Tuesday 18 January 2022

Any Ideas?

 What to write about today any ideas anyone?   Not a lot has really happened.   Tuesday is the day I don't have a carer so morning jobs seem to take twice as long.   However I was late getting up - my only chance of any kind of lie -in as both carers come very early.   By the time I had eaten my porridge and banana and had a couple of cups of coffee the sun was already in the sitting room window.

If you are one of those who try to keep a bright mind by doing any Mind Games then I am sure you will agree that they are always much easier to do first thing in the morning than at night when the mind is weary.   I managed to do the maths ones - early in the morning they seemed easy.   I found the crossword 'do-able' but I just  couldn't get a start on the codeword.   So I left it on my table, put on my coat and went for my daily walk.

When I came back three quarters of an hour later, after walking a little bit further round the block and stopping to chat to one or two dogs and their owners. I glanced down at the codeword lying on the table waiting for me to pick up the pen on my return - and immediately (it had the i's and the one s in - that's all) and I saw that the word across the middle was invisibility.   How strangely the mind works doesn't it?

It has been a really lovely day  here - no breeze, sun all day and really very pleasant.   It is lasting so long that we will all be acclimatised to it and when this giant ridge of high pressure goes - as surely it will - we shall all miss it to say the least.

Sleep well tonight John - see you all tomorrow.


  1. I'm envious of your 45 minute walk. We woke up to 52 cm of snow yesterday morning in this part of Ontario. With the snow drifts, it came up to my waist in some sections of the driveway. My exercise yesterday and today involved helping to shovel the driveway and sidewalk. I must admit, however, it was cheering to be out with all my neighbours. Schools were closed and many people stayed home from work so there was a festive feeling in the air.

  2. Regardless, you always seem to find something to write about! I found it sweet that you wrote about visiting with the dogs before you mentioned the owners! -Jenn

  3. Sounds like a good day. It's nice you don't have to rush to get up on your day off from carers!

  4. It is always interesting to hear about your day Weave.

  5. I agree with your comment about codewords , one minute they're impossible then in a flash it's all so obvious !

  6. We certainly have to make the most of our lovely days while they last.
    I love codeword puzzles although occasionally I get one that is really tricky to get started. I am usually quite good at anagrams and can solve one immediately sometimes. I like cryptic crosswords and get better until the compiler is changed and I have to get into the mind of someone new! I try to get my walk to the paper shop fairly early in the morning and by the time I am home again I am ready to sit down and tackle the puzzle page. Then it is time to tackle a few chores.

  7. Have you tried Wordle? I found it recently and really enjoy it.

  8. Carol - I found it when you mentioned it the other day - haven't tried it yet

    Melinda I once experienced that depth of snow in Moscow - and huge snow blowers were blowing it into the river. Because we were on holiday it was quite exciting.

  9. Ok Weave, you asked so here is what you can write about.

    The time when that man (you remember) made you an offer you couldn't refuse and you agreed to sail away with him to places you had only dreamt of before.

  10. The mind is amazing. What a walk around the block yields!

  11. Like Tom, I like your reminiscing posts . My favourite was you in your tiny shorts and bicycling adventure as a young woman, but all your posts are something to look forward to. The rhythm of your days and how you spend them is quite reassuring in an often topsy-survey world. -Pam.

  12. ..even my keyboard skills are topsy-turvey!

  13. Well done with your longer walk, making the most of the good weather! I plan to do the same today with my friend, we are meeting for a lunch break walk. I have not seen her since before she and her family went to their families in the US for the holidays while I was looking after their cat.
    I find my lone walks best for anything that weighs on my mind. Sometimes I get the best ideas for an issue I need to solve for a client during such walks, and when I come home, I put in another hour or so at my desk to write it all down.

  14. I usually find that if I get stuck on a crossword, leaving it for a few hours and doing something else makes it much easier when I pick it up again.

    You most likely blew away the cobwebs on your walk and got all those neurons firing again.

  15. We do quick crosswords together when we have one , on going to bed..even when we don't, I will do a sudoku, suguro or codeword to settle down after the day.
    It is odd with codeword that suddenly a word pops up out of the blue!! And the satisfaction of steadily getting the words....very relaxing!

  16. I am convinced that when you give the mind a problem, it works to solve that problem. If you move on to something else, the subconscious mind churns along at it. I believe this because I am married to a man who routinely figures out how he is going to do something after sleeping on it. He wakes up with the solution. It has happened to me as well.

  17. You enhance my life every day - all of you. Thank you!

  18. I even win more frequently at computer solitaire in the morning.
