Tuesday 10 August 2021

Warm again

 Suddenly, after days of variable weather - anorak one minute,, scarf the next then no need for either, we have a day of warm, pure unbroken sunshine and open all the windows.   As this coincides with the day when my carer doesn't come and I am on my own, I don't go for a walk round the estate.   By the time I have done all the jobs it takes J an hour to do three hours have passed and it is time for lunch and by the time I have had lunch I am ready for a sit down and time for the Mind Games in The Times.

My neighbour S has just been to ask if I have any spare room in my Green Bin - it is recycling in the morning and on looking in the bin my gardener has left about two feet at the top so S can manage to squeeze a bit more in for recycling.   I wish I had room for a compost heap in the garden but sadly it is not that sort of garden particularly as most of it is up steps and I can't get up the steps in any case.

I was pleased to see S as I got confirmation that our televisions are not working.   I switched on for the News at lunchtime and suddenly the picture disappeared and reported 'No Signal' - it seems that nobody has a signal, so we must all just sit and wait for it to come back on.

I am missing The Olympics but at least they are over before the signal goes - that really would have been frustrating.

Friend W called with a couple of books to read.   I shall leave them for now because it is my book for Book Group this month.   I have chosen 'A Farewell to Arms' by Ernest Hemingway - I have read it once - and thoroughly enjoyed it- and I have also watched the programmes on Hemingway.   Now I am reading it again and making notes.   I am not enjoying it so much second time round although looking at the programmes it seems it is the book which made his name and gave him the reputation of being 'the best American writer since Mark Twain'.

Tea time calls - just toast and honey today I think.  See you all tomorrow - maybe there will be more exciting things to report.


  1. At least Jason Kenny's amazing win made an exciting finish to the Olympics - something to enjoy watching again on Youtube. He and Laura are such a likeable couple!

  2. Sorry you lost your TV signal - how frustrating. At least you have new books to read. I'm not sure if I have ever read A Farewell to Arms - if I did, it was a very long time ago and left no lasting impression!

    I have two days of Codeword puzzles to do, as we were out yesterday. Today we have had a carpenter in to put new sash cords in our Victorian sash windows and now I will have to clean the insides and get our next door neighbour (who it just happens is a window cleaner) to come and do the outside for me.

  3. Yes, at least you got to finish the Olympics before your signal went out. When ours goes out, I often wonder what happened... an accident took down the pole holding the transmitter or what? ~Andrea xoxoxo

  4. Since we moved here we find our signal disappears on a regular basis. Very annoying if my husband is in the middle of watching something.

  5. There is a fire at the transmitter at Bilsdale -we are 'off air' too, but I did manage to find BBC1 and BBC2 transmitting from Pontop Pike

  6. It's good that you can still do the jobs, even if it takes a long time. When I first moved to this village the electricity used to go off regularly, but after ten years or so they must have worked out what was wrong and now it seems much more reliable (dangerous thing to say!)

  7. Everything has grown so much with the rain. I completely filled our green bin (actually brown) today and it's another week before they empty it again (done fortnightly). I'll have to check it doesn't get so hot it melts the lid.

  8. I've just read that your transmitter at Bilsdale has been on fire.

  9. Tes Tasker - There is no telly in our whole area (unless one has Sky of course) - luckily I have plenty to read and iplayer still works. I wonder how long it will take to repair it.

  10. It has been a lovely day here too - just right - not too hot and a lovely gentle breeze. I do hope the TV service will soon be restored for you and your neighbourhood. Although there is so much that I don't watch, there are still one or two favourite programmes.

  11. I found the Hemingway series fascinating - he wasn't at all the superman I'd always assumed him to be! We also watched A Farewell to Arms, which was on after the series, and I know it was very dated, but I thought it the worst film I have seen in years! Man and film, products of their time, I suppose.

  12. Just checked - A Farewell to Arms is on iPlayer.

  13. It is always nice to have a lovely day of sun with the windows open.

  14. Internet and TV can be unreliable without notice. Hopefully all will be restored soon. The heat is predicted for tomorrow, back to high 90 and some to reach 100 degrees. I am looking forward to Fall.

  15. We both move so slowly that our days pass in great chunks, not teaspoons.

  16. Lovely, Back to mowing, swimming, sweating, and the BBQ. Out to an open air restaurant tonight. Summer is back!

  17. I'm sorry to hear your television programming has been down. Hopefully it will be back up tomorrow. It's lovely to have a nice sunny day with the windows open. Enjoy your summer days!

  18. I assume the Iplayer would work so people in the area would still be watching tv in spite of the fire.

  19. Many here (not my immediate area, but a few hours' drive away) still have no electricity (and of course no TV) due to the catastrophic floods. The cleaning up and - where possible - rebuilding will take not weeks and months, but years.
    Nonetheless, I hope you and everyone else in the area have your TV signal back soon.

    It looks like summer has returned this week! We're in for 27C today, and up to 31 tomorrow - right on time for my Mum's birthday... Their flat is on the top floor and can get unpleasantly hot during the day, so maybe we will move our small celebration downstairs to the garden of her close friend, like we did last year.

  20. iPlayer (and live BBC programmes) should certainly be available via your laptop, if not the TV.

  21. Looks as though live TV is off 'indefinitely' but I can watch on iplayer and catchup if I wish so I am not too worried.
    Thanks for infor re Farewell to Arms being on iplayer - after your crit on it I am not sure I want to watch it. Even a second reading, which I have just done has taken away some of he magic of a first reading.

    Thanks everyone.

  22. You might to watch Paula Rego documentary Weave. It was on BBC4 2 nights ago.

  23. The documentary on Hemingway was fascinating - what a long eventful life - but I also thought the Farewell to Arms black/white film was pretty terrible.

  24. I did wonder whether your TV reception would be affected by the fire at the main transmitter mast near Helmsley.

    According to the ITV web site they are having to work out whether the mast structure has been damaged before they can start to restore transmissions.

  25. John - wen yoou look into it it just says it will be out of order indefinitely.

    Ann I am not going to watch th film - too many bad reports.

    Will look at the paula Rego and report back - thanks

  26. The Rego is much more deserving of your time. I saw it about three or four years ago, but might watch it again. In the story of her life you can see the reasons behind her paintings, mostly on the situations that women live through. She had a fairly enlightened upbringing for the time in Portugal, if I remember rightly.

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