Tuesday 30 November 2021

Ths and that

 First to report that Mr Winkle has survived intact thanks to friend T this morning moving him a bit further along and into a safer place.   He refuses to believe that Mr Winkle was shifted by the strength of the wind.   All I know is that I watched the wind make him wobble back and forth when it was at its height.   But, whatever caused him to move, I can report that he has come through the storm unscathed and with all bits and pieces intact.

It seems ages since Priscilla and I ventured out in the weather.    (As somebody said - there is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing).   To be totally frank, at my age I can - if necessary - use the weather as a perfect excuse for not venturing out and that is what I have been doing.   Looking out this morning, every single flake of snow had disappeared overnight, the sun was getting up and it promised a possible walk day.   But it has gone steadily downhill since then and is now a miserable damp day.

Friends are promised to come for the day on Thursday but as it involves coming over the top of the Pennines whichever way they come, they are understandably waiting until the last possible minute to  make up their minds.   They are bringing the main course with them, a friend is preparing the veg and cooking them in my microwave and I am defrosting a key lime pie and serving it with local Madagascan Vanilla Ice cream.  So not much to do for any of us.

I do hope they come.   They are amongst my dearest friends and it is a long time since I sawthem 'in the flesh' and Zoom is just not the same.   So let's hope there is not another downturn in the weather.

Friends S and T have just called and we have coffeed and chatted.   Their much loved and cossetted hens are shut in because there is an outbreak of bird flu not far away.   They get incredibly well-looked-after and I must say their eggs have the most golden yolks I have ever seen.   Typing this has prompted me to think I might well have a couple poached on toast for my tea.

It is almost dark at four in the afternoon in what my mother always called 'the dark days before Christmas' - then the days will begin to get longer again.    Can't come soon enough can it?   See you tomorrow.


  1. It is quite wet and gloomy here today too, especially so when it is dark so early as you say. I am tempted to have a wee brandy to take the edge off the miserable evening.

  2. Poached eggs on toast! I'm jealous. Don't forget the salt.

  3. I adore poached eggs on toast. My mother always insisted I made them perfectly which was a great source of pride to me. Whenever I make them I think of her. I hope your company can make it on Thursday. Winter travel is always a little unnerving.

  4. Lots of cloud in the weather forecast for the rest of the week - sadly.

    Enjoy your poached egg

  5. It is sunny but chilly here and I will force myself to get out for a walk. I will bundle up so I can enjoy the sun while keeping cozy.
    Poached eggs sound good - I haven't made those in a while...

  6. My Mr Winkle survived the storm with all his bits and pieces intact too, Weave. Thank the Lord.

  7. Glad to hear that Mr Winkle and his bits are safe!!

    Hope that your friends do manage to visit. The weather isn't looking too friendly here for a few days.

  8. Glad Mr. Winkle is safe and I hope your friends make the journey to see you at the weekend. The weather is so unpredictable just now.
    Poached eggs with golden yolks and freshly laid - what could be nicer.

  9. My pet chooks were incredibly spoilt when I lived in the country, and were given free-range during the day.
    Their yolks were deep golden and their feathers glossy.
    Country folk used to ask 'what do you feed them' and when I explained that in the morning they had warm mash mixed with lecithin (reaction: 'Isn't that something from a health food place?") they thought I was mad, but the eggs were the best ever!
    Lovely weather here in South Australia, but a lot of flooding in Queensland. Pam.

  10. Thank God for that. We can all sleep now.

  11. The snow never came here, despite being plentiful 20 miles away. We have a marked microclimate here

  12. Staying cautious about walking outdoors when the weather is iffy is wise. I hope your friends are able to travel and share a meal with you. Good news: Mr. Winkle is good for another season.

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. It's dark at 4pm, at least in France it waited till 5pm.

    I notice that every time I make a comment, 'RATANA' has just left some football betting stuff before me. I hope that my visits aren't triggering something.

  15. Si that is probably why you seem to get so many butterflies and such - or then again that might be because you keep your eyes wide open and look carefully as you travel along Whichever way it is your photographs often make my day.

    Cro I get fed up with wiping Ratana off - do it when I notice it but other times it just sneaks through.

    Thanks everyone for calling in.

  16. We had snow all morning yesterday, but before lunch time it turned into rain, and very soon what white there had been was all gone.
    I did not have time for a lunch break walk, and by the time I finished work, it was pitch black outside and wet and windy.
    So yesterday goes down in history as one of the very rare days when I have not set one single foot out of the house at all.
    Only three weeks until winter solstice, Pat!

  17. You reminded me of my little bantams, miss them and their eggs. It is going to get colder and probable snow over the Pennines, so I hope your friends make it through. Ratana is a nuisance, I just go to my comments on the post page and delete her because these people sneak their wares on old blogs as well.

  18. Thanks for the update on Mr Winkle.

    Your blog is a delight to read.

    It's much appreciated.
