Wednesday 12 January 2022

No post today.

I have been busy all day today, doing various jobs and just getting on with life really.   It was our recycling day but although my carer and I put out all the recycling before she went it has not been collected.

After lunch and the News (pretty depressing stuff)and a doze I came in my computer room intending to cook up something but almost immediately friend M rang to say she would come round with our next Book Club book which she had ordered and bought for me in Richmond - lovely.   I put the kettle on and shortly she arrived - she only lives a short walk away on the opposite estate .  While we were chatting the window cleaner C came.   Every  operation is a major one for me.   I had to go with my walker and get my handbag, then negotiate the way to my front door and open it to pay him.   He really is the most cheerful chap and I always enjoy his visit (and the windows look a jolly sight cleaner when he has been).

Glorious sunny day - beautiful dawn and as M was going the sky was golden - such beautiful weather this week.   Now time for The Repair Shop so an indulgent hour.   See you tomorrow.


  1. Yes.It has been a beautiful day.The sun lifts your sprits.
    I wish my window cleaner would come.I wish they did the inside too.It is on my “to do” list.

  2. We have had a beautiful day down here too, though it was very foggy this morning. I think our window cleaners must be due but if they come it's sure to rain. Hope you enjoy your new book club choice.

  3. That was definitely a "post"! Glad you had a busy day with lots to do and people to chat with. I'm so nervous of Omicron I haven't seen anyone this week. I did shop on Tuesday but didn't speak to the cashier or anyone in the store.

  4. Oh yes Barbara know what you mean about the window cleaner doing the inside - I can't reach most of mine and would gladly pay the window cleaner to do them but sadly he ho longer has that kind of equipment.

  5. Window cleaning makes such a good difference. Your windows must sparkle. As homeowners even a quiet day gets a few good jobs done.

  6. I love The Repair Shop. It reminds me of so much.

  7. I watched The Repair Shop yesterday too. We have tradesmen in the house, so I was unable to do normal things. I loved that big chair with the old Saddle Bags.

  8. It's been a beautiful sunny day here, too, but cold enough for me to don my bobble hat and wrap up very well for my after-work walk.
    The sun slanting through my windows is lovely, but it makes me see every spec of dust, and a window cleaner would be really welcome here, too!

  9. My recycling is still waiting to be collected. I've heard quite a few of the staff are off sick. X

  10. Recycling here has been collected over the Xmas period, we should be truly grateful for the men who do this task. New Year, new book to read and discuss, hope it goes well.

  11. Your 'no post' was a post!
    Hope your new book club book is something you can get into

  12. A very nice 'No Post' post.

    My ex husband was a window cleaner, the old fashioned sort with ladders, squeegees, scrims and window leathers, and he had a regular round of elderly people that he would do the inside windows for every fourth clean. He only charged them a couple of pounds more as long as he got a cup of tea as he said it was nice to be in the warmth of the houses for 20 minutes or so.

    I hope your new book is a good one.

  13. For a woman that had no post, you wound up with a nice post! What is your book club selection this time around?

  14. How wonderful to have a window cleaner! I don't think there is any service like that around here, although perhaps one could contract with a commercial company?


  15. The sun makes all the difference, doesn't it, Weaver. I love it when the sun shines too. I wish I had a window cleaner! My windows are a pitiful sight to behold. I have 26 of them!! ~Andrea xoxo

  16. What a nightmare Andrea - 26 windows and nowindow cleaner!
    Debby - This month's Book Group choice is 'The Song of Axhilles' -a modern retelling of The Iliad.Yes Cro, I enjoy The Repair Shop too although it always makes me wonder how it makes people so upset when the item they have brought in has been mouldering in a cupboard for years getting worse.

    Thanks everyone for contributing.

  17. That was a fine post and it sounds like you managed your day well. We had a nice sunny day here and I was able to get out with a friend!
