Sunday 30 January 2022

Stormy Weather

Yesterday's storm - I have forgotten its name but I think naming them is a bit daft anyway- has disappeared from up here after causing a couple of deaths - a sixty year old lady in Gateshead and a nine year old boy in Staffordshire.   Not sure I have them the correct way round but in both cases death was caused by falling trees.   This morning the sun rose beauifully without a breath of wind.   Not a leaf stirred as the thousands of rooks flew over as dawn broke (yesterday as quickly as they flew over the gale blew them back).

Bearing in mind the forecast (an even worse storm later on today) Priscilla and I set off straight after breakfast to do our circuit and by ten o'clock I was drinking my morning coffee.   Now it is 3pm, cloudy and there is a rising wind.   And Priscilla and I are feeling quite righteous - it looks increasingly uninviting.

It is vital that every day I am able to go out (ie no vcry strong wind, no slippery icy patches, no pouring rain) I do so.   Every day I miss I notice it - or rather my knees and hips and balance do.

From today my carer is having a week's holiday (to Spring Clean!) and until a week tomorrow it will be my relief carer.   I shall miss J - she brightens up my day - but she does need a break and is hoping to have two or three days going out if the weather is good enough.    But these storms seem to be coming across the Atlantic thick and fast at the moment.

A visitor arrives - my neighbour with our local paper which comes each Friday and sadly almost always contains details of a local death (we are all getting old together).    I shall go and  make myself a sandwich and watch the early evening news - don't expect that will cheer me up at the minute.  Until tomorrow dear friends.



  1. So pleased you were able to get out today - fresh air certainly does one good. Stay safe in the storm. Viv

  2. Falling trees are so frightening... we had one come through out living room roof one time, right into the middle of the living room floor. Thankfully no one was hurt but my oh my, I was frightened enough for a lifetime! The poor people who died in your area from the falling trees... a little 9yo boy, to boot. What a tragedy!! Stay safe, Weaver! ~Andrea xoxo

  3. I don't mind a storm. Generally speaking...but wind? How very unpredictable the are. I don't like strong wind.

  4. Good you made it out for your walk before the bad weather sets in again. I read your blog every day, I am a Brit living in the US and we are having some very cold weather too. Senior citizens, but we still cut wood for our wood burning stove so today, a milder day, we were out splitting and bringing wood up to the house. Like you we nip out when the weather is good. Stay safe and warm. If you are interested, I too have a blog, but I am not anywhere as efficient as you.

  5. You are so right, exercise is key for wellness. As they say, "Use it or lose it." About now, we are all looking forward to Spring and milder weather.

  6. Raining and windy this evening in Lincs after a beautiful morning.

  7. Yesterday was very gusty here but we obviously missed the worst of the storm. So tragic that those two people died. We have had a lovely day down here but who knows what tomorrow might bring.
    I am right with you re exercise and notice immediately if I have slackened off - my knees and hips tell me right away.
    Hope you can get out tomorrow.

  8. Here in Ontario, snow is piled up everywhere. My husband and I just returned from trudging through the snow with the dog. A close friend of mine refuses to go outside in weather like this. She prefers to walk through her condo to get exercise. She often does this while on the phone with me. I can always tell by her slightly out of breath voice. lol

  9. You're right about the evening news-----generally there is nothing uplifting to be had. We I always say, "Oh, it's just puppy dogs and rainbows tonight!" Being facetious of course. It would be better just to skip it but I do feel that I ought to have some idea of what's going on in the world at large.

  10. I hope the storm passes over quickly. Take care ,stay safe , keep cosy and warm ☃❄❄🌨☃❄❄❄

  11. Just read yesterday’s post. My husband is a radio ham and edits the old timers magazine. Would love to know your sons call sign. Love your blog, you always sound so cheerful and interested in things ! Keep safe, Ann x

  12. In England in the eastern part we have had strong gusts of wind and last night in my post code area we had an electricity problem which left me with one quarter power so most of the things in the house went out so I went to bed. The electricity is fully restored this morning, the wind is still gusting but that is all. I reset the clock on the cooker so that the cooker will work when I cook my tea tonight.

  13. Very hot and humid here. We are looking after our delightful 14 month old grandchild for a few days. Only in the early morning and evening did we venture out for her to toddle around - the rest of the day the curtains were drawn and the air-conditioning on, but she is easily entertained - the enjoyment from clattering pots and pans and their lids has never changed has it, or bringing down a tower of wooden blocks. The cat prefers his favourite shady outdoor spot to the little one's enthusiastic activities and squeals of delight at his presence inside.-Pam, Aust.

  14. Anonymous - send me an e mail and I will send it to him

  15. Rachel - my carer is off and she only lives at the bottom of our estate - I am fineup here at the top. Much less windy this morning.

  16. Anyone would move if you confronted them wearing that.

  17. Wind is one of the scariest of weathers isn't it, there's nothing we can do to avoid it. It's sad to think that at least two families are grieving a lost loved one just because of the weather.

    Stay safe. xx

  18. Strong winds here at the moment, whereas the northern part of this country has been quite severely hit by storms, mostly the coastal areas around the Baltic and North Sea.
    Good job you went out when you did!

  19. Tail end of the last storm here. February the first, halfway between winter and spring.

  20. Dear Weaver,
    What a delightful spunky sense of humor! I read you every day but have only commented once before. You have taught me so much about how to age gracefully.
    Sea Lover Chapel Hill,NC
    "Rock On"
