Tuesday 25 January 2022

Chilly weather

It has been dull and chilly here most of the time for the past few days - and we are unused to it - because here - at any rate - we have had such a lovely, sunny January. So for the last couple of days I have been feeling under the weather and not in the least like posting.   However, tonight I have perked up a bit so thought  I would pop on just to say hello after putting my Tesco order on. 

What to write about   Well the blackbirds are singing - there is no doubt about that - and that  does the soul good doesn't it.   The resident blackie in my garden is a joy.  And there is a very prominent robin in the garden and he is a delight to see - alright - not in the same league as blackie song-wise but that wonderful red chest of his cheers the place up.   Do you feed the birds?  I have fed them every morning for many years but not since I came to live here four years ago.   My sitting room and my kitchen (which is a dining kitchen) are  South-facing and get the sun all day and there is a large lawn - open plan and a busy road.   Nowhere at all for a bird table.   The back of the bungalow faces due North and in order to reach the patio I have to go out into the front lawn and push Priscilla down the steps and round to the back garden and many days in winter it is just too slippery or too cold.

But seeing the blackbird and the robin this morning I am tempted the buy a bag of meal worms (both love meal worms) but Iwould have to make the same journey unless I just fling a couple of handfuls on to the lawn and I don't think that is a good idea.

Well that's it for today.  Not feeling one hundred percent - maybe a good night's sleep will do the trick.   See you tomorrow.




  1. Hello Weaver! I am thrilled that you are seeing robins and blackbirds. We are months from seeing anything other than winter birds. It’s funny you should mention feeding birds. This is the first year that I haven’t put out feed starting in the fall. I’ve since put out feed in the feeders after Christmas, but nobody is showing up to partake! I wonder if the lack of food earlier in the year meant they decided to not even bother coming to our yard anymore! -Jenn

  2. Glad to know the birds are singing for you Pat - they really do bring joy to the garden. As you don't have many, and perhaps some of your readers are missing them in their own gardens, I'm adding the link to my post with the photos of our birds on Saturday when we awoke to a nice snowfall. I was up early with the camera and able to get some good shots of many different birds known here in the southeast USA. Most are non-migratory as we have mild winters and only an occasional snow. ENJOY!


    Hope you perk up tomorrow dear friend - sending hugs.

  3. Do you have those plexiglass feeders that stick to the outside of a window there? Perhaps that would work for smaller birds outside one of the more accessible front windows (if I understand the layout you are describing) - we have one that some of the smaller birds we get here love, and if we put meal worms in it there would probably be a riot!


  4. I’ve always fed the birds, but they
    have been scarce this winter. I thought a recent cold snap might change things, but it hasn’t.
    The hurricane this summer has really changed the flora and fauna.

    Hope you feel better soon !

  5. A bit of sunshine in winter does gift one a lift. Very dull and cold here too. The only good things are that it is dry and there is little or no wind.
    My husband was a dedicated feeder of birds, front and back gardens got a daily top up of various nuts and seeds. I have no way of feeding them from my flat unfortunately.
    Sleep well and I hope you feel better in the morning.

  6. Hope you feel better tomorrow! We have had a lovely little wren
    Such an amazing song from a tiny bird. Take care. X

  7. Yes, I do feed the birds at least some of them. I put out a suet feeder on one of the trees in the back yard. When the leaves are off the intervening trees I have a good shot at seeing what goes on there if I stand at the back door. Birds (or possibly squirrels) must come because the suet disappears rapidly but I have only seen one woodpecker dining. He may be getting the whole lot in gluttonous gulps. Who knows? It does get to be expensive, I buy the suet at the grocery and its $3.99 a pound--seems quite a lot for basically just fat! But it's nice to see Woody with his speckled back and red head so I guess it all comes out in the wash somehow. Maybe I will try to make my own (might be less expensive) with melted lard and various additions-------that could be interesting.

  8. Blackbirds show off with their song. Robins are content just let you know they are there.

  9. Well, January is ending soon and warmer weather will be coming before we know it. I don't feed the birds as the squirrels eat up whatever I would put out before the birds got to it! Hope you feel better tomorrow and that you get some sunshine soon!

  10. Hope you have a good night and feel better tomorrow’.

  11. We won't see Robins and Blackbirds until mid-March.

  12. I wake to the sound of kookaburras followed by the song of the australian magpie and blackbird which are beautiful. No red breasted robins here but I guess our galahs, lorikeets and other brightly plumed birds make up for it but there is something special about the robin.

  13. Some birds like to feed on the ground and each morning I put out a piece of bread cut in small pieces. The winter birds swoop in and it is lovely to watch. There will be no robins for a while as they go south for our cold winter. A friend recently bought a window bird feeder so she only rises the window and fills the feeder. This might work well for you.

  14. The blackbird is very busy in my garden lately and as the lawn is very muddy in places with the dogs running around(and one especially thinks it's a racetrack)the blackbird easily gets his worms and a friendly robin startled me today landing near my feet as I hung the washing out-Hope you feel better after a good nights sleep x

  15. I need a good night's sleep, too, soon.

  16. I've fed birds for a very long time. Some years you get lots of birds and sometimes it's disappointing. I've also done the Christmas bird count for close to 50 years.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I'm glad to see your post. Blackbirds here don't seem to mind feeding on the ground, but we do not see them in the winter, so perhaps things are different then. I second the motion of putting a tray type feeder outside your window so that you can feed them by putting food out on through the window. They are so much fun to watch. Hope you sleep well.

  19. I do hear Blackbirds, but not yet 'singing' in the way they will later. Our problem here with feeding birds is that it also attracts Pigeons and Seagulls. I shall have to visit the garden centre and buy something exclusively for feeding the smaller birds.

  20. Hope you're feeling rested and raring to go this morning. It's been very bleak and gloomy here for many days now. My neighbour feeds the birds so that his wife, who is mostly confined to the house, is able to enjoy them. I benefit from his efforts without the expense!

  21. I hope you feel much better by the time you read this, after a good night's rest.
    Yes, the odd blackbird can be heard here as well, which is nice and makes me really look forward to the full spring chorus which is still at least a month away here.
    For the birds around here, I put out bird food on the kitchen windowsill. Some of them are courageous enough to stay on while I am in the kitchen, whereas others flutter off in a hurry as soon as my shadow darkens the doorway. I also make sure there is always fresh water for them.

  22. Tasker I like your explanation.

    I think it is the RSPB Bird Count this coming week end - sounds as though many of you intend to take part. I might just take part to see if any drop in to my garden - I so rarely see one.

    Thanks everyone.

  23. I've only heard one blackbird singing (and half heartedly at that!) this year so far, but I have heard a few song thrushes in almost full voice.
