Wednesday 1 September 2021


 Do you have what I call 'frazzled' days?   Days when everything takes twice as long to do as usual and the harder you try to be 'normal' the more you feel the opposite?   Well today has been 'one of those days'.  Perhaps it is me.   Perhaps things are just as usual but my brain has decided not to process anything, to have a day off.

It started badly.   My carer kindly gives a good clean through for me once a month and I agreed with her that I would this month clean everything at waist height (it is dangerous for me to stretch up or bend down as my balance is bad).   I have really enjoyed it and have discovered muscles I had forgotten I had.  I have polished all the furniture, wiped all window sills, cleaned the hob, cleaned the top of the kitchen units, tidied the bookshelves.  Not all in one day I hasten to add - it has taken me a good week doing a bit, sitting down a bit and then doing a bit more.

Last night, to be sure, I made certain the vaccuum cleaner was fully charged.   Luckily she brought her own because mine lasted all of five minutes (it is a twenty minute one).   We had a good look at it, we consulted my son, we decided I needed a new one.   My son consulted on line when we found mine refused to charge.   Ten minutes after my carer had gone having used her own to finish the carpets, I plugged mine in for a last try before ordering a new one - it worked perfectly and merrily charged for two hours before saying it was fully charged again.   We now will wait and see.

Then I tried to deal with an insurace which is due for renewal and I needed to telephone to confirm that I wished to renew.   I got out all the documents and made a note of the questions I wanted to ask- rang the number only to be told that number was unobtainable. I looked in my file and tried various numbers (the company has recently changed hands) until after almost an hour of searching eventually I got the right number.   They apologised profusely - they had typed the renewal on the old company notepaper in error!   Then of course I had to sort all the papers I had had out of the file into the right order before sorting them in again.

Then trying to add to my supermarket order which comes tomorrow - many things were unobtainable - coffee, my favourite beetroot(to which I am addicted), my favourite coleslaw.   So I had to search through and find alternatives.   Then half way through adding them to whole thing went off and I had to start again.

The last straw came this afternoon when I wrote the cheque for the insurance renewal, put a stamp on the envelope and thought I would relax by walking across the road in the sunshine (yes it is a lovely sunny day here), then I couldn't find the letter I had just written and stamped.   I retraced my steps from my desk - reciting to myself where I had been.   To take my mind off it I emptied the tumble drier and folded the towels, took the pipe out of the window and closed it, bent down to put the pipe out of the way - there was the letter.   The breeze from the open garage window had blown it on to the floor.   It is now a quarter past four and I am doing nothing more today - I am frazzled!!


  1. Sorry you're having one of those frazzled days. I believe they are normal at any age. I call them the day somebody put a curse on me. Usually, frazzles happen during a new Moon or when I'm so distracted by something, I don't want to remember what it is.
    I hope things go more smoothly for you.

  2. No doubt there'll be other days when you get everything finished by half past ten in the morning.

  3. Goodness what a day.
    I have been having more an more of these days. What a huge mess.
    Tomorrow will be better.

  4. I am just glad you got the bonus of finding that lost envelope by accident! At least that was a brief happy note. May tomorrow be a better day!

  5. I always say I am having a 'Bad Day at Black Rock' after the Spencer Tracey film. I've having more days like this too.

  6. Oh, Pat, I have frazzled days, too, and this has been one of them. I seem to have been going round in circles, achieving nothing, and with a hideous list of things that need to be done growing longer by the minute. Tomorrow will be a good day. Hopefully.

  7. I taught first grade( 6 year olds) for many years. At the beginning of the each year I would read Judith Viorst's Alexander and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day to my class. It is a sweet book about the trials and tribulations of one little boy. Nothing earth shattering or life challenging but aggravating and annoying stuff that all happened in one day. After that reading the kids and I could say to each other "oh no it's a terrible horrible no good very bad day!. It made us smile and look forward to the next day which HAD to be better.

  8. Rosse - I shall try to remember that - thank you!

    Thank you - so far yu lot have improved how I feel.

  9. Glad it all worked out in the end!

  10. Well it was all nothing really. Pluto probably playing around with you.

  11. I have days like that also but I've come to the conclusion that they are more apt to happen when I'm not really wanting to do a task or I've left too little time to accomplish the task. Not always but often is the cause. I refer to them as days I have to work twice as hard to get half of the result. My biggest frustration is when everything that can cause a mess, does. Makes twice more the work to clean up my messes. I am glad you fought your way through and especially glad you found the letter. I used to think these were things that only would happen when I got older. I'm older, and looking back, this kind of thing was happening when I was in my 30's. Maybe it was Pluto. Or is Mercury in retrograde? Tomorrow will be better. Ranee (MN) USA

  12. You have my sympathies. Those days which are "set to try you" are never enjoyable!

    I have been organizing our attendance at an Antiques Fair (talk about last minute - I had no reply when I left a message on their answer-phone last week), and buying a gazebo for it, and sorting out stock. Yeesh! Plus on the phone to the Dr's, Hospital etc to try and get ongoing care for my husband.

    Oh,and in the middle of all this, taking a kitchen unit apart to make room for the new cooker which is arriving on Friday, just when we need to be down at the Showground, setting up. It never rains but it pours. Thank heavens for Useful Daughters and Husbands!

  13. Oh dear. That sounds like a really frustrating day - no wonder you feel frazzled. But think how much you have done and feel a sense of accomplishment.
    Here's hoping tomorrow will go more smoothly.

  14. Our family has a history of 'just before the guests arrived' frazzled moments. Yesterday I fumbled a bottle of bright red nail polish putting it away. It fell off the counter in the bathroom and shattered, seeping into the grout, and splattering up the bathroom door, just as the guests taxi arrived. Another time, the cat chose to vomit on the carpet, complete with sound effects, as the guest walked through the door, and my grandmother was notorious for dropping delicious time-intensive dishes from oven to counter-top, as guests chatted on in another room. She also served a dark green kitchen scourer in with the spinach. Well done on all your work Pat. It's probably all the housework pre-guests that leaves me frazzled but the laughs at the table are worth it.- Pam.

  15. Bed time. Extra blanket over feet tonight as I woke with cold feet this morning. Feeling my old self again. Thanks for your comments.

  16. You've had what I call a bumpy day when lots of little things go astray. Now and again, we all have a day like your day today. Thank goodness, nothing truly disastrous happened.

  17. Don't you just hate days like that! We all have them from time to time and it just makes me want to go back to bed and start over the next day. I was happy to read you were feeling yourself by the end of the day.

  18. I spent the day fitting security devices, around the place, in the hot sun. I too was frazzled, but in a different form.

  19. Thanks everyone. New day dawns - not very light at six thirty in the morning. How the days are getting shorter.

  20. Good morning Pat! Yes, I guess we all know that kind of day when we're just not ourselves, no matter how hard we try.
    But to me it sounds like at least half of the things had nothing to do with you - the insurance company printing their letter on the old paper, for instance.
    It was a beautiful sunny day here, too, and today looks even better. I have a picnic scheduled for tonight after work, with my colleagues - two of them I have not seen in a year or so!

  21. We've all had those days - you'll have a better day today!

  22. We don't need frazzled days but it sounds as if it turned out OK in the end.

  23. I would not have been happy with the insurance company's inefficiency and would have cancelled and found one that knew what it was doing ( hopefully!)

  24. Frances I trust him implicitly and they are just in the process of changing hands.I atill use my late husband's broker from our days on the farm.

  25. Btter day today indeed. Hair has just been done. Tesco order coming later so now it is lunch (chicken and leek pie made by my carer) then wipe out the fridge ready to receive theThank new food order,

    Thank you for cheering me up.

  26. You did more than your share, Weaver... you got a lot accomplished! I do the same thing... sit then work, then sit, then work. You're having trouble finding coffee? Oh my, I wonder why that is? ~Andrea xoxoxo

  27. Yes. I have frazzled days here sometimes.

  28. I've just been frazzled for a few minutes, trying to create a photo for an advert for myself (music lessons). I was all fingers and thumbs. I wondered why. I decided I was subconsciously worried about the outcome of, in this case, looking for a bit of work. From then on I felt fine. Conclusion - the reasons for frazzling are often subconscious, perhaps. Unravelling the cause can restore one's equilibrium.
