Friday 24 September 2021


 Friday, the end of a rather busy week and it has certainly ended with a bang rather than a whimper because it has been such a hectic but enjoyable day.

I was sitting eating my morning porridge when friend S rang to ask whether I would like to go out for the morning - first to go to Tesco to look at a new mobile phone for me and then on to  The Green Frog, a Garden Centre, where they wanted to buy a plant as a present.

I was very grateful for friend S's input in the buying of a new phone - not an iphone but just an update on the phone I already had.   It didn't take all that long to choose the right model for me - the salesman transferred my SIM card and we were away.

At The Green Frog T and S went off round the plants - all beautifully arranged and looked-after while I went into their gift shop as I wanted a small gift for a friend and also a selection of cards for forthcoming birthdays. All done we went into their very nice cafe for lunch (scampi, chips and salad for me; lasagne with chips and salad for T and what turned out to be a delicious vegan cashew nut loaf with salad for S).   And so it was home for coffee at my bungalow - a really lovely outing so many thanks to T and S.

I had been home but a short time when friend M pressed the doorbell.   She is shortly moving house - only a short way from here to across the road and into a bungalow.   Like me she lives alone and the whole operation is a little daunting but she has a very supportive family and I am sure everything will be alright.

And now - six o'clock and time for tea which will be the lunch my dear carer left for me - a cheese and onion pie.  Certainly no shortage of calories today!


  1. With all that activity you will need the calories.. especially as the weather has turned a little colder!

  2. All phones matter, no need to say "not an iphone", all phones are good, android or otherwise. Glad you have some good people to take you out and look after your needs.

  3. That sounds like my kind of day... good food and good friends!

  4. A busy and enjoyable day. I expect you'll sleep well tonight. X

  5. What a lovely day's always nice to be able to choose gifts yourself, rather than ask someone else to get them for you.
    I was a bit foolish today; trying to scrape woodchip wallpaper off the kitchen ceiling...the plasterer said he would do it, and it would have been sensible to let him. A severe reminder that I am no longer 35 (I left the date 1995 painted beneath the paper!)

  6. Sounds like a perfect day of fun, friends and good food. Sleep well tonight, Weave!

  7. What a lovely day with very good company. A few extra calories will not do much harm.

  8. That sounds like ' the old days' ! The good times are back !

  9. What a wonderful day! Good friends, shopping and a nice meal out, I bet you sleep well tonight!

  10. A perfect day as you accomplished many tasks and enjoyed a lovely meal with friends. I love British garden centers with their amazing collection of plants, cafes, tea rooms and beautiful gift shops. US garden centers lack the cafe, tea room and gift shop.

  11. Sounds like a good adventurous day, with everything completed!

  12. A lovely busy day.
    I always choose scampi and chips!

  13. Rachel I didn't quite mean it like that - I do agree with you. But it is just that if I had an iphone there would be extra things that I could do but I shake so much that we decided against it.

    Thanks everyone.

  14. It's a myth that the iphone is the be all and end all.

  15. Well as the owner/user of a basic Nokia mobile phone that simply makes/receives calls and texts, I would agree with Rachel. I see my phone as a simple communication tool and don't want to walk around with a pocket sized encyclopedia on my person.

  16. What a perfectly lovely day... and sometimes we simply have to refuse to count calories! I admire you for not being afraid of a cell phone. I have yet to indulge. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  17. Thank yiu Rachel - my son has been telling me that for years.
    Derek - I have a barometer by my front door and every night when I lock up I look at it and change the pointer on the front so that I can see what has happened to the air pressure overnight

    Feminine energy Thank you for that.

  18. How lovely for you, you're quite able to get out and about and enjoy yourself after all!

  19. That sounds like a nice day. Plus a cheese and onion pie. I remember those being staples in chip shops in Manchester, but you can't get them in chippies up here in Edinburgh!
