Sunday 21 November 2021

Nice afternoon.

Short post today as I want to watch the results from Strictly Come Dancing which will be on TV shortly.   I have had a pleasant day - it is cold but sunny and I had to walk down to pay the lady who does my mid week fruit shopping so I carried on round the block.   As I have not had the opportunity to do so all week  I am  out of practice  and it really tired me out and I had to put my feet up on my return.

Shortly after lunch H my friend and neighbour brought me round sweet peas which are still flowering in  her sheltered back garden - only a few but they smell nice and add the last touches of summer to my sitting room on what is a cold Autumn day.

We chatted about this and that all afternoon and it passed a pleasant Sunday afternoon.   Who could wish for more?



  1. Your Sunday sounds like a quiet and pleasant day. The flowering Sweet Peas are a thoughtful gift from a very nice neighbor.

  2. Sounded lovely - Sunday afternoons, no matter what, can still always be a little more relaxing - and should be!
    We're off tomorrow early to celebrate Thanksgiving in the dessert come Thurssday! Arizona, not Western Sahara this time!!!!!!
    Hugs for a good week ahead Pat.
    Mary x

  3. Of course that should read 'desert' - naughty computer!

  4. Sweet peas this late. Ours gave up a long time ago, even in the greenhouse. Perhaps we should have started some around July/August.

  5. How wonderful to still have sweet peas in flower in November. I had a lovely day too today, meeting my 3 year old great-grandson who I haven't seen for two years, and his baby sister who is 5 weeks old. A very entertaining time - I think he might be a comedian when he is older and I'd be pleased to have some of his energy! Glad you had fine weather and could have a walk.

  6. Definitely nothing more to ask for, Weaver. What a pleasant Sunday you had. Have an equally pleasant start to your new week. ~Andrea xoxo

  7. Sweet peas are so pretty. I've not had much luck growing them, but my Auntie excelled in establishing trellised plots of them each year. She's long gone now, but it is one of my fond memories of her and her garden. Thanks for sparking the memories Pat -, from Pam.

  8. Sweet Peas I never have success with them either Pam- the secret I understand is to keep cutting them and never let them go to seed.

  9. I used to have a perennial Sweet Pea bush. It was wonderful and never failed. Sadly I left it behind when I sold the house. I wonder if I could find another plant?

  10. I am glad to know you went out for a walk. Of course it is tiring, but there is nothing wrong with taking a rest afterwards.
    All in all, a nice Sunday for you.

  11. Lovely to still have sweet pea Pat...just can't grow them no matter how hard I try!!

  12. What a nice day. The flowers must be a real treat. Lots of visitors here too for cooking down the apple butter outside over a wood fire. We ate so much good food I swear I don't need to eat for a week. Now the house is quiet and I miss everyone.

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