Sunday 1 August 2021

Goodbye to the poppies

 For the last few years I have allowed the tall pink semi wild poppies to self-sow themselves in my garden where the Mares Tail weed grows.   I love them.   My gardener D hates them and every year I have to tell him he must not pull them up once they begin to emerge from the ground in about May.  Over the Winter and the Spring this year over 200 bulbs have been planted into that bit of the garden and they looked splendid.   Then we decided to plant it up, accept that we are never going to completely eradicate the Mares Tail and relax about it.   To that end we have now put in about fifteen new plants and there are at least as many again which can be salvaged from the rest of the garden where plants, after three years, now begin to want digging up, splitting up and replanting.

So looking at my garden today I see that the newly planted side, now that we have had a good rain, begins to look something like.   I also have to admit (yes D I own up) than on the   side where the poppy plants are now going to seed (I am speaking here of about maybe sixty poppy seed heads) they really must be pulled up before the fateful day when they begin to drop their seed - (otherwise next poppy-flowering time you will not be able to see the wood for the trees).   So my first job in the morning is to ring my gardener and  ask him to do just that - and boy, will he be delighted to do so (,even do it without being paid).

A totally dry day - Priscilla and I had our walk round this morning, dropping off a cheque at L's who does bits of local shopping for me.

A couple of very heavy rain storms, each lasting about an hour, means that everywhere looks so much healthier - and it is a joy to behold.


  1. Your garden sounds so lush and beautiful! It must be hard to say goodbye to the poppies but it does sound like you have many beautiful plants and flowers that will come up in their place. Enjoy your evening!

  2. I had to be firm with my Aquilegias at the old house. They would self-seed everywhere, and just took over! Here I have a discrete few but will spread the seeds I bought with me across the paddock and orchard, which are wilderness anyway.

    Glad you got some rain - it freshens everywhere up doesn't it?

  3. I am sure you will still get a few poppies next year, poppies are quite persistent. Your garden must be looking beautiful. Is there a chance that you might get a few photos to show us?

  4. Having an established and mature garden is wonderful. Splitting mature plants is a sign of a successful garden. Thinning our the poppies will be a good job done.

  5. Some day you should show us a picture of your garden. I had to rush off to google. I have never seen pink poppies before. Ours are always the brilliant orange-red ones. I can see why you were so taken with them. They are gorgeous! If I were there, I'd steal a couple of those seed heads!

  6. I guess noting is better than a happy gardener.

  7. I have a few big bold Poppies in the garden. There is never any logic to where they grow, they just pop-up where ever they feel inclined.

  8. Poppies are beautiful but short lived. I like the way the little yellow Welsh poppy always pops up in garden. Probably the birds carry the seeds around.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. It goes against the grain to many gardeners to pull out what are healthy attractive plants, but we have to do it sometimes. At the moment I am enjoying a squash plant which has 'surfaced' in the middle of the onion bed and is taking over. We did not plant it, I can't make out what variety it will be, so I'm just watching, fascinated, as it grows by the day.

  11. My pumpkin plant has to be cut back every week. It has grown outside the fence. It keeps wandering into the tomatoes on one side and the peppers on the other, even though I gave it about six foot wide swath of the entire garden. I hacked it back on both sides, tossed the vines over the fence for the deer and came back this week to find that the pieces of vine had taken root and were blossoming up a storm. There was even a little pumpkin. I'm reminded of Audrey from Little Shop of Horrors.

  12. I love poppies. I have a Ladybird book with poppies n the front. I love seeing them growing wild in hedgerows. One of my all time favourite flowers.

  13. Marestail is rampant here..being just fruit and veges I am always pulling's a nuisance that most of the mowings from the bit of the lawn that we keep as lawn can't go on the compost bin as it's full of the stuff.

  14. BB That is the next thing I am going to be firm with - they are all over my garden and the really large-blossom ones are not growing at all - it is dismal coloured ones that are taking over.

    Thanks everyone for joining in.

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