Saturday 18 December 2021

Weather and other things

I got up to thick fog.   My carer came in sunshine but by the time she went it was thick fog again and has been all the morning.   Just looked out of the window and the sun is shining again - so off to eat my lunch and then hopefully a walk.

By the time I had eaten my quiche and salad and had a cup of coffee the fog had drifted in again and it was that sort of cold, clingy fog -- December fog I suppose - so I have given up the whole idea.   I don't move  at a speedy enough pace to withstand the onslaught of that sort of cold.   I am getting plenty of exercise answering the door bell to the post lady, collecting the Times from the letter box, putting yesterday's papers and used envelopes inthe blue bag, taking a couple of tins round to the dustbin.   As long as I keep doing this kind of thing I shalln't seize up altogether shall I.

Looking out of my computer room window at my garden - bathed in winter sunshine now I have decided not to walk and it is dusk- there is still some colour.   There are self-sown antirrhinums which are here and there where they blew and almost all yellow (a couple of red ones I see - heaven only knows when I had red ones in the garden) and they are still out everywhere.   I shall leave them and they will hopefully come again next year.   There are two or three heucheras still out with varying leaf colours and a couple of purple perennial wallflowers in that familiar purple.   Down the side of the garden every Osteospermum is still covered in bright pink flowers - what good value for money that plant is.

It is at this time of year that the evergreen shrubs come into their own and each a different green from almost yellow to very dark green and how pleasing they are too.   And on the bits I am able to get up to all the Spring bulbs are poking through - not far through but showing their tips and shouting to the world that they are on their way.

There is not all that much to be cheerful about this Christmas is there?   Apart from this awful Covid which keeps changing its coat to try and catch us out, as always there are tragedies.   Yes, not that it makes any difference whether it is Christmas, New Year or any time of year - but somehow it seems more poignant at Christmas doesn't it?   Four little boys - two sets of twins= burned to death in a house fire, children enjoying a bouncy castle special for Christmas blown thirty feet into the air and four of them killed and others very seriously injured, someone stabbed to death on a London street.   Was it always like this or has it got worse?

I shall try hard to keep cheerful.   Poor old AJ pulling out of the final of Strictly because she has badly torn ligaments so only two in the final tonight.   I badly want them all four to win they are so good it seems a shame to choose.

Take care, keep warm and cheerful and keep up the blogging.   Many bloggers like me live alone and you are all my company and Christmas cheer so let's enjoy each others virtual company.


********HAPPY ********CHRISTMAS*******



  1. It was always like this Weave. I remember many house fires in the 70s and 80s caused by Christmas tree lights in homes where children died, then New Cross some time around Christmas where 12 died and many Christmas tragedies and only one stabbing must be an all time low.

  2. Perhaps when we were younger we were too busy to pay much attention to such tragedies ... Now we all pay way too much attention to the news... We have grandlittles for the first time this Christmas... plan to enjoy them as much as possible as they will probably not be living close by next Christmas.. Have a Merry Christmas Pat... Hugs! Debs

  3. Your garden is beautiful with many flowers still giving you color. The evergreens in various shades of green sound lovely too. It is nice to observe our gardens and watch the seasonal changes. There is always something to take note of as well as plan projects for the Spring. House fires are terrible, especially during the holidays. Our news is reporting house fires too. For Christmas cheer: If you have a small to medium size evergreen in the garden, you* might consider putting a string or two of Christmas lights on it. An evergreen within view from your sitting room or kitchen would provide much Christmas cheer for you, your guests and neighbors. Let's spread the joy...
    *You would ask someone to arrange the lights

  4. I think Rachel is right. It was always like this but the news is now instantaneous and world-wide, but I know what you mean. The death of young children is very depressing, especially under those circumstances. Anyway, Happy Christmas to you too Weave!

  5. We have so much to enjoy, don't we? You have your garden and your cozy home with visitors and helpers coming in to assist. Like you said, I get so much enjoyment out of the blogs I read and I thank you for taking the time to share with me. Happy Holidays to you and all of your readers!

  6. No I don't think the bad news has gotten worse, Covid of course is not helping with the volume. I think it's the advent of the news cycle that is flooding us with bad news twenty-four seven. They have to reach down toward the bottom of the bag every day to have some "breaking news" to report. And during this time of year they always try for the "heart-wrenching" stories and interviews to keep us spellbound. The worse part is that with so much of this stuff is that most people hearing about it can do nothing to alleviate the problem and so are just burdened with the sorrow that these reports produce.

    My solution is just to keep the TV off as much of the time as possible.

  7. Yes, I think it always was like this; there always seemed to be a story about house fires around Christmas time. According to a friend who was a volunteer fireman part of the problem, besides the Christmas lights, is that people take the batteries out of fire alarms to put in the children's new toys. Enjoy your Strictly!

  8. Perhaps people do not realise that the four little boys, aged 3 and 4 (2xtwins) had been left alone in the house for a substantial period of time by their mother (confirmed by the fire-fighters).
    We probably are more aware of tragedies generally, but the failure of parents to care for their children often seems to be at the heart of these stories.

  9. The news is indeed gloomy to match the weather. It has been grey here for days now but thankfully dry.
    Your garden must still look lovely - all the plants you mention are among my favourites. I noticed the spring bulbs pushing through in our communal garden here.

  10. It's nearly the shortest day,! Life is looking up! Take care.

  11. It's nearly the shortest day! Life is looking up ! Take care. X

  12. Yes I am sure you are all right - life has always been thus it is jisst that the news gets spread around more.

  13. Thank you for being my heroine. You are right that life has become more complicated.....but wasn't life always complicated?
    Rewatching Downton Abby and here comes the Spanish Flu episode. My Grandfather lost two brothers in that pamdemic and the third one was an invalid his whole life afterwards.
    I think we just think we are better off.
    I wish you and yours a very happy holiday season with your friends and family!

  14. Yes, seems like tragedies are all the more sad during the holiday season. I try to keep the news off most of the time, listen to music and look for opportunities to do a good turn when I can. I miss my son so much at this time, but look to the brightness his 5 daughters bring to our life. And I light the place up to welcome back the Oak King on Solstice. The light will return, the Light will be born again, and I hope we will all be able to celebrate together, even if only online.

  15. We had a very hot day here yesterday Pat, and 30 degrees has been forecast for Christmas Day.
    The garden gives me so much pleasure, and have just planted tomatoes.
    When the world gets a bit much I retreat to my garden, and of course, my remaining cat loves to potter there too. He and I both miss my dear little elderly other cat who I had to have put to sleep . She was always by my side - broke my heart in pieces.
    My husband has now retired, and is a great help in the garden and with shopping.
    We feel for the families of the Tasmanian school children who died recently...there has been a tremendous amount of money raised for the people and community involved, which is reassuring and may help in a small way in unimaginable tragedy. We need to look out for each other. - Pam, Aust.

  16. We have had one sunny day on Friday and are now back to a solid grey lid above our heads. It is cold but has not been raining or snowing.
    Here, just like last year, the government has banned the sale of fireworks in order to reduce the number of people who injure themselves and then end up in our already strained hospitals. But we all know that there will be enough stubborn folks around who simply cross the borders to our neighbouring countries to buy fireworks there, or have other (illegal) sources, or make them at home.

  17. Thank you all for calling in and cheering up my days.

  18. Maybe it is because I'm short sleeped and too busy, but it really does seem as if the world is so very full of sad stories right now. We must all do our best to make a happy story for someone else.

  19. Two days to go and the sun stands still...and then the light returns...stay well Pat ..and keep encouraging us all to keep blogging and loving reading about our various G
