Wednesday 24 November 2021

The best laid plans........

 Well I had planned to get down to organising things today but I woke at four and didn't get back to sleep so I have not been very active today I'm afraid.   It has been a pleasant day though.  Sunny and cloudy in turn and a chilly wind blowing so I have not missed much in the weather stakes and very cold weather forecast from tomorrow so I may be shut in.

This morning the Lifeline lady called.   For anyone not familiar with Lifeline, it is an organisation for the elderly.   I have a button on my wrist which I never take off apart from when I have a shower.   It costs me just under thirty pounds a month and is connected to an organisation which deals with emergency calls.  I made full use of it when I fell in the sitting room and broke my hip just over a year ago.   I pressed the button and a disembodied voice issues forth from a mechanism on a side table and asks me if I need help.   When I told her I thought I had broken my hip (I heard it 'crack') she said to stay exactly where I was and she would get the ambulance and shortly afterwards both my son and the Ambulance arrived together.      After the Landline lady had gone it was time for my lunch of scampi, chips and beans - delicious (chips and scampi in frying pan and beans in microwave).

Various small jobs done (a load of washing done in the washing machine by the carer transferred by Priscilla and me to the tumble drier in the garage), small amount of washing up done, and then S and T called.   I was more 'with it' today and happily made us a cup of coffee.   They stayed about an hour and we chatted and it passed a nice afternoon.

Now it is time to heat a nice big bowl of veggie soup (brought this morning by my carer who made it in her soup-maker yesterday evening. )    That is my tea sorted - and a good one too.    See you tomorrow.


  1. I had scampi and chips and peas in a pub in Liverpool last week - first time in a long time - delicious - especially with three pints of a ruby beer called Swampy - Scampi and Swampy.

  2. I hate waking up early and not being able to nod off again. It's discombobulating for the entire day.

    I love Scampi and had a quick meal of some last weekend.

    Quite cold here too and the weekend weather's not looking good at all. A yellow warning because of freezing gales.

  3. You are clearly getting more mobile in the kitchen now that you can do scampi and chips in the frying pan which must involve standing and moving around between table and cooker. That is encouraging news. I had sausages, chips and baked beans tonight.

  4. Like Rachel, I'm encouraged to hear about your increased mobility around the house. Enjoy your soup! Lucky you to get such good meals cooked and delivered! :)

  5. Scampi and chips - one of my favourites.
    There is nothing like a poor night's sleep for putting a spanner in the works. In spite of it you seem to have had quite a productive day. Hope you sleep well tonight.

  6. Hope you sleep better tonight. I often have a one bad night/one good night pattern, and that's without seeing anyone.

  7. Rachel - I am fairly mobile but always only using my trolley with trays - I can't move a single step without support. Quite frustratin but I try to get about as much as I can..

  8. Tasker - I could eat it every day - that, prawns and crab - I adore.

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  10. Sounds like another quite busy day to me!
    I'd happily have the chips and beans but gladly leave all the scampi to you - not fond of seafood at all. I do eat fish, Black Forest trout being my favourite.

  11. Not a great scampi eater, though we always bought the Whitby scampi. Whitby apart from being famous for its fish and chips, also has a famous smoke house for smoked kippers, though the cliff did slip and put the little shed in peril.

  12. Lifeline is a good idea..but should be waterproof, when you think about it.

    A fresh crisp morning is very look out on from a cozy home!!

  13. gz - it may be - I have never tried it.
    Thelma - Whitby fish and chips and scampi - top of the class

    Another sunny morning here. Thank you for calling in.

  14. Sleep well this night Pat...G xx

  15. Yes, when waking up at 4am nothing much gets done the rest of the day. But that's ok... rest when rest is required. ~Andrea xoxoxo

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  17. Goodness your lunch sounds so wonderful.
    I am losing my mobility and I now need my walker for carrying everything. Because of the trip and smash into the sliding glass door and hitting my head I have had to be careful and watch what I am doing.
    I think you are doing fabulous !

  18. Thank you everyone - bright and windy this morning - gale on its way

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