Tuesday 15 March 2022

The Ides of March

Well I never had to beware them - they were always lucky for me because seventy years ago today - March 15th 1952 was my first wedding day.   My first husband, Malcolm, and I were married on that day, had one son and were married for thirtynine very happy years. 

Then after just over two years of widowhood the farmer and I married and we had almost twenty four years of equally happy marriage.   I count myself very fortunate indeed. 

Today I took all my aches and pains to the doctor together with my 'little list' (she was very  pleased and said she wished everyone would do it as it saved time) and she prescribed various additions to my medication.

Sunny day here today but by no means a warm one.  I am off to make myself a cuppa to settle down and watch Ben Fogle In the Wild.   Wonder where he is tonight.


  1. I have started taking a list to my doctor and my husbands as I cannot remember all the aches and pains for both of us. It is warmer here in America today and I have enjoyed the sun. I walked around the property and fed the chickens. I love the sun. So glad your doing good.

  2. Happy Anniversary of your 1952 wedding!

    I'm glad your doctor liked your list and that you'll have meds to help you feel better.

    Ah, your title reminded me of the Roman calendar and a rhyme I learned in Latin class many decades ago:

    "In March, July, October, May
    The Ides come on the 15th day
    The Nones the 7th all else besides,
    Are two days earlier both Nones and Ides."


  3. It is wise of you to take a list to the doctors. If I have more than one or two things to discuss I make a list or I'm sure to forget. I hope your doctor was able to offer some help for your aches and pains. Enjoy the sun and your TV program tonight!

  4. Happy Anniversary Pat - you will have plenty of wonderful memories. I hope the new medications do you some good and how good of the doctor to take account of the list. My doctors unfortunately will only deal with one problem at one appointment so a list would probably be dismissed and probably the reason I never go as I often think many things can be connected.
    Love Ben Fogle and all those wonderful people and places he visits.

  5. Yes I too take a list to doctor visits. I have done this for decades and sometimes when there I write things down. Medicine and the drugs are very complex now. You have a lovely wedding date to remember on the Ides of March and two long happy marriages.

  6. I remember my mother's doctor's quiet but gentle exasperation with her never-ending list last time I went to an appointment with her. He was already running late, and suggested that she make a double-appointment next time. She never does, won't let me help with those or any phone calls, and does everything fiercely independently, including saying 'I think you'll find you're wrong about that Doctor.' I come to your blog for a bit of sanity Pat, and it never disappoints.Leaving wonderful memories is a heart-warming gift to impart to others. Happy Anniversary to you! - Pam.

  7. Not a bad day here. Not very bright, not very cold and not at all wet. Could be a lot worse. I hope your new medicines prove helpful and will improve your strength and mobility. I once took a list to my doctor and he didn't seem at all pleased. I was quite a bit younger then and he probably thought I was a hyperchondriac wasting his time. It was a group practice and he'd never seen me before.

  8. It is a joy for me when I hear of a long happy marriage and even more to know that you had two long happy marriages. Best wishes to you on the 72nd Anniversary of your marriage to Malcolm.

  9. You were married just one week before my parents. It's been a beautiful day here today - or rather in N E Norfolk, as that's where I've been.

  10. I am watching Ben Fogle now. Lynx is a very interesting person.

  11. Beware the Ides of March. Perhaps in 1952 nobody thought of it.

  12. Yes you are very fortunate indeed!

  13. You are very fortunate to have had 2 happy marriages. Some people do not even have one.
    Tell us your secret?

  14. We had one vividly sunny day this week, and then a more grey one today. Ides of March, do you suppose?

  15. Two long and happy marriages are very special, and I wish you a happy anniversary. When I was married I used to joke that our silver anniversary would be in the year 2000, which seemed far, far away at this time. And now we are shortly before our golden anniversary. Sometimes I just can´t believe it.
    Hilde in Germany

  16. By now it is the 16th and what would have been your 70th wedding anniversary is past. It is wonderful to know that there are still people about who have good, happy, lasting marriages and great friendships!

  17. Two happy marriages is a wonderful thing. It says a lot about you and the good men with which you chose to share your life.

  18. Love Ben Fogle, I saw him live on stage just before covid hit, he was very good to listen to !

  19. Happy Anniversary memories, Pat. “It takes two to Tango”, so the secret of your two happy marriages can be found by looking in a mirror! I was born in 1952, married in 1976 (March 6) and still very happily together. I too, count myself very fortunate.

    I hope the tweaking of you meds improve things for you. And I hope the weather enables you to get your walks in, I’ll bet your doctor was impressed with how hard you work at that.

  20. Secret of a happy marriage? Choose wisely, give and take. My two could not have been more different - perhaps that is why they worked so well.
