Tuesday 4 January 2022

Monday evening/Tuesday morning.

 The last hour of last evening everything that can go wrong did go wrong.   My son finally convinced me after giving me 'a good talking to' this morning, that it had nothing at all to do with my age but was the kind of thing that happens to us all sometimes.

First of all I locked up everywhere and went into the computer room to tidy up the day on my computer and then get to bed (same room).   A friend rang, I took out my hearing aid to answer the phone on mobile.   When I had finished the call I just couldn't find my hearing aid.   I searched everywhere -taking off my slippers so that if I stepped on it hopefully it wouldn't break.   I went back and forth for a quarter of an hour searching everywhere (very tired and pretty tearful) until finally I spotted it.   I must have been sitting on the bed when I took it out and it was sitting there on the duvet.

Next I saw that my mobile account was running low (pay as I go) so decided to top it up.   The top up number seemed to have disappeared from my directory I couldn't see it anywhere - and on final searching I seemed to have accidentally taken off my mobile number too and I can't remember it.   By now things were pretty frenzied.   I decided the best thing was to go to bed and sleep on it.   Earlier in the evening I had already had a tussle with trying to order a book on Amazon to add to my confusion.

I can't say I slept well - I woke several times, always trying to solve my problems.   Finally waking and getting up late I had a quick breakfast and rang my son.   Within the space of five minutes he had taken the Amazon problem off my hands, told me my mobile number which I replaced on my machine while he held on, gave me the top up number (which was on my mobile when I looked again) and spent five minutes giving me a stern talking-to to convince me I am not going ga-ga but that we all have days like that (he reminded me of one he had a while ago which  involved his keys).

A strong cup of tea and a read of the Times I am almost back to normal.   It is so easy these days for me to get 'in a state' if things go wrong.   I suppose the alternative is to sit about all day and do nothing - that way there is nothing to go wrong.

A friend W called this afternoon - she is more or less the same age and has similar days.   She related how she had gone into a craft workshop to have a look round, had come out and got back into her car only to find she had lost her hearing aid.   She went back into the workshop and got everyone looking everywhere.   Finally in despair she got back into her car ready to drive off only to find that in putting her coat on she had pulled her aid out of her ear and it was sitting neatly in her hair!

We have a covering of snow here.  It has been a beautiful sunny day but windy and icy and the snow hasn't gone.   Similar conditions forecast for tomorrow so Priscilla and I are grounded for now.  See you tomorrow -  better in head and heart I hope.



  1. I think we all have those days, I know I do. And now we are going into our third year with COVID. Living with COVID is wearing, and makes days like you had yesterday all the more exasperating. Your son is right, It's not about age. Pat

  2. I can assure you we all have these days. I am a woman who put three shower curtains in the washer, and now have two shower curtains. It's been 24 hours and I still have not solved that little mystery.

    I'm going to point out that it was the end of the day. The more tired I am, the easier it is for me to be totally befuddled.

  3. I don't receive late phone calls and I don't know of anyone who would be ringing me at bedtime as my friends also don't make or take late calls. You certainly have an active social life. Perhaps receiving the call befuddled you a bit.

  4. And office work I always do in mornings, not just before bed.

  5. I am 20 years younger than you, I have now stopped working on the computer in the evenings, too often I make mistakes, get upset and make more mistakes, then I don't sleep.

  6. Your son is quite right - we do all have those days. I daresay the stress of the first thing going wrong made the ensuing problems worse. Wishing you a good night's sleep tonight and a more pleasant day tomorrow.

  7. My husband is a fine one for this. He wil search and search, always muttering to himself that it must be there, tells me that he has looked everywhere, then I'll pick it up off his desk where it was staring me in the face. It's usually paper related, but can be a screwdriver or anything really. You are certainly not alone!

  8. Dear Weaver, we all have days like this! Life is rather complicated and I find that hearing aids worn with glasses and masks don't make things any easier!

  9. Thank you all - boosters all - I don't feel so bad and have actually had a good day today with a friend calling for a restful afternoon.

  10. Oh gosh, this sounds dreadfully familiar! I lose my specs regularly, my keys on occasion and if Tam say "where's my?" I get into panic mode as I have NO idea! I have just managed to order new walking trainers with my new address here and the postcode for my last home! They are unable to deliver them of course! Trying to sort this pickle out is not going to be easy I can tell you as it is a company notorious for being unhelpful.

  11. Oh, Pat! I am about 10 - 12 years younger than you are (physically if not mentally!) and today has been crap. I started yesterday trying to make an appointment for blood work. I have done this for years but yesterday and today the "system" refuses to let me make an appointment. I have gone in and out; tried to be sure all info is correct, done everything I can think of - no appointment. A friend of mine is going to try to make the appointment for me as I am just too distraught at the moment!!! I guess that on some days our stars are out of alignment or something. Glad your problems got sorted and hope I will be lucky as well.

  12. No, Pat, it happens to all of us! Last night my WiFi went out. I tried jiggling things but it didn't help. Today, needing to catch up on your and John Gray 's blogs, I tried one more time before calling the help line and heard my son's voice in my head asking me the inevitable question, "did you try turning it off and on Mom?" Of course it worked because here I am!

  13. I find when things start going astray, it happens in a series of three. Once #3 has arrived, it's uphill from there. We all have days when things do not go perfectly. I have a friend that is a perfectionist and I tell him I am perfectly imperfect. If you would like, you can join the club...

  14. I get some confusing times. I get pretty stressed and I'm only half as old as you are!!! I'm 82 and I guess I'm not good at math. Good that you got everything sorted out.

  15. I have nights like that, where I dont sleep until two or three, and still not well. Ugh!

  16. I see on my Meteo chart that it is 1 C here this morning. I think I shall put-on my thermal vest before taking Billy out.

  17. Yesterday I helped my 36 years old son to search the whole house for his keys. During the search, a rather special christmas ornament was broken and a cup of espresso was spilled. The keys were in the trunk of the car where he had put them to have his hands free for taking things out of the trunk.
    Hilde in Germany

  18. I am not sure what difference it makes to you whether it is age or not and what your concerns are. Do you seek reassurance from your son that it is age related or reassurance that it isn't? I don't follow your reasoning. Things happen particularly when we are tired. Avoid activity late at night, forget the computer, mobile phones and the like and just get to bed.

  19. Oh Pat - I do feel for you. I had to drive down to my dear aunt's place a number of times to find her hearing aid - it was either under the bed (the carpet being a similar fawn to the dratted aid) or amongst her bedquilt (magnolias of similar hue to the aid). Now I'm loosing mine taking off my mask. It was nearly a goner last weekend when we went to "Delicious" at the local theatre. Fortunately I felt it under my foot as we left our seats and I looked down. Its one for the ear that doesn't hear much at all, but the audiologist insists it helps with balance and I should wear it. Quite frankly I do not notice whether I have it in or not.

    In the end, we have to cope as best we can, and it is necessary to forgive ourselves when the coping doesn't seem to be working!!

  20. I'm at the age where one is very conscious of the Hereafter. I frequently go into a room and ask "what am I here after?"!

  21. My ability to concentrate is very closely related to how tired (or not) I am, so I usually avoid doing things that require complex activities at night. Sometimes an issue at work seems unsurmontable when it comes up towards the end of a working day, but is not much trouble at all when I have slept on it and tackle it the next morning.

    You have not mentioned your carer in a while. Is she having time off?

  22. I set off at top speed to do something or collect something. I find I'm the right place - but cannot for the life of me remember what it was I went there for. I am often to be found standing in rooms with a slightly baffled glazed look on my face.

  23. I am one of those who panic, think the worst and worry. All to no avail of course, so listen to your son. We all have ways of relaxing, me I do jigsaws on my computer, listen to books, even recently listened to a children's book. Tell you what is really worrying me at the moment, is the old fashioned door handles here, someone got locked in their bedroom the other day, luckily there was someone else who heard their shouts ;)

  24. Thelma do you mean door knobs? I have those and if you give the flat of the knob a bash in to the door with the flat of your hand then the knob goes in and the door works.
    Thanks Rachel - you are so often my 'voice of reason'!
    Cro I never took mine off all summer - problem solved.

    Oh dear such familiar problems all! Thank you for sharing them.

  25. Thanks be for son!
    Yes. We all have the same problems!!

  26. Your son is right. We all have days/nights like that and I sometimes get tearful when every little thing seems to build up into one insurmountable problem. A good night's sleep usually sorts it out!

  27. I agree with your son. Some days I have one thing after another happen. I constantly misplace my eyeglasses. They are for distance so when I do close up work, I take them off. Once, when I had put them on top of my head, so I could see close up, I looked all over for them and couldn't find them, so I put an older pair on to see distance.. My husband came into the room and looked at me funny and then asked me why I was wearing glasses on top of my head and on my face. I guess I had forgotten to search for them on top of my head when I got so aggravated that I had lost them.

    Sometimes I have several days in a row when I remember putting something in a certain place, and then when I look for it, it isn't there, and later I find it someplace else, or even worse in a place I thought I had already searched for it. That usually happens when I am under stress about something. If I didn't think I know better, that kind of thing would make me believe in Brownies/Fairies. My Mother In Law used to say a little prayer to St. Anthony if she lost or misplaced an item. She used to say her prayer always worked and she found what was misplaced.

  28. Hope your day is going smoother today! Sounds like you are back on track.

  29. Oh we all have days or parts of days that go that way. My Mum is having a lot of them at the moment, and we just remind her to take a step back from things and leave them be, not to just push on with something else that might also go wrong while she is in a worried frame of mind or particularly tired.

    On every visit recently we have had lots of little niggles that have been really worrying her to sort out as soon as we arrive. But she's always alive and well and that's what really matters in the grand scheme of things.

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