Wednesday 25 August 2021


 Sad to hear yesterday of the death of Charlie Watts.   I suppose we have reached the time when one by one the musical legends will begin to die off.   Charlie was eighty - the one of the Rolling Stones who for most of his life kept on the 'straight and narrow' only deviating for a while in middle age and even then taking himself in hand before things got too bad.  He was married to the same wife for over fifty years - she will miss him greatly.

I love the way he adored clothes and almost always wore Saville Row suits, expensive cologne and was always turned out to perfection - unlike most rock musicians - but then of course he was primarily a jazz drummer and I suspect that is how he will wish to be remembered.

I was never a great fan of this kind of music - by the time they all came on the scene I was married with a child to bring up and a husband who had been a professional musician and had no time for rock to say the least.   But it is great to read all the tributes to him in today's papers.   May he indeed rest in peace.


  1. I always remember an interview with Charlie at the height of their popularity. He was asked how he dealt with the constant attention of all the young fans. "It doesn't affect me much" he replied, "I come and go from the hotels as I like. If the fans bother me I just say 'Mick'll be coming out in a minute' and they rush off hoping to see him and leave me alone". The man had style.

  2. The Stones were not really my kind of music, though Dave loved them.
    When I was in my 20s, I went on a cycle touring holiday in Switzerland. There was a nice elderly (to me, then!) lady on our trip called Kathy Watts, I was astonished to discover that she was Charlie's sister, not that she ever mentioned it. It must be something of a curse, being the un-famous sibling of a celebrity.

  3. There was something about Charlie Watt that stood out, his style and demeanor that stood out. I wasn't a big fan of The Rolling Stones, but his death really touched me. The musicians of my generation are leaving. Life has a beat, a heartbeat until it doesn't.

  4. The Stones grew on me as I got older. Jumpin' Jack Flash it's a gas.

  5. John - I love that comment. Style indeed

  6. Rock musicians of the '60s have been dying off for years, many dying prematurely after lives of debauchery and excess. Charlie Watts has done well to live to 80, many have died much younger. Jagger and Richards defy logic.

  7. I found it interesting that his preferred music was jazz. He had quite a life!

  8. I saw them play in Denver in 2019…myself, grown kids, and granddaughter. Amazing. Each and every member of that band was so good, so energetic, so into the music. It was one of the best live concerts I’ve ever heard, and probably my last big stadium show. Charlie made it look easy.
    He will be missed.

  9. I heard that he bought all King Edward's suits! Did you hear him say he hated rock and roll?

  10. It is so nice that his marriage lasted and he is well thought of by so many. I was too busy bringing up my own family to have time for the music of the time, and my husband was only interested in oratorio or Gilbert and Sullivan. He had a fine bass voice and sang in choirs and operatic societies. My preference was for Frank Sinatra and piano concertos. I have eclectic tastes!

  11. Well, I have always loved the Stones and most Rock and Roll music. My husband was fortunate enough to see a live Rolling Stones concert but I have the lyrics planted in my head forever. I guess I was home with children! Charlie Watts will be missed.

  12. Tom - I thought it was the Duke of Windsor's suits - they didn't fit bt he liked looking at them. I also read that he didn't drive but had classic cars.

  13. I am so saddened by the news. Big Stones fan since I was a teenager.

  14. Weren't they the same person, Duke of Windsor and King Edward?

  15. I was sad to hear the news about Charlie Watts. I knew he had been sick for a while and would not be in the upcoming tour. As Rachel said, members of the Stones have somehow defied logic living as long as they have and still performing despite the extremes of their early lives. And they will be on tour in the US starting this September. Charlie will be missed by many.

  16. Sad news indeed, the Rolling Stones have been with us forever, thumping their music out. Saw them once on Eel Pie Island (before they became famous) and the beat as we danced was extraordinary.

  17. Sad to hear. My favourite YouTube clip of the Stones is Waiting on a Friend, so I watched it in his honour, but as your first commenter said, Charlie seemed to prefer being almost unnoticed. I remember a Year 7 excursion to a seaside town, memorable for 'Under the Boardwalk' by the Stones playing wherever we went, including on juke boxes which you never see now. We thought we were very grown up being fans. Pam.

  18. Re Windsor and the king, I believe they were the same.

  19. Anonymous, that also happens to be my favourite Stones clip. Another one is where the Stones were recording a track with foam being pumped across the studio and someone overdone it and it got higher and higher until Charlie at the back completely disappeared under it.

  20. Tom and Rachel - you were correct about the owner of the suits

    Thanks everyone.

  21. Heard a fun story about him on the news: Jagger was in a hotel room hollering for "his drummer." Watts walked down the hall, dressed in his suit, opened the room and yelled "I am not your drummer, you are my singer" and then supposedly punched Jagger in the face. He was married 57 years to his wife. Astounding. Guess my favorite Stones song would be "Midnight Mile", which is rather obscure but lovely...violins etc.
