Thursday 14 October 2021

A Nothing Day

 Other than my Thursday visit to the hairdresser (cut this week) today has been a 'nothing' day really.  It is not the day for Priscilla - she doesn't function in the wind and it has been strong here all day.   When my taxi calls to take me down into town she folds up into the boot of the car and all she has to do is take me across the  footpath and into the salon and then across from the washbasin to the mirror chair.   But once we got home I am afraid we have stayed in all day so no six chats today - just the hour when my carer was here when she chats as she goes about doing her various jobs, then the taxi driver who was talking about having to put his fares up as the price of petrol has risen twice in the last fortnight, then my hairdresser as she was washing and cutting my hair and later in the morning my son and I had a long phone chat about this and that.   His son is getting married this weekend.   I wish I could go to the wedding but it is a long way away and is a two day affair in a hotel licenced for marriages and my son, quite rightly, thinks it would be far too much for me - so hopefully a Zoom is being set up for me and the other Grandma who is the same age.  I suppose on the plus side I don't have to worry about what to wear.

I know my little  Great Grand Daughter (five in a few weeks and mum expecting another addition to the family in a month) has a special outfit and is looking forward to it greatly.   It is a very 'modern' wedding so I don't know whether she is bridesmaid or whether it is just a special outfit.   If I get a photo of it all I will post it for you to see.    As I write this I remember my Grand Daughter (her mum) was bridesmaid for the farmer and me when we married in 1993.

How happy we were for our 23 years together - indeed how lucky I have been to have 39 years with M, my first husband and then 23 years with the farmer.   When I realise that my son is now 63 I realise just what a long and happy life I have been lucky enough to have.

Another day tomorrow, a bit more sunshine promised, then  a day or two of chilly weather then back to something a bit warmer.

See you all tomorrow.


  1. You should definitely get dressed up anyway for your Zoomed wedding! If it weren't for you, there would be no bridegroom, you are an important part of the day!

  2. We have only been out to take items to our recycling bins!
    Definitely dress up smart..why not?!

  3. I'm happy with my life too but I do sometimes wish we could do it all again.

  4. I agree with CharlotteP and gz, I think you should wear something smart for the Zoom wedding - it’s a good excuse to wear some of your new clothes! I can’t believe your great grand daughter is five. That means I have been enjoying reading your blog for over five years!

  5. What a happy event! I hope I live to see my grandchildren married and with families of their own but I will need to live to at least 90 for that to happen. They are just teenagers at the moment.

  6. Wonderful you get to be a special guest.

  7. Yes, you could get dressed up and lipstick applied for the Zoom wedding attendence, that could be fun

  8. We had a lovely day yesterday. Not only did the sun shine, but prior to our imminent departure for England, we also had several visits to bid us farewell. How good it is to have very good friends who say they'll miss us! We have more friends coming today.

  9. Like some of the others here have said, I'd definitely dress up, put lipstick on and wear a hat (or at least a fascinator) for the wedding zoom session!
    It was beautiful here yesterday, golden sunlight all day and a gorgeous sunset. I managed to fit in two walks; a shorter one during my lunch break with a friend, and a longer one after work with my sister.
    Yes, your life with two happy marriages and filled with so many wonderful memories sounds good, and I think it is great how you can appreciate all that instead of focusing on what is not possible anymore.

  10. Yes dress up and be part of the family, which incidentally you brought into being.

  11. I think that it is beautiful that your family made sure to give a front row seat to you even if you CAN'T be there. I think it is one of the joys of aging, to look at the ones coming up behind you and marvel at your part in it. I always say to myself, "Self, you've done a good thing here."

  12. Six conversations a day is quite an ask.
    I would settle for your four yesterday.
    Quality over quantity every time. x

  13. I hope you enjoy your Zoom wedding meeting and get to see everything. I was invited to the wedding of one my grandsons a few years back. I bought a new outfit and shoes, and then caught an awful cold so stayed away, but am all ready for the next big event!

  14. I wonder if attending weddings by Zoom will be more of a thing in the future. I for one would love to have the Zoom guest option. There are parts of a wedding I love watching like the walk down the aisle by the bride with the excited children chosen to carry out wedding duties. Other parts are not my cup of tea. The wedding dinner is always bit of a roll of a die for me...sometimes fun and other times, not so much. Sitting in my own comfy chair with a few favourite snacks and a glass of wine at my side sounds like a delightful way to view a wedding.

  15. Congrats to the bride and groom! You can celebrate with a toast to them as you watch the Zoom wedding! How exciting! It is nice that you can be included through Zoom so you won't miss out on the celebration! Best wishes!
