Tuesday 9 November 2021

Nothing to report.

 Nothing of any import has happened.   Yesterday my walk really invigorated me and I returned home full of vim and vigour (relatively).  Today - a lovely day weather wise = I didn't feel like going but I made myself do so telling myself I would enjoy it once I got going.  S adly I didn't enjoy it - I found it jolly hard going from start to finish and had to sit down on Priscilla's seat a couple of times to rest.   I hadn't been back long when a friend called and we sat and chatted for an hour - I enjoyed that and since I have done absolutely nothing.   I am now going to watch Yorkshire Vet - another hour of watching the vet put his arm deep inside the rear end of a cow to pull out a calf that is stuck.   A scene incidentally which  have seen in real life too many times to mention.   See you tomorrow.


  1. Yourjaw obviously enjoys being exercised if nothing else.

  2. Dame Gillian Lynne said that the day you take it too easy is the start of the slippery slope. She was still teaching ballet in her nineties, and demonstrating the moves!

  3. I quite often find that after a good day I feel totally drained and fit for nothing. Maybe we enjoy the good days too much and overdo things a bit. It's really hard to regulate everything and I tend to 'make hay while the sun shines' and pay for it later.

  4. Despite the fact that you got no enjoyment out of your walk, you pushed yourself to do it. That says a great deal about you.

    And once you've had your arm up a cow's behind, it really loses its charm, doesn't it?

  5. It's when you get a rope on it that it really loses its charm Debby

  6. We watched the entire first All Creatures Great and Small recently. It was great--but those men certainly had their arms up to the armpit in cows, horses, pigs...I read up on it because it really looked like the actors were actually doing it. And yes, they were. They had to learn to do a lot of things like that as part of their roles. Can you imagine any actor today doing that?

  7. I'm sorry you didn't enjoy your walk today but I think our energy levels do change from day to day especially this time of the year. When the colder season is just getting started I often seem to feel lower on energy and higher on aches and pains! I'm sure it was nice to have a good long talk with a friend this afternoon!

  8. All the cows on the nature reserve that I look after have been confirmed as pregnant. They will stay on the reserve until around New Year and then be taken off to stock pens at the farm that owns them, for calving. Last week we also took receipt of 200 ewe lambs that will keep the grass grazed short through to the Spring. They will then be taken off and replaced by the returning cattle and calves.

  9. Nothing to report? Well, you had a walk (actually, two) to report plus a friendly visit - that's more than I can say about the last two days, spent sitting in a conference room in Berlin and sitting for six hours each way travelling there and back by train.

  10. The pulling out of sweet little wet lambs and the arm up the bum of some poor cow has left me not watching country shows now. But the weather is pleasantly warm if damp at the moment.

  11. There's a lady who lives not far from me who has her own version of Priscilla and seems to spend as much time sitting on it as walking with it. At least she's getting some fresh air.

  12. Perhaps the most important thing you do each day is communicate, especially those of us living alone. We look forward each day to your gentle blogs. Delphine

  13. I'm a huge fan of vet shows. I particularly enjoy watching a calf taking its first breath after a nail biting delivery. If only I had been a better student of science. Maybe I could have been a vet...sigh.

  14. It is good that you got out for your walk and if you have to sit and rest, that is okay because you get up and keep going!
