Thursday 7 October 2021

Covid Jab Day

Yes - today was the designated day for my third Covid jab.   They are so efficient with them in our little town.   My appointment was for 12.50pm and J, my carer, volunteered to take me and wait for me, which was as usual so very kind of her.

We arrived on time and she stayed in the Car Park while Priscilla and I walked across to the tented entrance and joined the short queue.   Everything went like clockword and the longest wait was the fifteen minutes after the doctor had given me the jab when I had to wait before I left the building.   I was home again before a quarter to two - all done and dusted.

After a cup of tea Priscilla and I walked round the block as the sun was out and it was warm.   I was tired by the time I got back home - maybe a bit too much to do but no harm done and so far no ill effects of the jab.   And we did have one or two nice chats on our walk - everyone seemed to be out in the sunshine.

Tomorrow it is ear tests with the idea of getting new hearing aids - long overdue I might add.



  1. I hope you feel well enough to have your ears tested. If it were me I probably would have scheduled my hearing test further out from the day I got my COVID booster. But perhaps it will be nothing and you will feel fine. I'm glad you got your booster shot. ~Andrea xoxo

  2. I am waiting to hear when my 3rd Covid jab will be done - nice to know they are being rolled out now. Hope the new hearing aids will be comfortable and effective, and that tomorrow will be another fine day to allow you a little walk round the block. It has been very mild here today and hard to believe it is October. I am sure it will soon change.

  3. I am curious to hear about your new hearing aids. Mine are quite old too and I would like to see what is available now. Hoping your visit will help me too! :)

  4. I am happy to hear that you have gotten your third shot. We will be getting ours soon.

    If you have trouble handling the hearing aid batteries you might ask about the rechargeable hearing aids that don't take batteries. They cost a bit more but might be worth it to you. Have a good evening!

  5. Glad to hear that the jab went OK - after 94 million vaccinations they should have the hang of it by now!

  6. I hope you have no unpleasant side effects from your booster jab. You were fine last time though were you? Was it the same one?

  7. My hearing aids are rather old, about 7 years, and it is time to get a new pair, probably in January. Let me know what brand you select, I have Phonak and like them.

  8. Pleased to hear you managed a walk after having your booster! Hope the hearing aid appointment goes as smoothly.

  9. I think you would definitely enjoy the convenience of digital hearing aids as has been suggested by so many others.

  10. Jaycee I had a slight reaction from the second one last time - I chatted with the docto who gave me it this time. He said it was not likely that I would react to the jab this time and he told me only to get in touch if I had any reaction for longer than four days.
    Bonnie - that is the reason I am having new aids - I can no longer fiddle with the batteries.
    Feminine energy - I have had my hearing aid tests booked for several weeks but I only got called in for my jab a couple of days ago.

  11. It is great to get all those tasks completed and out of the way. Hopefully, the new technology in hearing aids will serve you well. Did the doc say how long the 3rd jab provides protection from Covid?

  12. Good luck with new hearing aids. I wish I could find some I liked and could afford.

  13. Hearing disabilities can be so isolating. I am curious to see what can be done for you. Glad you got your booster. We are not eligible until November.

  14. No 15 minute relaxing time here. In, jab, out. I now need my booster, and a 'Flu jab.

  15. Unfortunately down here in Kent we never enjoyed the warm sunshine that the weather man was raving about, I was looking forward to that. Yes, it was mild but we had heavy grey cloud most of the day causing it to get dark early in the evening. This morning when I got up at 5.30 it was drizzling.
    Not aware of anybody I know down here having Covid booster jabs yet.

  16. It must be reassuring to have received your booster. I'm not sure how quickly they are being rolled out here. X

  17. Good to know you've had your booster!
    And I know that you're in Ripon today - wish I could be there, too, and meet you for coffee and a chat at Oliver's Pantry or elsewhere.
    It's been mostly grey all week with some rain, but the sun came back yesterday afternoon and is supposed to stay with us all weekend. It is, however, very cold in the mornings and nights (6 Celsius when I got up today).

  18. Glad to hear you've had your booster, they are getting very efficient with jabs now aren't they. I hope if you have any side effects they are very mild. And good luck with your hearing test too, it will be nice to hear clearly again.

  19. Thought of you Librarian when I was in Ripon this afternoon - it is a lovely city isn't it.

    Thanks everyone for your contribution.
