Monday 15 November 2021

A new nose.

A trip to the doctors this morning for her to check that new healthy skin had grown along the side of my nose where I had a mole which she treated with chemo therapy cream.   My new skin looks very healthy and so it was only a short visit.   My son collected me from home and delivered me to the Medical Centre, not all that far away and left me there. 

The doctor looked at my nose, pronounced the new skin healthy and that was it.   I was ready for home.  But the Medical Centre is not all that far from home - just on the next estate.   I have always wondered if I could walk there so I decided I would walk half    way back - as far as the walk way through to my estate (you can't drive through)- and ring my son from there asking him to collect me.   It worked out well and I had time to look in all the front gardens as I passed.   Some beautifully laid out and with a good variety of interesting plants - obviously the home of a keen gardener - and some just planted with all kinds of things plonked in.  I really enjoyed the walk and saw several plants I rather liked the look of.   I had already seen one on 'my' estate last week which I am looking out for.   That was yet another Helleborus - Helleborus Winter Sunshine - a splendid plant which seems to flower almost the whole year round.

Then it was home, press the button on the microwave and five minutes later I was eating today's lunch brought for me by J, my carer:- roast beef, Yorkshire  pud, mashed and roast potato, sprouts, carrots, green beans and cauliflower in cheese sauce and all with the most delicious gravy.  Never quite as good heated the next day in the microwave but a far better lunch than I would ever cook for myself. 

Then my feet up for half an hour.   There should be a Zoom at four o'clock with friends but I have somehow not managed to get on to Zoom the last twice.   My son came, intending to wipe it off and reinstall it.   But he could find nothing wrong with it - the problem is not my computer - it is me.   I shall try once more today and if I can't get on then I shall retire from Zooming.   Life is too short for the frustrations I am having with it all.

Rather a grey day today but not all that cold.   The weather forecast is that next week we shall have very cold weather.   Almost every year this happens - a few days of intense wintry weather - so shall have to look out some real winter woollies.

Off to get my new hearing aids in the morning - taxi is collecting me at ten fifteen - just hope I can manage to get them in!   Then it is new specs next - there is no doubt I am wearing out.


  1. Whilst I am pleased you have a good meal I am staggered that it requires that many vegetables. I would in fact be overwhelmed by the combination of vegetables. I am assuming they must be mini mini portions or else your plate would be piled high and overflowing. I like a meat and two veg but normally I make do with one. (I know that it is not just you because I see this on other blogs). Two sorts of potato would only be served on Christmas Day if we were lucky.

  2. I like walking past other people's gardens to get inspiration!!
    Good to have a different walk

  3. Instead of wearing out it sounds to me like you're just staying current with your new glasses, hearing aids and even skin. I get super frustrated with technology as well. When I vent to my sister about wanting to run away from it all she always gives me a lecture about the need to stay on top of it. So, don't give up. Give your Zoom meeting another shot tonight. In my case, a little persistence usually gets me over the bumps in the road.

  4. That sounds like a clever way to vary your walk. Nice to have something different to look at!

  5. We are all getting older, Pat. Luckily we can get "replacement parts" when necessary -- you with your hearing aids and glasses and a replaced hip! I have the glasses, as well ... an upper denture ... and 2 replaced knees and I am "only" 78!! LOL
    I believe ... for your age ... you are doing extremely well!!

  6. Lots of energy today. Have you any spare?

  7. Rachel - I much prefer vg to meat so am happy to have a small helping of meat - beef today abd beautifully tender. I have always served a medley of veg so her meals suit mefine.
    Zoom - I have just come off it - it worked reasonably well but not as good as it used to do.

  8. I am sure it suits you fine, it was never in question. I shall continue to be amazed.

  9. I'm glad your nose is okay!

    Zoom can be very tiresome. I don't blame you for thinking of retiring from it

  10. I think you'll be almost as good as new after all your MOT's. I have my booster jab tomorrow then it's just the dentist next week and that's my lot done.
    Well done for walking part of the way back from the doctor. I always feel better after a walk even if it has been hard work to get going.

  11. Hope you love the new hearing aids - I want to hear your opinion about them. Good luck!

  12. Heather - its always hard to get going isn't it?

    Thanks everyone. Iwrote a long thank you to everyone and then lost it. It is late and I have an early start - hopefully to grab a slot on Tesco Christmas shopping which opens tomorrow - and then off for new aids.

  13. Your walk and viewing lots of gardens along the way is a great way to find new plants (or combination of plants) for your own garden. I do this all the time and find it inspiring. Nothing in my garden is original. Everything was seen somewhere else (gardening book, private garden or park). Medical science is doing lots of amazing things and the advancements make our lives better.

  14. I can't wait to hear how your new hearing aids are. It is nice to take in different scenery, isn't it?
