Saturday 23 October 2021


 Quite an eventful day today.   First of all it was the designated day for my flu jab and T and S had promised to take me down to the Medical Centre.   They turned up five minutes early - I was planning to be sitting at the bottom of the drive on Priscilla but they drove up before I even got the garage door open.   And - good friends that they are - they neglected to tell me that they had chosen to have their jabs early so had no need to go down to the surgery but were going especially to take me.   They came back for a coffee on our return and stayed for an hour, so the day started with a nice chat.

After they had gone I prepared the sausage supper for my visitors and popped it in the oven an hour before their planned arrival time.  Within a short time the whole house smelled divine of sausage casserole and I must say it tasted good too.

We spent the afternoon chatting.   They had driven almost across the country - a long way = to see me and they needed a good rest before their return journey.   Very kindly both of them cleared the table, stacked the dishwasher, tidied everything away and then made a cup of tea for us all so I had nothing to do.   (neither of them drink coffee).   Last night I had a very bad night and so I had a job keeping awake all afternoon.   I was a bit the same today but I had warned them and instructed them to keep chatting so that I didn't drop off.

They went about five o'clock and it was only after they had gone that I realised that the ham sandwiches and Birthday Cake I had intended to give them for tea were still unopened.   I have sent them an apologetic e mail but I really was sorry - it would have been lovely to share a slice of cake with them both.

Now, at half past nine, I am having a really early night.   I can hardly keep awake.   Only rarely do I sleep badly but last night I still had not dropped off at 2am, so got up and had a couple of Weetabix. Can't remember getting back into bed!

Quiet day tomorrow.   After a busy day with my dear friends I need a quiet day to recuperate but I did so enjoy their company.


  1. A quiet day sounds like just what you need. Enjoy!

  2. I'm so glad to hear you've had a good visit with your company. It's too bad you did not sleep well last night. I often have trouble sleeping and understand how difficult it can make the next day. Hopefully, you will sleep well tonight and be able to have a restful day tomorrow!

  3. Have we missed your birthday, too, pat! If so, Happy Birthday!

  4. I hate those thin nights, when I can barely be awake the next day.

  5. Happy Birthday wishes sound like they were needed if you forgot to cut the birthday cake! How lovely to have proper guests though, and the meal sounded delightful.

    4.20 a.m. here and I have been awake over an hour, so I have come down for a little while. I hope you slept better tonight.

  6. We had a really delicious Thai take-away last night, but only when we were beyond eating any more did we discover one unopened pack that we'd left in the kitchen. Guess what I'm having for breakfast in a while.

  7. How nice to have a good time with visitors. I hope you sleep well.


  8. I hope you are well rested and fully recovered this morning, and not suffering any ill effects from the flu jab. I had mine a couple of weeks ago and turned up exactly on time, only to find that the person in front of me in the queue had arrived an hour early (because it looked like rain later!). But it made no difference and everyone got their jab whatever time they arrived.

  9. I hope you have slept better and feel less tired today. Both the coffee and chat with your friends after the flu jab and the later visit sound lovely. Maybe your flu jab contributed to your tiredness.

  10. Your forgetting the cake and sandwiches reminds me of how many times I would discover some delight or other in the larder which I had planned to use at Christmas. Hope you have caught up on your sleep. It is amazing how a bit of company can exhaust one, isn't it?
    I had my flu jab yesterday too. Although appointments had been issued, there was a huge queue outside the surgery. However, it move steadily and no-one was seen more than about 10mins later than their appointment. Thank goodness it wasn't pouring with rain.

  11. I hope that you slept well and feel more rested today. Perhaps a day to take things easy?

  12. I had a superb male Hen Harrier on the reserve that I look after this morning, possibly one from your area. Several winter down here on the reserve every year.

  13. What a full day! I'm not sure how you managed it all. If I have guests coming for dinner, that's all I can handle. From the time I get up, until the time my guests arrive, I'm a whirling dervish...and usually quite "testy", (pre-guests), as well. I admire your ability to take it all in stride. It sounded like a big success...birthday cake or not.

  14. Hope you've had a nice relaxing day. Is your TV mast working yet? Dick and Angel are back on C4 tonight, so hope so.

  15. I don't know how you do it Weave. One thing arranged is enough for me in a day, big or small.

  16. Charlotte no you have not missed my birthday - it is on Hallowe'en.

    Thank you all for communicating. I have been very tired today and have slept most of the day. Better agaun tomorrow I hope.

  17. Would you mind sharing your recipe for your sausage casserole in a blog post sometime? It sounds like you had a perfectly great day! ~Andrea xoxoxo

  18. Feminine Energy - I got the recipe off the internet. Just type in Mary Berry's Sausage Supper Recipe
