, it's clean already!
    Second day of low cloud, murk and constant rain - everywhere is wet and muddy.

  3. Blueberry buckwheat pancakes with butter, and maple syrup is one of my two favorite morning meals.

  4. Bedfast - that's a new one for me; I've heard of bedridden.

  5. Reading about having your house cleaned jogged a favourite memory of mine. Years ago, when my sister was busy with small children, she went off on a family vacation. She asked me to pop over to water her plants while she was away. Not only did I water her plants, but I cleaned her house from top to bottom. I even recall shining her kettle. I was on summer holidays at the time and obviously a bit bored. I was delighted with the acclaim I got when she returned from vacation to find everything sparkling. That memory still makes me smile.

  6. Your meal with friends sounds excellent. Your home must sparkle with all the cleaning. With all the talk about pancakes, I've bought the ingredients and will cook them this week. I'm still curious about the lemon and sugar topping. I've got lemon curd, so I'm thinking about using this.

  7. Enjoy your lunch. It sounds pretty good to me.

  8. How nice to be able to have some friends over for lunch. Sounds like a wonderful idea! I am so glad you are feeling well.

  9. Pancakes are served from frying pan to plate, very hot, and a fresh halved lemon is to hand and you squeeze some juice on the pancake and then sprinkle caster sugar to ones taste, and eat, Susan. Hope that helps. As for pancakes missed on Shrove Tuesday Weave, please remember you can eat them on any day of the year, whenever you like. Enjoy your day with friends.

  10. I forgot Shrove Tuesday too. Will have pancakes some day soon. Have lovely time with your friends! X

  11. Susan - As Rachel says - Lemon juice and caster sugar are traditional.

  12. I'm happy you like your new cleaner. It sounds like she did a great job on the house. Enjoy your luncheon tomorrow. It does sound as if it will be enjoyable for all.

  13. It will be a fine lunch and a great visit. Enjoy!

  14. Why didn't the BBC News people announce it a few days before. I forgot it too. I might make some anyway (Lemon and sugar, of course).

  15. Didn't some of us say just that the other day, that your cleaner will wonder what there is to clean for her? :-D

  16. I missed making pancakes as well. They taste so delicious with lemon and sugar. X

  17. I remember the joke about pancake day from when I was a kid. Wife leaves a note in the kitchen for husband:

    'Gone out. Supper's on the ceiling'.

  18. Just as 'dogs are not just for Christmas' pancakes are not just for Pancake Day, why not treat yourself to some, I'm sure your carer would help you. Yes lemon juice and sugar are the best on nice thin pancakes aren't they.

    And you've just filled in a lost memory for me. Someone asked me the other day what my eldest son would have been called if he had been a girl and I couldn't for the life of me remember ... he would have been Abigail.
