Wednesday 22 September 2021

Another hectic day

 You wouldn't think I could have hectic days when I walk so slowly with either a frame or Priscilla but I can assure you it is all too easy when I get to my desk, sit down and get out my writing pad,to find there is no pen anywhere near so I have to get up and go into the kitchen pot to fetch oneAnd this  is followed by many similar incidents.

My hair appointment was a day early so, of course, I have now been thinking all day that tomorrow will be Friday when it is really only Thursday.  (If I ever said 'tomorrow will be Friday' when I lived with my Mum and Dad he would always retort 'and we've caught no fish today' - something to do with fishing boats not setting sail on a Friday I believe (I shall look it up when I have finished this post.)

I returned to a pile of post, all of which needed dealing with - either a written answer to be posted or a phone call.   As so often I was pleased that I lived directly opposite a post box.

Afternoon involved chatting to a builder who is coming to repair and renew an outside sink - unfortunately it is the one where my gardener put in a new pipe for me last week and to work on the sink the builder has to remove the pipe.   So that was another phone call to apologise to the gardener before he returned to work in the garden only to find his pipe work messed about with.

Now early evening and  all loose ends sorted out.   Nothing feels better than when everything on your list for the day is crossed off.   All that is left to do now is to washing up my tea things  (I no longer use my dishwasher unless visitors come - I feel it is too extravagant).  Then I shall sit down with a cup of tea and have another stab at the Times crossword and wait for the 9pm programme where all the Royal Family reminisce about their memories of Prince Phillip - it promises to be a really interesting hour.

I have just watched the programme and am on my way to bed (my computer room and my bedroom are one and the same).   It was an interesting programme but somehow I found it a bit disappointing - not sure why.   Did any of you watch it?


  1. Can't remember the last time everything on my list was crossed off!

  2. I will be interested in comments on the royal family show.

  3. I start many a list.

    I also throw out many a list after a couple days.

  4. I think the Royals should all remain quiet for a while. Ever since Diana & Co went on some silly TV game show, they have been slowly losing their mystique. They should continue with their good works, but try to stay out of the press, or on TV.

  5. You have had a busy day. The best thing about a list is crossing everything off it! I love the sense of accomplishment. I would like to see the program about the Royals but I don't know when or if we will get it here.

  6. I enjoyed the Prince Philip memories. It was in fact recorded for his birthday celebrations, not for his death which may account for its brevity as they probably revamped it after he died before his birthday arrived. It was nice to hear the younger members of the family sharing their fond memories of him.

  7. I haven't watched it yet. Had a bit of a binge on 'The Crown' yesterday. I think it was Rachel who said don't trust a dramatic reconstruction of the royal family, so I watched with a sceptical eye.

  8. My list of things to do.
    1: make list of things to do.

  9. My lists of things to do often revolve around things to do with and for my mother, 93. 'Visit charity shops with Mum' was on it today
    as its something she enjoys. Last shop at the end of the day and she says "oh, I left one of my hearing aids on the floor in the changing room in the first shop, earlier in the day...can we go back?" (Peak hour traffic). Of course, a phone call confirmed the shop was closed. After calming her about that, she then became distressed as she thought she'd left her glasses there too. She was in fact wearing them.
    First thing on my list of tasks for tomorrow? Ring the charity shop, and hope the hearing aid hasn't been vacuumed up by the cleaner! Second thing? Hopefully collect it. Do you think the queen has discreet hearing aids? She certainly has to converse with a lot of people! - Pam, Aust.

  10. Anon - Never thought about that possibility but you may well be right. I often watch her walking unaided and often unsteadily and think she should have a walking stick but Suspect she is one stubborn lady when it comes to things ike that. She is amazing for he age.

  11. May I poke my nose in for a moment? When my 94 year old Mom left her home to move into an assisted living apartment, we discovered the dishes she had been hand washing to save them from the dishwasher, well ... they hadn't been as 'washed' as she would have thought. The arthritis that has riddled her body made such things exceptionally difficult for her. The machine does do a thorough job washing up. A little extravagance from time to time is OK. Cheers

  12. Maintaining our homes provides plenty to do. 2 repairs, one impacting the other is disappointing. I can relate. I am looking forward to seeing the documentary if it comes to the US.
