Friday 13 August 2021

Better spirits again.

Thanks everyone for 'chatting' to me yesterday - beween you all and my 'target' six people I try to chat to in person I usually manage to stick to my 'positive thinking' outlook.   I seem to be back there this morning thank goodness.   Being almost ninety is no joke (I suppose the alternative is worse) but at least if one can keep a reasonably positive angle on things life goes on happily.

I have to get up earlier on Fridays to take my weekly tablet which dictates I drink a glass of water and then stay upright for half an hour before my porridge.  The sky is blue, the sun is up and there is that lovely clear, clean feeling that there always is first thing in the morning.   I shall go and watch  'Breakfast' for half an hour before J comes.

My carer has now gone and once I have done this paragraph I shall go into the dining room and do my exercises.   Then I can sit and watch the first episode of the programmes on Hemingway before I go for my walk - I have to space out my day otherwise I get overtired.   I am working on the theory that if I do both walk and exercises every day then eventually I shall find I can do both without it proving too much exertion.   Hasn't happened so far but I can but try.

Well it is Friday the thirteenth with a vengeance today.  Knowing I have to give a presentation on Hemingway on the first Monday next month I watched the  first of the   six programmes again this morning and made notes intending to type them  up.  And what do I find?  When I come to print them off only part of my notes has printed. Having already done my strenuous exercises for the day I am just too tired to repeat type them so they will have to wait until another day.   I did intend when I had finish to walk round on my daily walk but not now - I feel like sitting down witha cup of tea and a scone. 


  1. You are watching all the Hemingway programmes again? Once was enough for me. How long a presentation are you planning?

  2. Sounds more like preparation for a viva voce than a book group.

  3. I had forgotten it is Friday 13th today. I hope you had saved your notes so that you can reprint them?
    When I had to give presentations I just made myself a bullet point list on cards to refer to and then waffled on around that.
    Hope you feel less tired tomorrow.

  4. I see that you eat the same porridge variety that I eat every morning, they're a really good product.

  5. So good to read that you are back with your positive thinking intact! Let's try to forget it's "Friday, the 13th." We've been having 90 degrees plus in our area & it's been quite draining. I'm planning on looking at today (altho' the 13th) as the onset soon of much more comfortable weather. My gardens are beginning to look a bit like jungles. Going to be good to get outdoors & play. Have a good weekend Weave! Hugs from the base of the mini-mountain in Maine.

  6. I did a short walk with a friend who's almost 80 this afternoon; 2 miles gently uphill to a viewpoint over the Teme Valley. She's recovering from an accident 2 years ago when she cracked 3 vertebrae, and like you, couldn't walk at all for quite a while. Keep up the walking and exercises, WILL find it gets easier!

  7. I have just done my walk this evening and found it quite a lot easier - obviously doing the exercises and the walk is doing me good.
    Brilliant product Derek - no other oats taste anything like as good.
    JayCee - yes I have saved the notes and just got out my notebook - that is precisely what I intend to do.
    Veg artist - only ten minutes but I intended to wach them all again in any case, I thought they were so good.

  8. Good for you for working on your exercises! I hope you enjoy re-watching the Hemingway programs. It does sound like you've had a full day.

    Our heatwave broke a bit after a huge thunderstorm yesterday and last night. I got drenched as I was caught in it bringing groceries home. Now today it is much cooler! Enjoy your evening Pat!

  9. Good to hear your spirits are up, and you are doing your exercises and walking. I got special exercises yesterday from a physical therapist, to keep my knees strong. You have reminded me I saw some Hemingway programs available.

  10. Enjoy that cuppa. It is so frustrating when technology ruins one's plans. I hope you will be able to type out the rest of your notes.
    How encouraging that the exercises plus a daily walk are making a difference. When I get up in the morning I feel as if I have someone else's feet and legs! It takes a while for them to get going.

  11. Glad you are in better spirits today. All your tricks for keeping fit and happy are working - visiting, exercise, walking, etc.! You are a good example for all of us!

  12. Heather's comment made me laugh - I know just how she feels! I am forever grateful to be in a country and situation to be able to have the comfort of a hot shower every morning to wake my body up ,get it moving, and ease the back pain ..a shower or easy access to water being a luxury for many in the world. I think living in a cold country would just freeze me up in the mornings. Mobility is a big issue in senior years, and I am grateful that my mother is doing well at 94 years and has access to excellent medications. We are so fortunate aren't we. Keep up the good work Pat! - Pam, Aust.

  13. Your daily walk plus exercises sound perfect. Building strength is important. Hopefully your typed notes are saved and can be recovered. A scone and tea sounds good to me.

  14. Well done, you, merging the exercises and the walk into one day.

  15. Hello, sorry I don't blog. never have. I just enjoy hearing what folks around the world are thinking about current affairs, their lives and daily activities. All that the folks say on the blogs I follow, help me see the world as a whole place of many diverse humans.
    I am an elder like you, so I love reading your posts everyday! Sorry, I guess I am called "a lurker" since I read but seldom post comments. That's okay with me..I love all the great daily news I learn about from the blogs I follow. Blessings to you and thank you for taking the time and patience to blog..........I have followed you for 10+ yrs. and will always follow, altho, maybe "quietly"...not always, tho. (sending a "smile" here :) )

  16. Thank you lynney62 and welcome - I love to have readers from around the world.

    Thanks for being in touch everyone. You keep me going.

  17. Doing your exercises and going for your walk every day obviously does you good. It is nice to know that, just like you brighten your readers‘ day with your blog, we can give at least a little bit back to you by chatting to you via our comments.

  18. Quite right Librarian. Most days I do feel cheerful and positive but it is not always easy so any cheery word is welcome.

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