Thursday 23 December 2021


 If you think I was making a fuss about nothing and should just relax and let the world go by, then all I can say is you are probably not almost ninety, totally immobile without walking aids and still trying hard to manage alone witha carer for an hour each day.

I try hard, with the help of my carer, to pace myself, to keep going and to make the very best of life.   Most days I succeed and go to bed very satisfied with how well I have managed and what a good day I have had.   Yesterday was not one of those days and I went to bed tired, frustrated, and feeling totally inadequate to face the trials of the modern world.

This morning, still feeling totally at sea I went into the kitchen to draw the blinds and view the huge parcel on the work top.   I was nowhere nearer solving the mystery of the parcel.   And then my carer arrived.   I know I sing her praises every day - well all I can say is they should be writ large.

Within five minutes she had three quarters solved the mystery.   She was born in our little town, went to school in our little town, married and had her family here and now still lives here.   She went to the local Compreh ensive School.   In other words she knows everybody - went to school with the majority of the working population.   Needless to say she knew - and had the phone number of - a driver for Hermes.

She rang him on his mobile and to cut a long story short I am to stick the sellotape down carefully and he will call for the parcel some time today and take it off my hands.   The mystery of how it got here in the first place was solved half an hour later when my son had a text from his first wife to say that she was worried I might have received a parcel - she had ordered the coat and she thought it had probably come here by mistake (something to do with this being her default address as she sometimes sends me M and S flowers )

(don't ask - I don't understand it either).   All that remains is for the driver to call and collect it.   Oh and to add to the complications I have had an e mail from Hermes to say that the package I have ordered (three black surgical masks) will be here between two and six this afternoon).   At least they wont be as heavy to carry in!

And speaking of deliveries - I live on a busy little road and the delivery vans today have been absolutely non stop - Tesco, Waitrose, Morrisons, Royal Mail plus a whole range of vans delivering parcels for Santa to a variety of houses.   In a way it saddens me because I wonder just how long the High Street stores can remain open when computers and delivery lorries rule the world.

'Til tomorrow.....

Hermes have just been with two  legitimate parcels for me - all back to normal thank goodness.


  1. Does the carer wear a mask inside, or both of you?
    Do you open the door to people with the mask on? You should.

  2. I noticed you posted 10 minutes ago so I couldn't resist making the first comment. Some days are bummers. It's a challenge for us elderly people. We just don't know enough about modern technology to navigate the system. So I wish you a better day today since some of the problems have be resolved. Happy Christmas to you.

  3. I'm so sorry you've felt overwhelmed and out of sorts, Pat. I hope today is proving to be a more relaxed and happy one for you!

    I'm just popping in to wish you a Merry Christmas in the midst of all the rush. :)

  4. Glad the problem has been solved for you. No worries now! Rest and relax!

  5. So glad you've solved the mystery, and the answer was one none of us would ever have guessed! I'm not sure how the coat will now get to your son's first wife, but thankfully that is not your problem! I can see that it would be easy to forget to change the default address.

  6. Some like everything to be right and others aren't bothered by anything much at all. My dad knew someone who used to throw the frequent demands he received from the Inland Revenue unopened into the fire.

  7. So the answer was all very close to home. Well, we did try to help you here and the general consensus was no need for you to worry yourself about it.

  8. You don't have to be elderly to become confused, frustrated and exhausted trying to deal with online deliveries. I was just talking to one of my young neighbours who'd been trying to track down what had happened to their children's Christmas presents. Understandably they were more than a little upset. Someone is making a lot of money out of online sales and it's certainly not the delivery drivers.
    I hope your orders are all sorted out now and you can have a relaxed and enjoyable Christmas.

  9. Thank goodness that is all cleared up for you. I have days like that myself and my poor Mum has them regularly, with her now failing memory. At least the mystery has been solved, and thank goodness you have such a good, local carer, she sounds as though she is worth her weight in gold ... and if anyone deserves such a good helper then it's you.

  10. Deliveries are awful sometimes…

  11. I'm glad the mystery is solved - now you can relax and enjoy your Christmas Day

  12. So good to hear it's a much better day today all around. When I have a day like that, it's what I call " the 32nd day of my month" & it's frustrating to say the least. You are so independent and do so well most of the time. It's those difficult times that pop up every now and again that drive one wild. My heart goes out to you. Happy Christmas and a very, very healthy and content 2022. Hugs.

  13. I do not know many (any) 90-year old people who do as well as you do, blogging and all !
    Merry Christmas to you from France !

  14. Deliveries can drive you crazy, regardless of your age - well done for coming though relatively unscathed.
    Another hurdle crossed. x

  15. Dearest Pat,
    Sure can understand how you feel as my husband is several years older than you are.
    Whenever things are more routine, the better the days go.
    But if it is hectic and often caused by others, then it is rough.
    Even though my Pieter is still staying very active himself and he wants to!
    Hoping all will get settled and you are looking towards two peaceful days.
    Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

  16. WHEW! Glad all of that is behind you ~~~ now for the good stuff. Wishing you a joyous and wondrous Christmas, Pat ~~ from Bend Oregon.

  17. It is most unfair how these things leave us feeling frazzled for days. Take a few deep breaths and treat yourself to whatever takes your fancy until you feel ready to take life on again. I think you are amazing and am sending you a long distance hug.X

  18. I'm glad your carer was able to sort it out for you. The postman brought me a parcel today which made me smile. Wrapped in colourful Christmas paper secured by what must have been several rolls of Sellotape it was addressed to 'Mum and Dad'. Not hard to work out that it's from our 30 year old youngest son. Have a peaceful Christmas.

  19. I must admit, I like things to work smoothly as well. We are apparently due for a delivery tomorrow, one which I expected would be kept back to next weeek. Poor drivers!

  20. Mystery is solved. All is sorted and all is well on the home front.

  21. Yes, thank goodness for your home help. Happy Christmas.

  22. Yes, thank goodness! But it's becoming a delivery truck world.

  23. Glad the solution was so close at hand.

  24. Your carer is a miracle!!! Glad that is resolved. I know you were upset by it.

  25. Well I find myself amazed at what you manage to accomplish given your situation and admire your efforts to continue on as best you can. I thought that your words concerning how you felt going to bed last night "tired, frustrated, and feeling totally inadequate to face the trials of the modern world" aptly apply to most of us at times, particularly during this odd, weird, confusing time that we are obliged to deal with these days.

    Keep on keepin' on----that's the best any of us can do.

  26. On my Amazon account there are three different addresses, I have to make sure I click on the right one for deliveries!

    I very wisely went shopping early yesterday to avoid the crowds. My nearby Waitrose opened at 7.30 am, so I was there on the dot. Unfortunately everyone else from Brighton and Hove had the same sensible idea and it was filled to the brim. Still, everything was bought, and if I forgot something... Too bad!

  27. I'm relieved it has now been sorted for you. Xx

  28. Glad the problem sorted itself out, now you can look forward to a quiet Christmas. Keep in touch tomorrow, if you can find time between phone calls and 'zooms'. Have a lovely day.

  29. Dear Pat, I think we all agree that you are doing absolutely GREAT, given your situation!! If I should be holding up as well as you are once I get to almost 90 years, I shall be lucky, and you really have every reason to be proud of yourself.
    Funny how the mystery was solved in the end. And yes, your carer has once more shown herself to be a true angel for you (and no doubt for others she looks after as well).
    Merry Christmas!!!

  30. Strange that neither you nor your son recognised the name of the ex-wife on the parcel label and put two and two together. I hope the next post you write will have a jolly title and all will be well again, book reading and feet up.

  31. Pat, I have nothing but respect for you, and how you are living with intention! At nearly 90, you are a role model for so many (your age and younger) who could be doing things and having interests and activities, but do not, maybe because of fear, I don't know. All I do know, is that I love reading your blog, and reading about your life which you clearly cherish. May we all cherish the life we have, and make the most of it, like you do. A very Merry Christmas to you, from way across the pond, from Illinois in the states! Thank you for being a bright light in this sometimes dark world!

  32. Merry Christmas ! Thank you for your informative posts. I read every on of them.

  33. Val in north London24 December 2021 at 06:33

    Glad everything is sorted. What a treasure you have in your carer - she sounds wonderful. It's lovely to read your news from Yorkshire and you remind me so much of my late mum, who was also a teacher. Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year x

  34. What a relief for you. It was so satisfying to read how your carer efficiently sorted out the mystery parcel. We all need someone like that when we run into obstacles. I have so much admiration for how you navigate your days. I know how mobility issues can make day to day living a struggle. Fortunately, you were gifted with an incredible amount of courage and perseverance. This is why my mother became such a huge fan of your blog and encouraged me to read it. My mother dealt with mobility issues for years before her passing 2 years ago. I know I've told you before, but I feel as if my mother is here with me as I read. Oh, do I miss her... Merry Christmas, Pat.

  35. Melina - thank you for talking of your Mother to me. Of course you miss her and I am sure she you would be pleased to know you miss her - if you didn't then it would mean there had been no love between you. Love always makes us miss those who have gone but as long as we have good memories of them then all is right with the world. I send you love at Christmas.
    Rachel - there was no parcel label - no indication where it had come from, no returns label - nothing. I opened the bag and inside it was an overcoat - the label on it just said it had come from Donington - nothing else. YThe Hermes man was very helpful.
    No Zooms mentioned so far - hoping for a quiet day. My carer;s mum is providing me with a three course lunch..


  37. Well how it arrived at your house is an even bigger mystery without a label. As if by magic. I assumed that it must have had an address label on it with an addressee name together with your address for it to have arrived at your front door in the first place. Well well.
