Sunday 26 September 2021


No doubt about it, there is now a distinct nip in the air  this Sunday morning - September going into October- the sky is blue and a rather watery sun is out, but I notice people going past with their dogs have almost all got a jacket on.  And so the seasons roll by - we can't hold on to them and every one has its beauty.

I needed to pay the milkman so Priscilla and I walked down to put his money through the door.   Then we had to decide whether to walk right round or walk back the way we had gone.    We chose to go on.   It was a mistake.   It is almost a week since we walked right round, too many things have taken precedence.   It was too far and I found it a real struggle to get home.   I have been very tired ever since, so it was a pleasure this afternoon to welcome friend H from next door round for a cup of tea.   It is her birthday today and her family helped her to celebrate it yesterday.

Last night I watched the new Strictly Come Dancing.   Last year I found it so boring that half  way through I decided not to watch it any more.   I switched on last evening expecting to feel the same but the standard of dancing was absolutely stunning and if it carries on in this vein I shall definitely continue.  But I hear on the News this evening that already one couple have to miss next week after testing positive for Covid.   It hasn't gone away has it?

See you tomorrow when, hopefully, there will be something more exciting to report. (well the toilet is blocked and they are coming in the morning to unblock it if you call that exciting!) 


  1. clogged toilets are a bit of excitement that I can happily do without, thank you very much!

    I have spent last night and today doing the vegetables from the garden. It was chilly enough this morning that I dried the navy and black beans in my oven on low to keep the kitchen toasty. I made some tomato soup base for the freezer, chopped peppers for the freezer, and blanched my chopped carrots. My William was helping me. He said at one point, 'You remind me of a squirrel!'

    I've scrubbed the bathroom floor with a scrub brush, and I'm about to get my laundry done for the week.

  2. It's always exciting when the toilet gets blocked! At least it's something new to talk about.
    I watched Strictly too and was amazed at the standard of dancing for week one. I thought it odd to have two men dancing together but when I watched them I was very impressed. It's going to be so interesting to see how things work out for each of the couples in the forthcoming weeks.
    Hope you soon recover from your exhausting day - it doesn't take much, does it? It took me two days to get over a lovely weekend with my youngest daughter last week.

  3. We thought the same about Stictly. It was just Week 1? Some not as good as others, but no duffers, so it should be a cracking series this year.
    We get drain problems too. Our house is on a hill, facing down, but with the toilets at the back. The slope to the sewerage pipe is very shallow, and we learnt to be very careful about what gets flushed away!

  4. veg artist - my bungalow is situated in a very similar position from how you describe yours

  5. A neighbour and I had an offer too good to refuse on our large blocks, side by side on suburban land. The houses were demolished and we moved on. When people queried our contribution to suburban in-fill, we explained that we could not cope with any more plumbing problems.
    .The toilets were unpredictable as to when they would block, adding to the stress of entertaining or accommodating guests .
    The pipes underground were old clay ones, and were always cracking due to soil subsistence and tree roots.
    It became expensive after a while, especially when the plumber spoke at one stage of digging up cement. I miss the beautiful garden, but again, too expensive ,as even with large rainwater tanks, we had several droughts and the water bills were enormous.
    It felt selfish to water when country folk were losing stock and there was so much heartbreak.
    Downsizing for us both took all those problems away...and we still enjoy gardening on a much smaller scale. - Pam, Aus.

  6. You definitely need your bathroom to be in working order! Do you have a chamber pot to use while waiting for the plumber to unclog your toilet! Have him get you a proper plunger so you can try to do your own unclogging!

  7. Home repairs are never ending. Things can be working perfectly well and without notice fail. Having a plumber, electrician and handyman on the ready is important. It is cool here too. The sun is warm and the breeze carries a chill. Beautiful Fall day.

  8. When I can walk again, I absolutely must do physical therapy!

  9. Interesting. I thought I would watch Strictly this time having not watched the last series but turned it off after 30 minutes, I couldn't stand it another minute. I hope you have a good day.

  10. I am not sure what to say this morning, the rain is hammering away at the window but we need it. Wretched news about blocked toilet, hope the plumber can fix it. Rest today if it is raining, long walks round the block can always be put on the back burner as well.

  11. It's raining hard here today, definitely autumn!

  12. There is always something to sort out when you have a house to look after! I noticed yesterday that the lead flashing had come out above my single storey extension. Hope I can find a friendly roofer who's not too busy...

  13. I liketo see how you are each day and I'm never disappointed at your post content!

  14. Pat, I'm just a few chapters into the newly published autobiography by Gyles Brandreth called "Odd Boy Out" and it's already a brilliant and hilarious read and worth getting, I feel sure you'd enjoy it, he's had a brilliant life. There are many really amusing quips as you read along, like one his father used to tell.
    "a preacher at a funeral promised the congregation that on the Day of Judgement there would be a fearful reckoning, leading to much "weeping and gnashing of teeth". From the back of the church, one of the congregation called out, "What about them that's got no teeth?" The preacher thundered back, "Teeth will be provided!"

  15. I'm with Rachel on Strictly this time. Perhaps it's just my mindset at the moment.

    I have overdone things with the amount of driving recently and not walked enough - I need to get the balance right but it was just Sod's Law that two of the Outings were a fair way off.

    In the winter we will be yearning to Go Somewhere.

  16. Catching up after many weeks away due to bereavement. And guess what I come back and your loo is blocked - I hope that's not an omen!

  17. So sorry about the clogged toilet. I hope you have another to use. Cooler temperatures feel good after the heat of summer.


  18. Lovethe Brandreth joke Derek - I am sure I shall like his book - I love all his writing. He always seems s uch a nice man when he is on television.

    Interesting what you say Raxhel. Last week I couldn't stand the warm up week and thoought that was it for the series. Switched on this week and the standard of dancing was amazing - much better than it ever had been before in week one.
    The plumber was here at eight on Monday morning and he cleared it in a coupl of minutes - the manhole was clogged with toilet paper.

    Thanks everyone.

  19. Strictly is one of those light entertainment Saturday night fillers, when there's usually little else on and that you have to take with a pinch of salt. The thing that lures me to it every year is watching the journey that people, with zero dancing skills, take, to end up as near professional standard, something that they can't fake.

  20. It wasn't the actual dancing that put me off Weave, and Derek. It was all the rest. I didn't know anybody, although that shouldn't really matter, but if one does it gives that little bit of added interest to keep watching.

  21. Very cool here too. Autumn color is lovely today. Isn't there always some dilemma underway. Fate was on your side when you found the hearing aids.
